Plastic Project Box?

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Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:33 am
Korey offline
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Re: Plastic Project Box?

RogueProeliator wrote:
That would be great! let me know how much dough!!

Will $15 work? I know nothing about the boards, so make sure the model looks correct for the cutouts and such you are expecting... From what I can tell it is around 6" long to the outsides (shows 151mm but not sure if that includes the skirt/support and such or just the model. I actually have a couple of things coming for the printer this weekend so can print it while playing around with that if you decide you want it.

Lets make it $30 and I cover shipping!

At least that buys you some booze! for your time!

PM me and I'll PayPal or whatever you prefer.

Thanks !!!


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