Welcome & README

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Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:26 pm
Location: Denver, CO

Welcome & README

Post by jheddings »

Welcome to the forum of yet another Indigo hobbyist making plugins in his spare time. That also means my development for these plugins usually goes in waves, so it might be a while between updates. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to upgrade my Indigo server in a while (a Mac Mini from 2006!), so it is still running Indigo 6 on Snow Leopard. I've been testing plugins on another Mac against Indigo 7, but if you run into any problems, please let me know in the forums.

I'm still working on getting my plugins set up in the forums... Some of my previous posts are plugins scattered about the forums. I'll pull them into this space over time. In the meantime, feel free to browse my projects on GitHub.

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