Remote script

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Fri Aug 29, 2003 12:47 pm
dalenis offline
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Remote script

I have been trying to get this SIMPLE script going for hours now with no luck. Both machines are running 10.2.6 with Remote Apple Events checked in the Perference... Sharing Pane for the target Mac. I have turned the Firewall off on both machines, double checked IP's ect. Below is the script......and the error is "Finder got an error:AppleEvent timed out".

using terms from application "Finder"
set remote_Finder to application "Finder" of machine
tell remote_Finder
say "Hi"
end tell
end using terms from



Posted on
Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:11 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Remote script

Your script looks good to me. Does file sharing work on the remote computer? From the timeout error, I would presume the computer running the script cannot connect to the remote one for some reason. But it looks like you did all the correct steps.

Some subtle difference with the way I've configured this to work:

1) I do have the Firewall turned on the remote machine, but have selected _Remote Apple Events (3031)_ as an allowed port.

2) I do not store the application type in a variable, but instead store the machine name. It looks something like:

set dest_machineName to "eppc://user:pwd@"
using terms from application "Finder"
  tell application "Finder" of machine dest_machineName
    say "hello"
  end tell
end using terms from

As I mentioned, I don't see anything wrong with your setup or script, but I thought I would pass on the differences between what you are doing and what works for me.


Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:44 am
dalenis offline
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Hi Matt,

Yes, sharing does work to the remote machine...I can mount a volume, ping, copy files back and forth just fine. I just can't get this rather simple script to work!

I copied/pasted your script, turn on the Firewall checked Remote Apple Events to on, and I still get the event timeout error.



Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2003 10:30 am
jrickmd offline
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FWIW, I have just written a "widget" using Konfabulator ( that sends remote apple events to my server running Indigo. I used the basic script that was posted above. Everything works perfectly, so I don't think this is an inherent Indigo issue. I am no network expert, just wanted to relay my experience. :)



Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:53 am
dalenis offline
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I was by no means implying that this was a inherent Indigo problem, since I haven't even made any hooks into Indigo as of yet. :wink: This is either something really stupid that I am doing or there is some software/network conflict on my machines. At this point I don't no where to even start......I think I have tried just about everything.... short of doing a clean install. :?

Isn't Konfabulator a cool application! I would be interested in seeing your widget if/when you are ready to release it.


Posted on
Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:41 pm
dalenis offline
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When all else fails reboot computer....that's what I tell my customers! A simple reboot of both machine fixed this script problem.....hmmmmmm!



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