Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Discuss how Indigo and Z-Wave work together. If you have a Z-Wave device that's not listed in the Home Automation Hardware forum or in the supported devices web app, report it here.
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

Hi again:

I'm still dead in the water with this. I've had no response since my last reply mid-September. Can I get some further assistance?
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by matt (support) »

Let's back up and zoom out a bit on the troubleshooting here:

1) Choose the Interfaces->Z-Wave->Reload menu item then copy/paste the Event Log window results into a reply of the reload.

2) Are any of your Z-Wave devices working? If yes, what specific modules are working vs. not working?

3) With Z-Wave debug logging enabled, are you seeing any messages coming in from modules as they update (switches are controlled, sensors broadcasting updates, etc.)?
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

Thanks for your reply, Matt.

None of my Z-Wave devices are working. I did have a switch working as well as 2 motion/temperature sensors at one time.

Here is the log from the reload.

Nov 12, 2023 at 3:23:41 PM
Reloading interface "Z-Wave 2023.1.0" using API v3.3
Stopping interface "Z-Wave 2023.1.0" (pid 4370)
Z-Wave Debug stop_concurrent_thread called
Z-Wave Debug stopping node healing thread
Z-Wave Debug stopping node status polling thread
Z-Wave Debug stopped zwave packet parser thread
Z-Wave closed connection to Z-Stick Gen5+ (ZW090)
Z-Wave Debug stop_concurrent_thread called
Stopped interface "Z-Wave 2023.1.0"
Starting interface "Z-Wave 2023.1.0" (pid 51240)
Started interface "Z-Wave 2023.1.0"
Z-Wave Debug starting serial connection loop
Z-Wave Debug starting zwave packet parser thread
Z-Wave Debug SENT getVersion: 01 03 00 15 E9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getVersion: 01 10 01 15 5A 2D 57 61 76 65 20 36 2E 30 37 00 01 97 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getVersion: Z-Wave 6.07 static controller
Z-Wave Debug SENT getHomeID: 01 03 00 20 DC
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getHomeID: 01 08 01 20 E3 51 EE 58 01 D3 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getHomeID: E351EE58, nodeID: 001
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInterfaceFeatures: 01 03 00 05 F9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInterfaceFeatures: 01 04 01 05 38 C7 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceFeatures: 38
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInterfaceApiCapabilities: 01 03 00 07 FB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInterfaceApiCapabilities: 01 2B 01 07 01 02 00 86 00 01 00 5A FE 87 7F 88 CF 7F C0 4F FB DF FD E0 67 00 80 80 00 80 86 00 01 00 E8 73 00 80 0F 00 00 60 00 00 90 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportedFuncIDs: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1C 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3F 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4F 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 66 67 78 80 90 92 93 98 A1 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BD BE BF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 EE EF
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: serialApi 1.02, manufactureId 0086, productType 0001, productId 005A
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: SDK6.60.00+ (expecting RSSI value and securityKeyType bytes)
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportsGetClearNetworkStats
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportsTransmissionMetrics
Z-Wave Debug SENT setApiSetup: 01 05 00 0B 02 01 F2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD setApiSetup: 01 05 01 0B 02 01 F3 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . setApiSetup: transmissionMetrics enabled
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportsBackupRestore
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportsS2
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportsSmartStart
Z-Wave connected to Z-Stick Gen5+ (ZW090) interface on /dev/cu.usbmodem13401 (firmware 1.02, minimum SDK 6.81.06)
Z-Wave Debug SENT forceSUC: 01 05 00 54 01 01 AE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD forceSUC: 01 04 01 54 01 AF (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInitialNodeData: 01 03 00 02 FE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInitialNodeData: 01 25 01 02 08 08 1D 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 C0 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getInitialNodeData: is static update controller
Z-Wave Debug . . getInitialNodeData: [1]
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 01 BB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 16 01 02 02 01 73 (no inbound callback)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 001, class name: Static Computer Controller
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Static Controller : Static Controller : Static Computer Controller (02 : 02 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 00
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: beaming
Z-Wave Debug starting node healing thread
Z-Wave Debug starting node status polling thread

I'm not at home now - I did the above remotely. Still, I started the New Device prodcedure and I'm still not getting anything in the drop down "Sync using node:" . Please see attached.
Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 3.26.15 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 3.26.15 PM.png (392.1 KiB) Viewed 1436 times
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matt (support)
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by matt (support) »

How many modules do you have and what types are they? Do you have any lamp or appliance modules we can troubleshoot against? Those would be easy to make sure they are in range of your Z-Stick to rule out range or RF interference problems.
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

Thanks for your reply, Matt. Two motion sensors and 1 switch is what I had.

But I'm not sure why any of that matters. Does it? The motion sensors are 10 feet away from the Z stick. One of them worked totally fine before when it was up stairs (and the z stick is in the basement)!

The problem is on that dialogue box - Sync Using Node is blank. Is that related to the modules and their distance from the stick?
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

and please forgive me -I don't mean to sound like I know nearly enough to make that comment! :)

It just seems to me that the problem is between the stick and Indigo on the Mac. In other words, again, it seems to me if I had No devices at all, I should see a dialogue with that node selection being offered. Apologies if that's not the case.
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by matt (support) »

The behavior you are seeing is what I would expect to see if the modules had been included with a controller (Z-Stick) before and have not been excluded or factory reset.

The popup you see in the sync dialog is saying that the Z-Stick currently is not paired with any modules. That is, no modules have been "included" with it yet. Normally in this case the answer is to do the inclusion process, which once complete will then show that newly included module in the popup UI.

However, the modules themselves can only be included with a single controller (Z-Stick). If they have already been included previously (with either a different Z-Stick or the same Z-Stick if it was later factory reset, which is what you did) then they will fail to send any inclusion information at all to the Z-Stick. The solution is to follow the module's exclusion or factory reset steps (which vary based on the modules). Once the module no longer thinks it is included, the inclusion process should succeed. Note Indigo can tell the Z-Stick to "enter exclusion mode" so that it sends the exclusion command to the module (again though you have to follow the steps for the module's manual on what to do at the module). Also note that it doesn't matter if you are using a different Z-Stick (or a Z-Stick you factory reset) to do the exclusion commands with the modules. That is, it doesn't have to be the original controller that it was included with to do the exclusion.
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

I've been trying to fix this situation on and off for almost a year. Still nothing. I bought an entirely new z-stick. It's there - it's green. I've reset the switch (hit on 3 times then hit off 3 times) .

But before I even get to dealing with the device, I'm dealing Indigo - the problem has to be on the server side of the switch.

Here is the log:
Mar 31, 2024 at 9:57:53 AM
Z-Wave Debug intiatingSyncUI (timeout in 1500 seconds)
Z-Wave Debug SENT enterInclusionMode: 01 04 00 4A C1 70
Z-Wave Debug RCVD enterInclusionMode: 06 (ACK)
Z-Wave started controller inclusion mode
Z-Wave Debug RCVD inclusionMode ready: 01 07 00 4A 01 01 00 00 B2

Mar 31, 2024 at 9:58:29 AM
Z-Wave Debug SENT exitInclusionMode: 01 04 00 4A 05 B4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD exitInclusionMode: 06 (ACK)
Z-Wave stopping controller inclusion mode
Z-Wave Debug RCVD inclusionMode finished: 01 07 00 4A 01 06 00 00 B5
Z-Wave stopped controller inclusion mode
Z-Wave Debug terminatingSyncUI

I continue to get this "No Available Node IDs in Controller" message. Why does this happen - even with a fresh, out-of-the-box, Z-Wave controller stick?

It seems to me without that ID nothing happens from there.

I appreciate your help - I really want to get this going again.
Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 9.58.25 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 9.58.25 AM.png (346.77 KiB) Viewed 757 times
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by matt (support) »

That popup shows the node ID's for the modules that have been included into the controller. Because you are using a new controller and haven't yet included any modules into it, there are no node IDs from which to choose.
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

I thought I had to choose one - ok.

Then for some reason this switch, and nothing else, is getting picked up by the controller.

I think I have a fresh, new switch - never been installed before - and see if that works.

Thanks for your response, Matt.

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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

Well I'm back at it. I replaced the z-wave controller. I've replaced the dimmer - with a brand new one. I still get the message "No Available Node IDs in Controller"

How can that be? From a device and controller point of view - it's all new.

I even tried creating a new database - exact same behaviour.

Any ideas what might ?

Here's the log

Jul 11, 2024 at 9:24:09 PM
Connected to PowerLinc 2413U interface on port usbserial-A906XNHF
PowerLinc address 49.FA.D1, firmware version 9.14
Z-Wave Debug intiatingSyncUI (timeout in 1500 seconds)

Jul 11, 2024 at 9:27:55 PM
Z-Wave Debug SENT enterInclusionMode: 01 04 00 4A C1 70
Z-Wave Debug RCVD enterInclusionMode: 06 (ACK)
Z-Wave started controller inclusion mode
Z-Wave Debug RCVD inclusionMode ready: 01 07 00 4A 01 01 00 00 B2

Jul 11, 2024 at 9:28:18 PM
Z-Wave Debug SENT exitInclusionMode: 01 04 00 4A 05 B4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD exitInclusionMode: 06 (ACK)
Z-Wave stopping controller inclusion mode
Z-Wave Debug RCVD inclusionMode finished: 01 07 00 4A 01 06 00 00 B5
Z-Wave stopped controller inclusion mode

Thanks again for your support.

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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by jay (support) »

The log shows that no inclusion happened. Did you follow the inclusion instructions for the device after you started the process in Indigo?
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by wjlevin »

Yes I did. According to the instructions ( ... w3010.html) all I need to do, once I set Indigo into inclusion mode, is turn it on or off.

As I've said from the beginning - the Indigo is telling me that there are no node IDs - that's not what I remember happening when I installed z-wave devices. It listed nodes.

So, no with a new controller and a new switch and nothing else on the network - it seems to me something may not be quite right within Indigo (Please forgive me, I don't want to sound harsh or that I'm pointing fingers).

Further - I kept encryption off as recommended.

Hope this helps you help me! :)

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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by FlyingDiver »

It looks like Indigo is not seeing the device advertising itself for inclusion. If it thinks it's already included to a network, it won't advertise itself. Try doing a factory reset. then include it.

Also, how far is this device from the Indigo server? Maybe it's a range issue? Can you try including relay devices between the locations?
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jay (support)
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Re: Trouble reConnecting Z Wave device

Post by jay (support) »

Try excluding the device first (exclusion doesn't have to happen from the interface that included it), then try the include again. This will essentially do a factory reset on the device if the device has previously been included by some interface.

Note: Indigo is not involved in the inclusion/exclusion process beyond telling the interface to enter those modes. Once the interface is in inclusion mode, you have about 30 seconds to perform the inclusion process on a device before the interface times out the process. Indigo will log anything that the interface is reporting during this period but has nothing else to do until inclusion has completed. This is what appears to have happened based on your log (assuming that nothing else happened after what you posted).
Jay (Indigo Support)
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