Alexa Works but the Alexa App says "device is unresponsive"

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Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:21 pm
Gangotti offline
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Alexa Works but the Alexa App says "device is unresponsive"

So I'm having a weird issue with my current setup and it has been happening for about a year. 90% of the indigo devices are showing up in the Alexa app as "device is unresponsive" Funny thing is that when I ask Alexa to control the device she works without issue. Devices that are controlled by Alexa that are not controlled through the hue bridge work fine. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Attached is a screenshot from the Alexa app, in that case, all 3 devices are Insteon devices (1 On/OFF switch and 2 Dimmers) that are controlled by Indigo and are set up in the same hue bridge. As you can see The Bar LAmps and The Bar LED's are unresponsive, but the Bar Lights are showing as responding back to Alexa.. Again I can control all the unresponsive lights with Alexa voice commands and with the touch screen on the Echo Show so this is not a pressing issue.
IMG_3556.jpeg (135.35 KiB) Viewed 1587 times

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Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:29 am
Gangotti offline
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Re: Alexa Works but the Alexa App says "device is unrespons

Happy to report after updating to 2021-1 and setting up the Alexa plugin and adding the Alexa skill, this is no longer an issue. Thanks for all the hard work getting that feature into indigo

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