[ANSWERED]Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

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Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:53 pm
gemiller offline
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[ANSWERED]Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

Hello everyone,

I've been toying with the idea of beginning an automation network based on indigo domestics,software with the security spy plugin. But after going away for a week (which is one of the reasons for the remote automation system) my pool filter clogged and then continued to run burning out the pump. I would like to put the z-wave GE appliance switch on the unit and then have a pressure switch.

IE the schedule would be something like this(don't mind my thought process please!)


0000-0800 : OFF
0800-1200 : ON and if pressure > 25psi OFF - set schedule to OFF permanently until reset
1200-1800: OFF
1800-2200: ON and if pressure >25 psi OFF - set schedule to OFF permanently until reset
2200-2400: OFF

Basically I run my pump 8 hours a day, 2 4 hour sessions. My pump normally runs around 19-22PSI, and when it exceeds 25 it needs regenerated. I would like it to shut down the run schedule or simply not run that "portion" of the schedule if the previous pump pressure was >25psi, unless something is reset.

Is there a pressure switch I can use for this, or another way to tackle this situation?

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Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:22 pm
loafbread offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

I purchased this 0-5VDC pressure sensor to use with a Phidgets analog input. I have had good luck with all the Phidgets sensors and the terrific Berkinet plugin. I have not installed this pressure switch yet. I will update when I have more information.

http://dashboss.myshopify.com/products/ ... -0-100-psi

Posted on
Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:42 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

This is actually a good Idea..

you could use that sensor with an analog z-wave analog sensor: http://store.indigodomo.com/protocol/z-wave/z-wave-fortrezz-mimolite.html

My only problem is I have only 220V at the Pump. But that can be solved too..


Posted on
Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:40 am
haavarda offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

If the filter is clogged I would assume that the load over the pump is reduced. I mean if the pump is unable to suck any fluid. This would again result in a reduced power usage. If you have power metering on the device you could trigger on this...?

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Posted on
Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:09 am
gemiller offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

It does appear that the sensor loaf bread shared would likely work with the device kw123 shared. I'll definitely look into this combination more. Is there a method to handle the "permanent" schedule cancel until something is reset? Either flip a software "switch" or a physical reset button?

haavarda - The load over the pump would go up, the pumps push against a clogged filter and then proceed to get hot, so the load is higher. That does mean that one potential alternative is a temperature sensor, but with temperature swings of ambient air from 70-100 plus sun factors, I think it would be hard to find the optimum temperature to shut down! May still be a potential though.

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Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:25 am
haavarda offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

I see. I use this principle with my garden watering pump. It the water reservoir is empty the pump will suck air and the power will drop.

But if you have the filter on the outlet I see your point.

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Posted on
Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:29 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

to stop a schedule: add a condition " if variable xxx is true" and set the variable xxx in some other script i.e. when you detect that pump is misbehaving

Posted on
Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:33 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Is there a compatible Water Pressure Sensor?

gemiller wrote:
?..The load over the pump would go up, the pumps push against a clogged filter and then proceed to get hot, so the load is higher. That does mean that one potential alternative is a temperature sensor, but with temperature swings of ambient air from 70-100 plus sun factors, I think it would be hard to find the optimum temperature to shut down! May still be a potential though.

In this case, you could measure the current draw on the pump. There are lots of current sensors that output 0-5vdc. Check Phidgets.com for some options. BTW, this is what I use on my pool pump to avoid issues like you experienced. If you also have a way to detect when the pump is on, you can detect a stall on startup because there will be no current draw.

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