Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

This forum is for discussing the official Alexa plugin which began shipping with Indigo 2021.1 Please do not post any questions about the Alexa-Hue Bridge plugin but rather post on that plugin's forum.
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Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by JaceJenkins »

Not sure why but I have to relink the Indigo Skill on the Alexa app every couple weeks / months, It starts with Alexa giving me a message that I need to relink the Indigo Skill. Which requires me to revoke access in my Indigo account profile before relinking, Any suggestions? It always seems to do this while I'm in bed or not in a good position to go through these steps.

I've had to do it this many times since Nov.

Active March 18, 2024, 9:34 p.m.
Alexa Revoked March 18, 2024, 9:33 p.m.
Alexa Revoked March 12, 2024, 6:01 a.m.
Alexa Revoked Feb. 4, 2024, 4:57 p.m.
Alexa Revoked Feb. 4, 2024, 2:39 p.m.
Alexa Revoked Jan. 24, 2024, 11:47 a.m.
Alexa Revoked Nov. 29, 2023, 9:03 p.m.
Alexa Revoked Nov. 27, 2023, 8:21 a.m.
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by jay (support) »

What errors are you seeing that make you revoke the authentication? Copy/paste or post screenshots. Note that reflector issues will often be the root cause of Alexa issues, so make sure that you aren't seeing any reflector errors in your event log.
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by JaceJenkins »

I’ll grab a screen next time. I’ll post here once I have more info.
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by JaceJenkins »

So, a little more data. We had a power blip today and I received the error message from the Alexa App.

I looked at my router logs and can see this message:

Primary internet is experiencing packet loss. Please restart the modem or contact the ISP if this persists.
Mar 17, 2024 8:17 PM

I also see a bunch of these errors in the Indigo Logs:
2024-04-01 19:13:39.838 Alexa Warning Your reflector isn't available - you won't be able to use Alexa until the reflector is operating correctly.

I don't know if this matters, but I have two internet connections, so if my primary internet connection has any issues, it flips over to a backup internet connection. The connection also fails back to the primary connection when its restored.

Unfortunately, I did not get a screen grab of the Alexa app error message, on my iPhone but this is the gist:
Indigo Smart Home Skill. There is something wrong or you are not authorized to use this skill. Please relink your Indigo Account.

If I click the error on my phone, the Alexa App it takes me to an Indigo login page. If I just try to re-authenticate, I get the attached error.

To proceed further, I must revoke access to Alexa inside the Indigo Portal and then I can re-authenticate.

Thanks for the help!
Indigo Alexa Skill Error.jpg
Indigo Alexa Skill Error.jpg (86.6 KiB) Viewed 1634 times
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by jay (support) »

I expect the issue is when your network switches the connection. This is likely to cause the reflector to fail. I don't think Alexa is the issue at all, but rather that the reflector connection (upon which the Alexa integration relies) gets into an unknown state when the network switches. The next time it happens, restart the Indigo Server and see if the reflector and Alexa come back up.
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by akimball »

I went away for a couple of years and so much at Indigo has changed. I'm having major issues with Alexa, Apple Home Kit, and Email+. I think I can solve the Email+. From what I'm reading the Home Kit issue is because I need to learn Python 3 and figure out how to become a GitHub member, and now the Alexa thing.

Alexa Problem first.
The new integration of Alexa seems so easy... except it's not working for me. I want to blow away the 120 devices I already have in the old Alexa because that really isn't working out anymore and start fresh. Kinda like recommended in the Alexa integration blog. So I go to my Alexa app, find the skills section, and it wants me to re-link my Indigo Smart Home Skill Account. Should be easy right? Except that when I push the button, to link I get the same exact "Applicaton Authorization Error" show in Jace Jenkins post above... and my account is up to date. I wouldn't dream of letting my indigo account expire.

How can I fix this?

Edit: FIXED. I finally figured out how to revoke the old Alexa and now I only need to figure out how to delete all of the old devices (I think). Amazon Alexa no longer has a web interface.... but really I only want to use Alexa's sad voice capabilities. I can easily do without the horrible Alexa App.
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Re: Alexa Has to be Revoked and Relinked every couple wks/mo

Post by jay (support) »

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to delete all devices at once any more, so you'll have to do them one at a time. Quality work on Amazon's behalf... :roll:
Jay (Indigo Support)
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