[ANSWERED]: CM11A and CM15A at the same time?

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Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:03 pm
mweber88 offline
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Joined: Jun 25, 2016

[ANSWERED]: CM11A and CM15A at the same time?

I'm an Indigo 4 user, and I know I can only use one X10 interface at a time with this version. However, from what I read on the Indigo site about interfaces, Indigo can use multiple interfaces, and doesn't say anything about there being exclusions of one per protocol.

Here's the problem: My CM15A is, on the powerline side of things, pretty much toast. For the past 5+ years, it has "sort of" worked. When my AC units are running on the roof, it's almost impossible to expect anything X10 to be controlled by it. In fact, prior to the AC even being installed, I had a hard time getting X10 devices functioning on the other phase of my home power, even with a phase coupler, until I got an XTBR repeater. More power, and things worked... mostly.

Now, with the AC units turned on, as I said, it's like pulling teeth to get X10 devices to work. I even installed XPF filters into each AC unit on the roof since I figured it was electrical noise generated by these which caused my problems, but that didn't help at all. $245 wasted there.

Today, I decided to dig deeper. I dug so deep that I pulled out an old CM11A, hooked up a USB-Serial port device, changed Indigo 4 to use my CM11A instead of the CM15A, and EVERYTHING works... no phase coupler, no XTBR repeater... with the ACs all running. No more issues.

Here's the problem: I have some RF remotes and devices that I still want to use. I CAN use an RF to powerline interface, either a TM-751 or RR-501, but the delay is AWFUL. The CM15A is instantaneous from pressing the button to see the log record the button press.

So, what I would like to do: Use the CM11A to send the X10 powerline signals, since that works, and use the CM15A for RF only. I mean, I have the CM15A, that part of it works perfectly, and I'd rather not fork over another $100 in hardware when money doesn't grow on trees.

Therefore, two related questions:

1. Can both a CM11A and a CM15A be configured in Indigo at the same time, and
2. Can the CM15A be disabled from sending powerline commands?

If so, I very well may upgrade so I can also upgrade my Mac OS (currently at 10.7) to El Capitan... if it's supported with the latest version of Indigo.


Posted on
Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:25 pm
mweber88 offline
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Re: CM11A and CM15A at the same time?


I created an El Capitan virtual machine on which to install the latest Indigo, and I investigated the interface pages. I see that there is a page for X10 powerline interfaces, which includes both the CM11A and the CM15A, but I can choose only one or the other, not both.

Also, there is no choice under RF interfaces for a CM15A. I realize that the Powerline interfaces selection for CM15A enables the RF interface as well as the powerline interface.

From what I'm seeing, it appears that I could possibly create a plugin for the CM15A that would only listen for and use the RF commands, but I haven't done any Python coding (yet). I'm a coder by occupation, and could figure it out for sure.

However, from anyone's personal experience here, whether you're a Plugin developer or an Indigo-internal individual, does this seem possible even though it may seem crazy? In my testing, I see that the CM15A does NOT relay the RF signals back to the power line when connected to both power and USB on the virtual machine with the Indigo server stopped.

Any input or feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Posted on
Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:08 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: CM11A and CM15A at the same time?

Hi Mike,

You can have Indigo not relay the X10 RF commands on to the power line via the Interface Options... button in the interfaces dialog (when the CM15 is selected). The last column on the right controls if Indigo retransmits commands on to the power line.

As you have noticed Indigo does not support using both the CM11 and the CM15 at the same time. I don't have a good solution for you on that problem though. The CM15 isn't a serial device (no USB to serial chip inside it) but instead uses the HID driver. That makes it more complicated to interface with. I don't know if there is a good python solution for communicating with HID devices on the Mac or not (worth Googling on though).

If you have a spare Mac then you could run 2 instances of Indigo and write a plugin or scripts to have one relay information about the commands to the other. Not simple, but easier than writing a CM15 driver layer IMO, presuming you have a spare Mac.

If it were me I would use this time to start transitioning away from X10. :)


Posted on
Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:48 am
mweber88 offline
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Re: [ANSWERED]: CM11A and CM15A at the same time?


Thanks for the feedback! I've been considering what you're recommending: transitioning away from X10. The switches I like from Leviton are no longer available, and the technology, while old, understood and fairly widely used, is definitely shrinking in its implementations. So, I've picked up several iPod Touch 4G devices and will just install Indigo Touch on them, create some cool Control Pages for them, and use those. Indigo Touch, as you're well aware, is instantaneous.

The only thing I currently use with X10 RF are the palm pad remotes. I have a couple keychain remotes and a motion sensor, but if I decide to use those for anything, I'll just stick with the TM751 or RR501 to receive and retransmit.

For now, I'm going to stick with my current Indigo version, and I'll upgrade by the end of the year... unless I have a need for a plugin sooner.

Again, thank you!

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