Hubitat Hero Needed on Indigo Platform!

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Hubitat Hero Needed on Indigo Platform!

Post by dz1rfj »

I started with Vera, and found Indigo. There was / is a plugin that bridged Vera devices to Indigo. It was simple to install and configure. Pardon my naivety , but is the bridge to Hubitat possible without all these extra steps , layers, Shims, MQTT, etc? :shock:

I am willing to donate $500 toward a simple solution that would not require an inordinate amount of time and effort to achieve my goal of:

Moving all my 123 Z-Wave devices off of my Zooz 800 stick to Hubitat. Why?
1. The ability to pay a few dollars to Hubitat to have a network wide backup of the Hubitat config is priceless! As their hubs change, a new hub can have all devices installed from a backup with ease.
2. The Zooz 800 controller requires a removal and re-insertion 1-5 times a week.
3. MY Hubitat HE has ran at my office with virtually no upkeep or issues for 3 years, so I want to use the Hubitat C8 at my home

Based on the frustration I see in the forums getting Hubitat and Indigo talking , the number of people giving up, others may be willing to make donations of some amount too. Perhaps make it a trial / pay model if donations are not feasable.
I believe the developer who can achieve this would be hailed as a hero to the community!

Indigo will remain for my Lutron and Phillips , Airfoil, etc.
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Re: Hubitat Hero Needed on Indigo Platform!

Post by autolog »

Hi Brian,
The Hubitat plugin works directly with an MQTT broker. It is stand alone and doesn’t need shims etc.
It requires the use of an MQTT App on Hubitat provided by Hubitat user @kevin.

Unfortunately, MQTT isn’t baked in as a standard Hubitat function which can make the Hubitat setup via MQTT a bit problematic.

Personally, I was using Hubitat to get access to Zigbee devices.

I have mothballed both my Hubitats in favour of Home Assistant.

I have now moved my Zigbee devices accessed via Zigbee2mqtt running on Home Assistant in a VMWare VM on my Indigo Mac mini.
I use my Zigbee2mqtt Indigo plugin to access my zigbee devices.
Additional devices on Home Assistant (e.g. Z-Wave etc) can be accessed using @Flying Divers Home Assistant Agent plugin.
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