Shelly Uni Support

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Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 pm
mclass offline
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Shelly Uni Support


I have been using the Shelly plugin since its release with great success.

With the recent purchase of a new house with a European-style gas boiler, instead of using a 24VAC interposing relay,I am in the process of using a Shelly Uni to interface the unusual 18VDC boiler thermostat circuit with the 24VAC Ecobee thermostat. The immediate implementation does not require integration of the Shelly with Indigo (the Ecobee will be used with the Ecobee2 plugin!), but it would be handy to have the Uni in Indigo to allow use of the devices's temperature sensing and second input and output for associated devices.

However, it appears after a forum search that the Shelly plugin does not (yet?) have support for the Uni. Is there any chance that this might be included in a forthcoming update? Or will I need to to use the Shelly MQTT or MQTT Shims plugins to implement this. For simplicity of configuration and use, the Shelly plugin is my preference.

If there are no plans for its addition to the Shelly plugin, I note that another use has opted for the Uni for a garage door opener, so some notes on experiences in integration with Indigo would be of interest.


Posted on
Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:28 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Shelly Uni Support

I guess that question is for me

I had planned to support that device. I actually have 2 of them in the drawer

But I am moving now and have no access to my setup until end of November. When hopefully my furniture arrives in Vienna.


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Posted on
Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:48 pm
mclass offline
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: Shelly Uni Support

Hi Karl!

Thanks for the quick response. Having recently moved just 5km, I have some sympathy for you moving to another continent!!

As I said, this is not urgent, but at some time it would be great if could be incorporated - and judging by today’s release of the new Shelly range, you may have your work cut out in keeping up with all the new stuff Alterco’s coming up with!!

Stay safe, and good luck wth the move!


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