SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by vtmikel »

In the Indigo variable window, set the value of the variable to the full path and filename / extension of where you want the image to go. Such as: /Users/mike/Documents/CameraImages/basement_image.jpg

If you are making a gif, then change the extension.

Once you save the image to the variable location correctly, use the same variable to send to Pushover

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by norcoscia »

Thanks, I did have some problems using the variable - it kept trying to use your default path (/Users/myuser/Documents) vice the one I entered. I just put the path in directly and it started working.

I will mess with it more and let you know if I see anything - I'm a bit confused by the amount of frames in the resulting gif - when I pick 5 seconds @ .5 FPS I end up with three frames in the GIF file - is that normal/expected?

In any case thanks for the help sorting this out!!!!!!!
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by whmoorejr »

I'm stuck. I just installed the plugin and I can't find an action menu item for it. Just re-booted my server (because sometimes a new plugin makes my indigo go nuts.), but still no joy.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by norcoscia »

it is under actions see below
2019-05-23_08-37-46.jpeg (122.23 KiB) Viewed 5135 times
2019-05-23_08-35-15.jpeg (118.57 KiB) Viewed 5135 times
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by whmoorejr »

I figured that is where it would be.... your post clarified that. Had to delete the plugin, restart the server, reinstall the plugin and Poof!* Now it works.

So... I know I'm not a long time user of your plugin, but feature request.... Save an animated .gif as an animated .png?

I created an action group that made the animated.gif file and a follow-up python script to copy it as a .png... which worked. Now that .png file can be used on a control page in either a browser or domopad.

Code: Select all

from shutil import copyfile

Anyway, if you alter the plugin, that would remove that one step of adding script and would make the plugin useful for control page coolness.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by vtmikel »

whmoorejr wrote:I figured that is where it would be.... your post clarified that. Had to delete the plugin, restart the server, reinstall the plugin and Poof!* Now it works.

So... I know I'm not a long time user of your plugin, but feature request.... Save an animated .gif as an animated .png?

I created an action group that made the animated.gif file and a follow-up python script to copy it as a .png... which worked. Now that .png file can be used on a control page in either a browser or domopad.

Code: Select all

from shutil import copyfile

Anyway, if you alter the plugin, that would remove that one step of adding script and would make the plugin useful for control page coolness.
In my very quick google searches, animated PNG isn't the same as an animated GIF. Though if there is a python library to create them and they reduce the file size, I'd consider looking at it.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by vtmikel »

norcoscia wrote:Thanks, I did have some problems using the variable - it kept trying to use your default path (/Users/myuser/Documents) vice the one I entered. I just put the path in directly and it started working.

I will mess with it more and let you know if I see anything - I'm a bit confused by the amount of frames in the resulting gif - when I pick 5 seconds @ .5 FPS I end up with three frames in the GIF file - is that normal/expected?

In any case thanks for the help sorting this out!!!!!!!
Yes that's expected, but no, it doesn't make any sense and I should make some changes.

.5 FPS is 1 frame every 2 seconds. Therefore a 5 second animation should have only 2 frames. I might change this to 1 FPS in the next rls so that the math always comes out evenly. But anything over 3 frames is hard to get under the limit for Pushover.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by norcoscia »

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by agame »

just fyi, the link from the plugin update menu is broken. (download from plugin store works fine).
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by agame »

I've been using the plugin for some time, and with great success, thanks.

recently I've reconfigured some new actions and triggers, and now I'm getting duplicate images from of one of the cameras.

in the log entry below, main drive is cam 2 and old drive is cam 0 - cam 2 is appearing in all the images in place of cam 0 (as well as as itself). I'm slightly curious why only these two cams get their name written to the logs while the others appear just as numbers (they all have names and are unique.

Code: Select all

 Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ drive and saving it to: /Users/indigouser/Documents/security/temp1.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ drive and saving it to: /Users/indigouser/Documents/security/temp2.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/indigouser/Documents/security/temp3.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/indigouser/Documents/security/temp4.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
Not sure what to try next...

EDIT: I've realised the camera names reported up in the log aren't actually their current names, leading me to think they're actually old camera names that I've subsequently changed. Is the plugin not refreshing the name-lookup of cameras as names change perhaps? I still don't get why what was previously working has reverted though, any camera-naming was some time ago.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by agame »

this is still causing me angst.

I've recreated new Cynical Security Spy camera devices and Image Stitcher actions but same problem is manifesting.

In the logs I see this, by way of example:

Code: Select all

  Trigger                         human on main drive
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ drive and saving it to: /Users/adamgame/Documents/temp1.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ drive and saving it to: /Users/adamgame/Documents/temp2.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/adamgame/Documents/temp3.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug    completed
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/adamgame/Documents/temp4.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Error    error getting image.  Status code: 404
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper Debug error obtaining image 4, skipping
what is confusing me in the log output is two things:

- I am actually only attempting to stitch 3 images, not 4. Intriguingly, the 4th image (that fails) is listed with the Camera Number Blank. And I'm still confused why the remaining cams aren't described in a consistent format (2 with names, one just a number). 'Main drive' is the image that is appearing incorrectly ( 'old drive' image instead appears). Has some config got corrupted? Not sure to obliterate that if so.
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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by vtmikel »

Something looks off here. The first and second do not have camera numbers, and instead have the names in the url string. The forth camera has nothing.

Are you using Cynic’s plugin or manually entering the camera number?

You may want to try creating individual action groups to get the image from each camera, as a test.

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by agame »

Yes I’m using the cynical plugin and not editing any names or numbers. I’ve deleted and recreated the cams there, as well as rebuilding the stitching actions.

I will try creating single image actions and see what happens.

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by vtmikel »

I’ll do some testing as well.

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Re: SecuritySpy Image Downloading and Stitching

Post by agame »

well...after deleting the affected cameras completely from security spy (not just from indigo) :( and recreating them...and rebuilding all the triggers, its all working again :)

deleting the plugin and preferences and reinstalling the plugin didn't work .

I suspect something had caused an old name to be cached where the camera number should have been...

so instead of this

Code: Select all

 Trigger                         human on main drive
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ drive and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp1.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp2.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher:<password removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp3.jpg
I see this

Code: Select all

   Trigger                         human on main drive
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher: removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp1.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher: removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp2.jpg
   Image Downloader and SecuritySpy Helper getting image: http://imagestitcher: removed from log>@ and saving it to: /Users/xyz/Documents/temp3.jpg
(numeric cam numbers changed on the rebuild so ignore that)

anyhow all good now but might be handy for future debugging!
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