Feature enhancement request

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:06 am
berkinet offline
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Feature enhancement request

This must have been requested before and if so, please ++

I would like to have conditions attached to Action Groups. One condition (same dialog as Triggers) per Action Group.

Actually, what I would really like is to be able to attach 1 condition per action in Triggers and Action Groups. But, that seems more involved from both a user and coding perspective. Having conditions for Action Groups would allow me to break out the actions in a trigger and effectively have one condition per trigger action anyway.

Use case: Whenever the front gate opens: Always, sound the bell, and, If it isDark, turn on the lights.


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Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:54 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Feature enhancement request

+1 to conditions on individual actions. Personally, I think conditions on Action Groups would be more confusing from a user perspective than conditions associated with each action within a trigger or action group. Individual action conditions could be presented in the UI in a tabbed interface (in triggers, it'd be a tab bar under the main Trigger-Condition-Actions tab bar when the Actions tab is selected).

This would be a pretty big enhancement to implement I would imagine, but I think it would improve the usability when it comes to composing more complex actions like berkinet's example (I certainly have a ton of similar cases in my setup as well, requiring me to use embedded scripts for at least half of all my actions).

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:41 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Feature enhancement request

Yes, it's on the list.

It is really hard to implement it in a way that would be easy for "normal" users to follow unfortunately. At least without adding some odd flow-chart graphing I think (well, at least on an action-by-action case). Attaching a condition specifically to an Action Group is an interesting idea that might simplify it enough for users to understand.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:02 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Feature enhancement request

I have a user-interface suggestion that might support nsheldon's preference for per-action conditions.
  • Drop the Conditions tab on Triggers
  • Add a Conditions (or Conditions Editor) button on the Action Tab, perhaps in the bottom center. A little bit like how the Customize button works on Sunrise/Sunset time in schedules.
  • Clicking the Conditions button would bring up the current Conditions Tab pane, but, it would apply only to the action with which it was physically associated.
  • Come up with a graphic way to indicate that no conditions had been set (I.e. Always). That way a quick glance at the action would show whether there was a condition set for that action.

This same scheme could apply to Action Groups as well. It might be possible for the conditions pane to have a "copy from preceding action" button. This would only appear if more than one action were associated with a Trigger or Action Group.

    I am not really pressing for this idea. Mostly I wanted to advance the discussion a bit with a though on how it might be possible to keep the UI simple and indicate the relationship between an action and its condition. The obvious downside with this approach is that every action would require a condition -- null or otherwise. However, it may also be the case that there are more triggers needed because we can't specify conditions on a per-Action basis.

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:20 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Feature enhancement request

What about optional per-action conditions? The default would be for every action to be the way it is now (no extra conditions), but a button in the action pane could add a condition. Just a thought. Not a high priority on my list either honestly, since I have no trouble scripting things, just would be nice to have. :-D

Posted on
Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:00 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Feature enhancement request

For the sake of anyone who might be watching this thread and is relatively new to Indigo, I should point out that you don't have to script to get this behavior - you just need to have multiple triggers on the same event with different conditions and actions.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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