Cannot authenticate w/Netatmo

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Re: Cannot authenticate w/Netatmo

Post by MartinG »

I don't have a camera. Just an indoor/outdoor 'Weather Station' with a rain sensor (currently drying out and awaiting new batteries), and a separate 'healthy home' sensor.

Here's what I get if I turn on all available comms and request a manual update:

Code: Select all

15 Dec 2023 at 14:14:03
   NetatmoWelcome                  Healthy Home Data:
{'devices': [{'_id': '70:ee:50:26:31:b2', 'station_name': 'Garage', 'date_setup': 1612536283, 'last_setup': 1612536283, 'type': 'NHC', 'last_status_store': 1702649048, 'firmware': 59, 'wifi_status': 65, 'reachable': True, 'co2_calibrating': False, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'CO2', 'Humidity', 'Noise', 'Pressure', 'health_idx'], 'place': {'altitude': 109, 'city': 'Seer Green', 'country': 'GB', 'timezone': 'Europe/London', 'location': [-0.612968, 51.616624]}, 'dashboard_data': {'time_utc': 1702649047, 'Temperature': 16.5, 'CO2': 556, 'Humidity': 51, 'Noise': 37, 'Pressure': 1043.2, 'AbsolutePressure': 1029.8, 'health_idx': 1, 'min_temp': 15.5, 'max_temp': 17.2, 'date_max_temp': 1702598564, 'date_min_temp': 1702643293}}], 'user': {'mail': '', 'administrative': {'lang': 'en-GB', 'reg_locale': 'en-GB', 'unit': 0, 'windunit': 1, 'pressureunit': 0, 'feel_like_algo': 0, 'country': 'US'}}}
   NetatmoWelcome                  Weather Station Data:
{'devices': [{'_id': '70:ee:50:1f:39:fa', 'station_name': 'Home (Master Bedroom)', 'date_setup': 1471804788, 'last_setup': 1471804788, 'type': 'NAMain', 'last_status_store': 1702649203, 'module_name': 'Master Bedroom', 'firmware': 202, 'last_upgrade': 1471804793, 'wifi_status': 71, 'reachable': True, 'co2_calibrating': False, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'CO2', 'Humidity', 'Noise', 'Pressure'], 'place': {'altitude': 103, 'city': 'Chiltern', 'country': 'GB', 'timezone': 'Europe/London', 'location': [-0.61297, 51.616605]}, 'home_id': '5e9a18f6a91a643e58153a6b', 'home_name': 'Home', 'dashboard_data': {'time_utc': 1702649188, 'Temperature': 17.7, 'CO2': 494, 'Humidity': 55, 'Noise': 37, 'Pressure': 1033.3, 'AbsolutePressure': 1020.8, 'min_temp': 17, 'max_temp': 17.8, 'date_max_temp': 1702634369, 'date_min_temp': 1702618952, 'temp_trend': 'stable', 'pressure_trend': 'up'}, 'modules': [{'_id': '02:00:00:1f:58:d0', 'type': 'NAModule1', 'module_name': 'Outdoor', 'last_setup': 1471804823, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'Humidity'], 'battery_percent': 94, 'reachable': True, 'firmware': 53, 'last_message': 1702649200, 'last_seen': 1702649193, 'rf_status': 68, 'battery_vp': 5886}, {'_id': '05:00:00:07:51:20', 'type': 'NAModule3', 'module_name': 'Rain', 'last_setup': 1593078510, 'data_type': ['Rain'], 'battery_percent': 100, 'reachable': False, 'firmware': 14, 'last_message': 1693436013, 'last_seen': 1693436007, 'rf_status': 95, 'battery_vp': 65535}]}], 'user': {'mail': '', 'administrative': {'lang': 'en-GB', 'reg_locale': 'en-GB', 'unit': 0, 'windunit': 1, 'pressureunit': 0, 'feel_like_algo': 0, 'country': 'US'}}}
   NetatmoWelcome                  Processing Weather Station 0
   NetatmoWelcome                  Processing Modules:
   NetatmoWelcome                  Processing Master Bedroom NAMain
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Noise
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Temp
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Temp Trend
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Pressure
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Humidity
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing CO2
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing CO2 Cal
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Min/Max
   NetatmoWelcome                   Processing Timestamp
   NetatmoWelcome                   Finding weather device
   NetatmoWelcome                   - Updating Netatmo Indoor
   NetatmoWelcome                  Processing Outdoor NAModule1
   NetatmoWelcome Error            Outdoor module WS0M1 update error: <class 'KeyError'>
   NetatmoWelcome                  Manual update of readings is complete
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Re: Cannot authenticate w/Netatmo

Post by racarter »

If you look at the Netatmo server response for the outdoor modules you'll find there's no measurement data. For some reason the servers aren't sending the expected values for temperature, humidity etc. in a 'dashboard_data' section:

Code: Select all

     'modules': [
          '_id': '02:00:00:1f:58:d0',
          'type': 'NAModule1',
          'module_name': 'Outdoor',
          'last_setup': 1471804823,
          'data_type': [
          'battery_percent': 94,
          'reachable': True,
          'firmware': 53,
          'last_message': 1702649200,
          'last_seen': 1702649193,
          'rf_status': 68,
          'battery_vp': 5886
          '_id': '05:00:00:07:51:20',
          'type': 'NAModule3',
          'module_name': 'Rain',
          'last_setup': 1593078510,
          'data_type': [
          'battery_percent': 100,
          'reachable': False,
          'firmware': 14,
          'last_message': 1693436013,
          'last_seen': 1693436007,
          'rf_status': 95,
          'battery_vp': 65535
Here's what your indoor module is sending:

Code: Select all

      'home_id': '5e9a18f6a91a643e58153a6b',
      'home_name': 'Home',
      'dashboard_data': {
        'time_utc': 1702649188,
        'Temperature': 17.7,
        'CO2': 494,
        'Humidity': 55,
        'Noise': 37,
        'Pressure': 1033.3,
        'AbsolutePressure': 1020.8,
        'min_temp': 17,
        'max_temp': 17.8,
        'date_max_temp': 1702634369,
        'date_min_temp': 1702618952,
        'temp_trend': 'stable',
        'pressure_trend': 'up'
You should be seeing a similar data structure for your outdoor modules. If the data is showing correctly in the Netatmo app all I can suggest is to get onto Netatmo support.
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Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:24 am

Re: Cannot authenticate w/Netatmo

Post by MartinG »

Thanks. It seems the server responses are erratic - at the moment I'm seeing valid data from all modules, and no errors. Then when something (I don't yet know what) goes amiss, the data feed triggers the errors. Will keep digging.
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Re: Cannot authenticate w/Netatmo

Post by racarter »

Just a thought: if you notice, your Rain module was showing as unreachable in the data you sent me. Are the outdoor devices perhaps too far away to respond consistently when polled? You can get an indication of radio strength in the ‘Settings’ -> ‘Manage my home’ section of the app.
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