BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Posted on
Wed May 13, 2020 12:41 pm
mwalker56 offline
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 07, 2018

BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Hi Karl,
Great plugin BTW, looks like a huge amount of work has gone into its development.

I've just installed my first rPi with the latest disk image and after a bit of reconfiguring I have managed to add it to the Indigo server and beacons are appearing in the devices list.
I have connected a BME680 sensor to the I2C bus and have added it as a new device, after a few attempts with various settings i am receiving readings from the sensor.

I do keep receiving the following error despite having setup the password field for the pi device as the pi SSH password (is that the correct password for the sFTP also?):

2020-05-13 19:23:01 return code from fix ("spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nConnection closed by port 22\r\r\nConnection closed\r\r\n", 'expect: spawn id exp9 not open\n while executing\n"expect "sftp" { send "quit\\r" }"\n (file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)\r\n') trying again to configure PI

Also, is it possible to add a device for each of the individual sensors on the BME680 board, i.e. have one Indigo device for temperature, hone for humidity etc?


Posted on
Wed May 13, 2020 2:21 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

it looks like your known_hosts file has the wrong info.

The plugin tries to fix that, but sometimes does not work.

easiest fix in terminal:
rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts
This directory is not visible w normal OS X settings.

Or edit (a nano, text wrangler, ... , NOT textedit!!) and remove the line w the RPI ip#

that SHOULD fix it .. or you simple=y have the wrong password in device edit or initial basic setup of RPis

As for a device for each state. Yes thats possible. I am doing it w Shelly, but pibeacon is a little older..
And the whole structure is not setup for that , eg you can request update for a sensor, and which dev is the "master" for the 3+ states.
... and some more challenges . (when one of the device gets deleted, should all siblings be deleted ...)


Posted on
Wed May 13, 2020 3:30 pm
jalves offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

another way to fix that is in the terminal on your Mac type:

Code: Select all
ssh-keygen -R {RPi-IP-Address}

Running Indigo 2023.2 on a 24" iMac M1), OS X 14.4

Posted on
Wed May 13, 2020 6:12 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

I believe that will create the option to do ssh w/o password.

that will not work w pibeacon in the default mode.

the scripts are setup to work w password

you would need to change to non std login in initial basic setup in pibeacon


Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 12:30 am
mwalker56 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Thanks guys, I’ll give that a go.

I wonder if it’s easier to setup variables for each of the states and parse the four values from the device state into each variable? Perhaps a python script?

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 1:57 am
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

The is a plugin for that .. to create a device for other devices with format options.

But why do you need individual devices , what do you want to do ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 2:14 am
mwalker56 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Mainly for logging in Grafana at this stage, but I have other ideas depending on the location.

For example i'd like to be able to have a visual indication (maybe RGB lamp) of air quality in my office to notify when a window should be opened, or switch the mirror de-mister and extract fan on in the bathroom when humidity gets too high etc.

With a Pi Zero, BME680 and your plugin, its a really inexpensive multi sensor for indigo!

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 2:25 am
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Still don’t see why you need one device One state.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 2:58 am
mwalker56 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

You're quite right Karl!

I only just got it setup last night and hadn't had long to play with it. I see all of the sensor values are reported as individual states under the one device (I'm used to Fibaro sensors that create a new device for each sensor). I've added them to Grafana and can see triggers can be set for each state.

I'm still getting the password problem though. I sudo nano edited the known hosts file to delete the line that had the rPi IP address (this was the only line in the file). I also updated the basic setup and device settings passwords to the correct password, but i have noticed that after a while it reverts back to "raspberry" in the dialogue box?

Output from log:
2020-05-14 09:54:05 dev :Pi_1 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:54:05 dev: Pi_1 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 09:54:05 dev :Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:54:05 dev: Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 09:54:08 return code from fix ("spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nConnection closed by port 22\r\r\nConnection closed\r\r\n", 'expect: spawn id exp9 not open\n while executing\n"expect "sftp" { send "quit\\r" }"\n (file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)\r\n') trying again to configure PI
2020-05-14 09:55:00 dev :Pi_1 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:55:00 dev: Pi_1 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 09:55:00 dev :Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:55:00 dev: Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 09:55:03 return code from fix ("spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nConnection closed by port 22\r\r\nConnection closed\r\r\n", 'expect: spawn id exp9 not open\n while executing\n"expect "sftp" { send "quit\\r" }"\n (file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)\r\n') trying again to configure PI
2020-05-14 09:56:03 dev :Pi_1 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:56:03 dev: Pi_1 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 09:56:03 dev :Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 09:56:03 dev: Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing passwordPi in RPI

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 3:21 am
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

The pass wd in the dialog box when starting the menu item is not necessarily the stored value.

You can check what is tired by Printing config ( Menu) or be switching into debug expect. Then you can see the userid and password used in the expect commands in plugin log file.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 5:33 am
mwalker56 offline
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 07, 2018

Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

If i try to print config parameters through the menu i get the following error in indigo log:
14 May 2020 at 12:26:37
piBeacon Error Error in plugin execution UiAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4427, in printConfigMenu
File "", line 16323, in printConfig
KeyError: ('41',)

Checking the advanced log files I get this:
2020-05-14 12:27:34 setup pi response (2) error>>>>>>
expect: spawn id exp9 not open
while executing
"expect "sftp" { send "quit\r" }"
(file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)
2020-05-14 12:27:34 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:34 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:34 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:35 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:35 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:35 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:35 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:36 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:36 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:36 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:36 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:37 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:37 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:37 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:37 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:38 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:38 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:38 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:38 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:39 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455659.18381, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:39 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 12:27:39 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 12:27:39 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi raspberry assword 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 12:27:39 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589455659.350161, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:39 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 12:27:39 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 12:27:39 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi raspberry assword 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 12:27:49 sending ok to pi_IN_1 data: {"msgs":[{"txPower":18.0,"count":592,"mac":"88:C6:.."B8:27:EB:58:3F:60"}
2020-05-14 12:27:55 setup pi response (2) message>>>>
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@
pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Connection closed by port 22

Connection closed

2020-05-14 12:27:55 setup pi response (2) error>>>>>>
expect: spawn id exp9 not open
while executing
"expect "sftp" { send "quit\r" }"
(file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)
2020-05-14 12:27:56 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': u'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455680.26583, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:57 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': u'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455680.26583, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:58 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': u'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455680.26583, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:27:59 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': u'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455680.26583, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:28:00 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': u'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 1, 'exeTime': 1589455680.26583, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 12:28:00 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 12:28:00 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 12:28:00 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi raspberry assword 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 12:28:04 setup pi response (1)
("spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nConnection closed by port 22\r\r\nConnection closed\r\r\n", 'expect: spawn id exp9 not open\n while executing\n"expect "sftp" { send "quit\\r" }"\n (file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)\r\n')
2020-05-14 12:28:04 return code from fix ("spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\r\npi@'s password: \r\nConnection closed by port 22\r\r\nConnection closed\r\r\n", 'expect: spawn id exp9 not open\n while executing\n"expect "sftp" { send "quit\\r" }"\n (file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)\r\n') trying again to configure PI
2020-05-14 12:28:06 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-14 12:28:06 dev :Pi_1 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 12:28:06 dev: Pi_1 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 12:28:06 dev :Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 12:28:06 dev: Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 12:28:10 sending ok to pi_IN_1 data: {"pi":"1","sensors":{"bme680":{"1540912643":{"GasR..ime":1589455690.76}}
2020-05-14 12:28:17 setup pi response (2) message>>>>
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@
pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Connection closed by port 22

Connection closed


Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 6:54 am
jalves offline
Posts: 750
Joined: Jun 16, 2013

Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

kw123 wrote:
I believe that will create the option to do ssh w/o password.

that will not work w pibeacon in the default mode.

the scripts are setup to work w password

you would need to change to non std login in initial basic setup in pibeacon


Assuming you were commenting about my post immediately above your reply, no a password is still required. I've had to do this frequently when playing with various pi's and re-making the card. Once the command has been issued you can then ssh to the pi and it responds with the password prompt.

Running Indigo 2023.2 on a 24" iMac M1), OS X 14.4

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 8:22 am
kw123 offline
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Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

yes, not entering the password command was:
ssh-copy-id user@device


Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 8:24 am
mwalker56 offline
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 07, 2018

Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

Hi Jeff,

I tried your method with the SSH-keygen and then changed the setting in the initial setup box to "uses authkey" but i'm still getting the errors:

2020-05-14 15:18:00 buttonConfirmPiServerConfigCALLBACK... pi#= 1
2020-05-14 15:18:00 valuesDict= UiValuesDict : (dict)
MSG : Pi server configuration set (string)
authKeyOrPassword : login: (string)
beaconOrSensor : iBeacon and Sensor rPi (string)
confirmPiServer : (string)
confirmPiServerConfig : (string)
enablePiEntries : false (bool)
enableRebootCheck : restartLoop (string)
infoLabel11 : (string)
ipNumberPi : (string)
passwordPi : MYPASSWORD (string)
piOnOff : 1 (string)
piServerNumber : 1 (string)
userIdPi : pi (string)
2020-05-14 15:18:00 RPI= {u'lastMessage': 1589465866.870252, u'piDevId': 113583988, u'enableRebootCheck': u'restartLoop', u'PosZ': 0.0, u'PosX': 0.0, u'PosY': 0.0, u'passwordPi': u'MYPASSWORD', u'piMAC': u'B8:27:EB:58:3F:60', u'ipNumberPiSendTo': u'', u'sendToIndigoSecs': 90, u'emptyMessages': 0, u'piUpToDate': [u'updateParamsFTP'], u'authKeyOrPassword': u'login:', u'piNumberReceived': u'1', u'BLEserial': u'sequential', u'input': {u'bme680': {u'1540912643': {}}}, u'sensorRefreshSecs': 20, u'userIdPi': u'pi', u'deltaTime1': 100, u'piOnOff': '1', u'deltaTime2': 0.06993889808654785, u'rssiOffset': 0.0, u'rpiType': u'rPi', u'sensorList': u'bme680*1540912643*118,', u'ipNumberPi': u'', u'output': {}, u'enableiBeacons': '1', u'deltaChangedSensor': 5}
2020-05-14 15:18:00 no need to start Thread, pi# 1 thread already running
2020-05-14 15:18:00 fixConfig called from buttonConfirmPiServerConfigCALLBACK; with:['all', 'rpi']
2020-05-14 15:18:00 dev :Pi_1 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 15:18:00 dev :Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing piDevId in RPI
2020-05-14 15:18:00 dev: Pi_B8:27:EB:58:3F:60 fixing passwordPi in RPI
2020-05-14 15:18:05 checkForUpdates updateNeeded findAnyTaskPi: True
2020-05-14 15:18:05 fixConfig called from checkForUpdates; with:['all', 'rpi', 'force']
2020-05-14 15:18:05 updating pi server files called from: checkForUpdates
2020-05-14 15:18:05 FTP adding to update list {'fileToSend': 'updateAllFilesFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1589465885.82264, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:05 FTP adding to update list {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1589465885.823767, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:05 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateAllFilesFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1589465885.82264, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:05 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 15:18:06 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 15:18:06 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateAllFilesFTP.exp' pi raspberry connect 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 15:18:06 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-14 15:18:06 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1589465885.823767, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:06 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 15:18:06 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 15:18:06 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi raspberry connect 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 15:18:07 sending ok to pi_IN_1 data: {"pi":"1","sensors":{"bme680":{"1540912643":{"GasR..ime":1589465887.33}}
2020-05-14 15:18:24 setup pi response (2) message>>>>
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@
pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Connection closed by port 22

Connection closed

2020-05-14 15:18:24 setup pi response (2) error>>>>>>
expect: spawn id exp9 not open
while executing
"expect "sftp" { send "quit\r" }"
(file "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp" line 50)
2020-05-14 15:18:24 last updates were not successful wait, then try again
2020-05-14 15:18:25 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:26 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:27 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:28 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:29 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:30 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:31 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:32 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:33 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:34 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 7, 'exeTime': 1589465914.789925, 'pi': u'1', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-14 15:18:34 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #1 fileToSend:
2020-05-14 15:18:34 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-14 15:18:34 updating pi server config for # 1 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi raspberry connect 1 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-14 15:18:45 setup pi response (2) message>>>>
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=15 pi@
pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

pi@'s password:
Connection closed by port 22

Connection closed

I can SSH and sftp into the pi from terminal on my mac using my password so I know its not a typo.

Posted on
Thu May 14, 2020 8:36 am
kw123 offline
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Joined: May 12, 2013
Location: Dallas, TX

Re: BME680 on a Pi Zero W

@mwalker.. the key#14 is an error. i need to check that

but your password is still raspberry

when you set user id and password in initial config make sure you click on "CONFIRM" at the bottom to save your entry, not the close or don't just presst enter


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