ServerCommunicationError exceptions

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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by DaveL17 »

What version of the FW plugin are you running?
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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by ryanbuckner »

DaveL17 wrote:What version of the FW plugin are you running?
2022.0.4 - Any troubleshooting steps you can think of? Just got this:

Code: Select all

Mar 31, 2024 at 12:29:32 PM
   Alexa Error                     Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

  File "", line 138, in runConcurrentThread
  File "", line 166, in _update_reflector_and_utd_status
type: ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response

   Alexa Error                     plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
   Fantastic Weather Error         Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

  File "", line 342, in runConcurrentThread
  File "", line 2468, in refresh_weather_data
type: ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response

   Fantastic Weather Error         plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
   Sonos Error                     'ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response' in module '', method 'updateRelTime [2024.0.4]'
   Failing statement [line 859]: 'dev = indigo.devices[item]'
   RFXCOM Error                    Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

  File "", line 326, in runConcurrentThread
  File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/RFXCOM.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 2407, in startComm
  File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/RFXCOM.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 871, in processPacket
  File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2023.2/Plugins/RFXCOM.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 47, in _finalizeStatesChanges
type: ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response

   RFXCOM Error                    plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
   Hue Lights Error                
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6627, in parseAllHueLightsData
    device = indigo.devices[deviceId]
RuntimeError: ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response
   SamsungTV Error                 Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

  File "", line 107, in runConcurrentThread
type: ServerCommunicationError -- timeout waiting for response

   SamsungTV Error                 plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
   Indigo Cocoa client disconnected (

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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by DaveL17 »

ryanbuckner wrote:Any troubleshooting steps you can think of? Just got this:
To be honest, not really. Under the hood, FW has 20 second timeouts on anything reaching out to the Internet--which should be sufficiently short. Since plugins run in their own threads, it takes a pretty substantial problem for a plugin to tie up the server.

One thing springs to mind, although it shouldn't create a catastrophic error: can you confirm that you're using FW 2022.0.4 with a Pirate Weather API key?

A long shot is that the plugin might be corrupted for some reason. You might try downloading a new copy from the app store and installing it right on top of the existing install.
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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by ryanbuckner »

I just started getting these errors without the FW plugin enabled. I'm stumped now, but it's not the FW plugin.
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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by DaveL17 »

Have you looked at Activity Monitor to see if any processes are using gobs of CPU or memory?
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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by ryanbuckner »

The only thing strange is:

1) accountsd perocess is using over 1 GB of memory. I have 16GB ph RAM and about 10 are being used.
2) mds_stores spikes to 75% CPU or so for a few seconds and then dies back down.
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Re: Alexa Error in runConcurrentThread

Post by jay (support) »

This sounds like a systemic issue with your Mac. Not much more we can do unless you can pinpoint a process that seems to be running away, either with high CPU or high Memory consumption...

I'm going to move this thread and rename it since it's not actually an Alexa issue.
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Re: ServerCommunicationError exceptions

Post by ryanbuckner »

I have been able to resolve the server memory and CPU issues by stopping th e PostGres server (it wasn't being used). The memory and CPU consumption are pretty low. I'm still getting the exception errors
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Re: ServerCommunicationError exceptions

Post by jay (support) »

Something is still hanging the server up. We have had no other issues like this reported so I'm not sure where else to look. I'd disable all 3rd party plugins and let it run to see if you get the problem with just built-in plugins/interfaces.
Jay (Indigo Support)
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