Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Outlet modules or modules that are installed in the wall/fixture and are hidden from view.
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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by Unklmarty »

Whew I almost had a heart attack! but I might have located the source of the error.
The computer or server running Indigo was running 6.1, the remote computer or client I was accessing the server from and trying to edit devices was running 6.0.1.
On the remote computer running 6.0.1 when I checked to see if it needed an upgrade, a box poped up claiming "No updates available". Seeing that the Server version was running 6.1 and the Client version was running 6.0.1, I decided to update the client computer to 6.1. After updating Indigo on the client computer to 6.1, I now can edit all devices.
Not sure why the software reported no updated available on the client computer running 6.0.1.
Now if I can only get the water sensors to stop sending multiple heartbeats I could relax.
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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by howartp »

Unklmarty wrote:Not sure why the software reported no updated available on the client computer running 6.0.1.
You're not the first to experience this.

Matt, I know you expect people to upgrade clients at the same time, and check-for-updates is a server side process, but could we suggest a feature request for the Client to report that the server it's connected to is newer than itself and might experience problems?

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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by jay (support) »

We have a flag that we usually flip so that the client will show an error when connecting to an incompatible server. Unfortunately, we forgot to flip that switch in the 6.1.0 release... :cry:
Jay (Indigo Support)
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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by howartp »

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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by moyse »

Anyone had a problem like this ... if I switch this off and on at the wall, Indigo gets updated (i.e. I can see if the switch is on). A sync sometimes works. But switching it off/on from within indigo never works (at least, not the last 20 or so attempts).

Here's a log file where I try to turn it off from indigo (which fails), then turn it off manually (the status change is received), then sync it (which works ... though honestly I'm a bit surprised it claims to have device 1 as a neighbour ... that seems very unlikely), and then I try to turn it on remotely (which fails).

I'm a bit baffled!

18 Mar 2016 09:27:07
Z-Wave Debug SENT setMultiLevelValue: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 26 01 00 05 1C CF
Z-Wave Debug RCVD setMultiLevelValue: 01 05 00 13 1C 01 F4 (node NAK)
Z-Wave Error send "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" off failed
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestBinarySensorStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 1D 03 30 03 FF 20
Z-Wave Debug . . requestBinarySensorStatus: node 029, endpoint None, value 255
Z-Wave received "Living room" status update is on
Z-Wave Debug RCVD sensorSetLevel: 01 09 00 04 00 1D 03 20 01 FF 32
Z-Wave Debug . . sensorSetLevel: node 029, endpoint None, cmdClass 20, value 255
Z-Wave Debug filtering duplicate command -- old: 30, 0, FF, new: 20, 0, FF (0.5369 secs)
Z-Wave Debug RCVD dimmerSetLevel: 01 09 00 04 00 14 03 20 03 00 C6
Z-Wave Debug . . dimmerSetLevel: node 020, endpoint None, value 0
Z-Wave received "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug queueing request of "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" (activity detected)
Z-Wave Debug polling status of node "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" (post-activity list)
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestMeterLevel: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 32 01 00 05 1D DA
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestMeterLevel: 01 14 00 04 00 14 0E 32 02 21 64 00 00 3D 94 00 81 00 00 3D 92 07
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: node 020, endpoint None, meterType 01, raw value 6400...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: 15.764 kWh (float: 15.764000)
Z-Wave received "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" energy total to 15.764 kWh
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestMeterLevel: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 32 01 10 05 1E C9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestMeterLevel: 01 14 00 04 00 14 0E 32 02 21 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: node 020, endpoint None, meterType 01, raw value 7400...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: 0.000 W (float: 0.000000)
Z-Wave Debug intiatingSyncUI (timeout in 300 seconds)
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)"
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeNeighbors: 01 06 00 80 14 01 01 6D
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeNeighbors: 01 20 01 80 81 02 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FD
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeNeighbors: nodeId 020, neighbors: 1, 8, 10, 30
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 1, 8, 10, 30
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)"
Z-Wave Debug SENT assignReturnRoute: 01 05 00 46 14 01 A9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD assignReturnRoute: 01 04 01 46 01 BD
Z-Wave Debug RCVD assignReturnRoute: 01 05 00 46 01 00 BD
Z-Wave Debug . . assignReturnRoute: node 020, success 1
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestNodeInfo: 01 06 00 60 14 04 1F 96
Z-Wave Debug RCVD nodeInfoFrame: 01 14 00 49 84 14 0E 04 11 04 26 32 27 2C 2B 70 85 72 86 EF 82 75
Z-Wave Debug . . nodeInfoFrame: node 020, combined class list: 20v1 70v1 72v1 85v1 26v1 27v1 2Bv1 2Cv1 32v1 86v1
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestManufactureInfo: 01 09 00 13 14 02 72 04 05 20 A0
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestManufactureInfo: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 72 05 00 86 00 03 00 13 08
Z-Wave Debug . . requestManufactureInfo: node 020, manufacturerId 0086, productId 00030013
Z-Wave Debug . . requestManufactureInfo: Aeon Labs, Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: Aeon Labs - 0086, Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19) - 00030013
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestVersInfoGen: 01 09 00 13 14 02 86 11 05 21 40
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVersInfoGen: 01 0D 00 04 00 14 07 86 12 03 03 28 01 0F 57
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVersInfoGen: node 020, protoVers 3.40, appVers 1.15
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 3.40, app version 1.15
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestVersInfoCmdClass: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 86 13 26 05 22 65
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVersInfoCmdClass: 01 0A 00 04 00 14 04 86 14 26 02 57
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVersInfoCmdClass: node 020, class command 26 using version 2
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVersInfoCmdClass: node 020, combined class list: 20v1 70v1 72v1 85v1 26v2 27v1 2Bv1 2Cv1 32v1 86v1
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestVersInfoCmdClass: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 86 13 32 05 23 70
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVersInfoCmdClass: 01 0A 00 04 00 14 04 86 14 32 03 42
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVersInfoCmdClass: node 020, class command 32 using version 3
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVersInfoCmdClass: node 020, combined class list: 20v1 70v1 72v1 85v1 26v2 27v1 2Bv1 2Cv1 32v3 86v1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04, base 26)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 70v1 72v1 85v1 26v2 27v1 2Bv1 2Cv1 32v3 86v1
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestAssociationGroupCount: 01 09 00 13 14 02 85 05 05 24 52
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestAssociationGroupCount: 01 09 00 04 00 14 03 85 06 01 67
Z-Wave Debug . . requestAssociationGroupCount: node 020, group count: 1
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestAssociations: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 85 02 01 05 25 57
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestAssociations: 01 0C 00 04 00 14 06 85 03 01 05 00 01 66
Z-Wave Debug . . requestAssociations: node 020, group: 1, num associations: 1, max associations: 5, replies left: 0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestAssociations: node 020, group: 1, associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestMeterInfo: 01 09 00 13 14 02 32 03 05 26 E1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestMeterInfo: 01 0A 00 04 00 14 04 32 04 81 35 63
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterInfo: node 020, meterType 01, subTypeFlags 35, supportsReset True
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 01 05 27 A7
Z-Wave Debug module failed to reply to request (non-fatal, skipping request)
Z-Wave Syncing - failed to retrieve parameter 1 "Report status as volts" (skipping)
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 50 05 28 F9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 50 01 02 00 00 00 CC
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 80, value 2 (size 1)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 80 "Automatic notification" is 2
Z-Wave Debug SENT setConfigVal: 01 0C 00 13 14 05 70 04 50 01 02 05 29 FA
Z-Wave Syncing - device "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" parameter 80 "Automatic notification" changed to 2 (was 2)
Z-Wave Debug . . pushNewValToNode: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 5A 05 2A F1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 5A 01 00 00 00 00 C4
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 90, value 0 (size 1)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 90 "Enable energy change reports" is false
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 90:0
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 5B 05 2B F1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 5B 02 00 32 00 00 F4
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 91, value 50 (size 2)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 91 "Report threshold watts" is 50 watts
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 90:0 91:50
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 5C 05 2C F1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 5C 01 0A 00 00 00 C8
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 92, value 10 (size 1)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 92 "Report threshold percentage" is 10 %
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 90:0 91:50 92:10
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 65 05 2D C9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 65 04 00 00 00 00 FE
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 101, value 0 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 101 "Group 1 report sent flags" is 0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 90:0 91:50 92:10 101:0
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 66 05 2E C9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 66 04 00 00 00 00 FD
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 102, value 0 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 102 "Group 2 report sent flags" is 0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 101:0 102:0 90:0 91:50 92:10
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 67 05 2F C9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 67 04 00 00 00 00 FC
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 103, value 0 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 103 "Group 3 report sent flags" is 0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 101:0 102:0 103:0 90:0 91:50 92:10
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 6F 05 30 DE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 6F 04 00 00 02 58 AE
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 111, value 600 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 111 "Delay between reporting energy values" is 600 seconds
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 101:0 102:0 103:0 90:0 91:50 92:10 111:600
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 70 05 31 C0
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 70 04 00 00 02 58 B1
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 112, value 600 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 112 "Delay between reporting for group 2 (unused)" is 600 seconds
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 112:600 101:0 102:0 103:0 90:0 91:50 92:10 111:600
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestConfigVal: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 70 05 71 05 32 C2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestConfigVal: 01 0E 00 04 00 14 08 70 06 71 04 00 00 02 58 B0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, parm index 113, value 600 (size 4)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 113 "Delay between reporting for group 3 (unused)" is 600 seconds
Z-Wave Debug . . requestConfigVal: node 020, combined config vals: 80:2 112:600 113:600 101:0 102:0 103:0 90:0 91:50 92:10 111:600
Z-Wave Syncing - complete
Z-Wave Debug stopped polling of "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)"
Z-Wave Debug started polling of "020 - Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" approx every 3600 seconds
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestDimmerStatus: 01 09 00 13 14 02 26 02 05 33 E1
Z-Wave sent "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" status request
Z-Wave sent "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" energy status request
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestDimmerStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 14 03 26 03 00 C0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestDimmerStatus: node 020, endpoint None, value 0
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestMeterLevel: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 32 01 00 05 34 F3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestMeterLevel: 01 14 00 04 00 14 0E 32 02 21 64 00 00 3D 94 00 1A 00 00 3D 94 9A
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: node 020, endpoint None, meterType 01, raw value 6400...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: 15.764 kWh (float: 15.764000)
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestMeterLevel: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 32 01 10 05 35 E2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestMeterLevel: 01 14 00 04 00 14 0E 32 02 21 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: node 020, endpoint None, meterType 01, raw value 7400...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestMeterLevel: 0.000 W (float: 0.000000)
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestBinarySensorStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 1D 03 30 03 00 DF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestBinarySensorStatus: node 029, endpoint None, value 0
Z-Wave received "Living room" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD sensorSetLevel: 01 09 00 04 00 1D 03 20 01 00 CD
Z-Wave Debug . . sensorSetLevel: node 029, endpoint None, cmdClass 20, value 0
Z-Wave Debug filtering duplicate command -- old: 30, 0, 0, new: 20, 0, 0 (0.3242 secs)
Z-Wave Debug terminatingSyncUI

18 Mar 2016 09:28:29
Z-Wave Debug SENT setMultiLevelValue: 01 0A 00 13 14 03 26 01 FF 05 36 1A
Z-Wave Debug RCVD setMultiLevelValue: 01 05 00 13 36 01 DE (node NAK)
Z-Wave Error send "Back door light - Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19)" on failed
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matt (support)
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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by matt (support) »

That is really odd. It looks like all the commands sent during the sync process work fine, but the commands to control always fail with a NAK.

Try excluding the module from the Z-Stick, then re-including it. Re-sync it after you are done (make sure you choose the new node ID if it changes). Does it then work?
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Re: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Illuminator (DSC19103)

Post by moyse »

Hi matt,

Sorry for the delay in replying - my old mac mini finally decided to die and it took me a while to get up and running again.

I exluded/included the module and it worked again ... for a day. I've ordered a replacement. I really don't seem to have a lot of luck with the reliability of my devices (though actually this was a couple of years old I guess).

Thanks for the help!
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