Remote Triggering?

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Fri May 08, 2020 10:00 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Remote Triggering?

This forum post has a brief explanation telling you what file to edit and how you can use it to execute an Action Group. Try editing that and reloading the plugin. If it doesn't work then copy/paste your edit into a reply and we can help you out.


Posted on
Sat May 09, 2020 7:55 am
ckeyes888 offline
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Re: Remote Triggering?

Sorry, no clue how to edit the plugin. I opened it in Text Wrangler but that’s as far as I know how to go.

Also, I installed the plugin as is and it shows in the drop down list but it doesn’t show as an option when defining a device.



Posted on
Sat May 09, 2020 11:17 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Remote Triggering?

Okay, let's skip the hand-editing the plugin source for now and go back to using the SwitchBoard plugin since it requires no coding/scripting. What specifically did you try in the SwitchBoard plugin? From your previous post it looks like you almost got it working.

Did you read the documentation here on how to use it? Specifically the section Monitored X10 Devices describes how to create the X10 security devices:

Switchboard Docs wrote:
To make a Monitored X10 Device, make a new device:

Type – Plugin
Plugin – Switchboard
Model – X10 Monitored Device

Then Add the X10 Device into whatever Monitored Device Group you wish it to be associated with.

The next major improvement with Switchboard, is the Addition of Monitored X10 Devices. The main intent is to allow X10 Security devices to be first class citizens in Indigo’s database, since Indigo does not directly support X10 Security devices.
To monitor a specific X10 Security Sensor, Open a new device dialog window, and choose the Switchboard Plugin for the Type, and X10 Monitored Device for Model. Click on Edit Device Settings, and Enter in the X10 Security Code (Security ID). Then Add the X10 Device into whatever Monitored Device Group you wish it to be associated with.

The X10 Devices can be monitored without a Monitored Device Group, but you then need to make custom triggers for those sensors, instead of using the built-in tools in the Monitored Device Groups.

If you haven't yet, try the specific steps above. If you have a problem start a new thread and detail (the more detail the better) what steps you've done on the sub-forum for Benjamin's plugins here. We will help out there further troubleshooting if needed.


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