Login Error

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Login Error

Post by petematheson »

Realised that my actions haven't been firing for a couple of days, and it seems I'm getting a login error (may be since updating to the newest version)

I can confirm I can login still with the username and password I'm using, and when I check devices it gives me the generate devices button (which already exist)

Tesla Battery Error {"code":401,"error":"roles [Provider_Engineer] require physical access","message":"Login Error"}
Tesla Battery Failed to get Installer Pairing token. Serial number should be installer password.

Do I need to re-pair them or something somehow?
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Re: Login Error

Post by GlennNZ »




Seems like with 1.50.1 Tesla removes any local access. Web based api only with far less info it would seem.

Will have a look at options, but still holding out some hope may be yet a way...

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Re: Login Error

Post by GlennNZ »


Further to this - until I'm 'upgraded' may be hard to tell completely.

From further reading, seems like may still be able to login locally as user and get current data, just not change modes/send commands.

Will post a new version shortly to test that theory (commands/mode changes will fail on this version)
If works, could then potentially either wait it out, or look at continuing local data for most usage, but when sending commands move to authenicating & using web based api for commands which might be a bit of work (hence no promises on timeframe)


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Re: Login Error

Post by GlennNZ »

petematheson wrote:Realised that my actions haven't been firing for a couple of days, and it seems I'm getting a login error (may be since updating to the newest version)
Do I need to re-pair them or something somehow?

Try version 0.6.0
Download from here: https://github.com/Ghawken/TeslaBatteryPlugin

Nice to have feedback before post to Plugin Store.

0.6.0 Changelog
  • Fix for version 1.50.1 not allowing local control
    Usings local IP access for data/update information, which is regularly pulled.
    If sending Command to change Mode/Battery percentage, uses online telsa API
    (works immediately, without need to restart the Battery SiteMaster which to me is a huge bonus.
    Also seems to be immediate. Three modes available)
    Added Action group to update Battery Reserve without mode change before post this.
    Add checks for successful command, will try twice with 3 second pause inbetween before giving upo
Basically uses online api for mode changes, still using email/password as entered in Plugin Config.

To my testing, and hopefully yours, seems very good.
Immediate, quick and seems to work well.

Hopefully works and no regional differences (like last time real_mode versus default_real_mode....)
Please test.

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Re: Login Error

Post by petematheson »

Wow thanks for the quick update!
Alas it's a no go for me unfortunately!

Action to set the mode to backup & 100%

Tesla Battery Debug Thread Send Login Basic called. Number of Active Threads:2
Tesla Battery Debug Calling https://owner-api.teslamotors.com/oauth/token with payload:{'client_secret': 'redacted', 'password': 'redacted', 'grant_type': 'password', 'email': 'redacted', 'client_id': 'redacted'}
Tesla Battery Debug update Tesla Grid Status Called
Tesla Battery Debug ThreadSendCOmmand called. Number of Active Threads:2
Tesla Battery Debug Changing Operational Mode pausing updating Powerwall
Tesla Battery Error {"response":"https://myt-websvc-vip1.tesla.com:443/t ... n_required"}
Tesla Battery Failed to get Installer Pairing token. Serial number should be installer password.
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Re: Login Error

Post by GlennNZ »

petematheson wrote:Wow thanks for the quick update!
Alas it's a no go for me unfortunately!

Action to set the mode to backup & 100%

Tesla Battery Debug Thread Send Login Basic called. Number of Active Threads:2
Tesla Battery Debug Calling https://owner-api.teslamotors.com/oauth/token with payload:{'client_secret': 'redacted', 'password': 'redacted', 'grant_type': 'password', 'email': 'redacted', 'client_id': 'redacted'}
Tesla Battery Debug update Tesla Grid Status Called
Tesla Battery Debug ThreadSendCOmmand called. Number of Active Threads:2
Tesla Battery Debug Changing Operational Mode pausing updating Powerwall
Tesla Battery Error {"response":"https://myt-websvc-vip1.tesla.com:443/t ... n_required"}
Tesla Battery Failed to get Installer Pairing token. Serial number should be installer password.
Quickly running into Timezone issues

But just looks like email / password error?

Email and password will now be the Tesla online account - same one to sign into app. Not necessarily the same as powerwall?

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Re: Login Error

Post by petematheson »

Ahhh bingo.
Worth updating the text on that field to state it's the Tesla account PW as it still says Powerwall PW :) But it's instant and works - Thank you very much!
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Re: Login Error

Post by GlennNZ »

petematheson wrote:Ahhh bingo.
Worth updating the text on that field to state it's the Tesla account PW as it still says Powerwall PW :) But it's instant and works - Thank you very much!
Good to hear!

Will do - always a few boring cosmetic things to be done....

It seems to work really well. Glad there is no regional difference, which would have been unusual since all using same site/server.

The issue I had previously was with old local method needed to turn the powerwall/ ‘sitemaster’ off and then on again after the change. The risk for me with that was if it didn’t stick, or there was some random, occasional error then essentially the battery backup remains off..

This online method - just seems to change it immediately - no down downtime, and no need to turn off/on again and risk disabling backup.

Plus can keep local connection for regular data updates, and just use this for changing battery reserve or changing operational modes.

See how it goes, report back if remember in a bit (at least then will remind me to post to plugin store if all goes well!)


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Re: Login Error

Post by petematheson »

I'll let it run overnight with the Octopus Go cheaper rates. If all works as expected then I'll report back!
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Re: Login Error

Post by petematheson »

Seems to have done the job! Nice work :)
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