Hue Lights discussion

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Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:10 am
ac4lt offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Thanks for confirming what I thought. I did the same thing via a 3rd party home kit app that allowed me to disable the power component of the scene settings and it behaved exactly as you described. Also, some additional googling shows that people have been requesting the ability from Phillips for at least a few years.

That's a shame as it makes state management a lot more complicated and some things totally impossible. I guess it's back to the drawing board to see if there is a way to do what I want that doesn't involve excessive complication or flashing the house during the transition time.

Posted on
Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:02 am
roussell offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Just a thought, but could you use a script to quickly turn on the light at 1% (or maybe less??) change the color, and then turn it off? If that was all done at LAN speed it may achieve the desired effect, but not be noticeable. Although I guess it probably would be noticeable when it’s dark in the room, depends on how fast the bulb accepts changes I guess


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:31 am
ac4lt offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

I don't think I can get away with 1 or 2% brightness since brightness is one of the items I'm trying to set (100% in day and evening and 50% for night). If I set the brightness to 1% to get the color right and then someone turns the lights on with Siri or Alexa then they will come on at 1%. They can still use voice commands to fix that but I suspect it will irritate people fairly quickly. Here's what I'm currently working on. Not sure how it will behave in practice yet.

Have a variable: lightMode that gets set to "day", "evening" or "night" according to a timer.

I have an action that iterates through the list of lights and if the light is on then sets the color or color temperature according to the mode using a 5 second ramp so it hopefully won't be too visually jarring.

Every 5 minutes execute that action.

Then, regardless of how the light got turned on, it will eventually be in the right state.

I'll try setting a trigger on the lights so that when it turns on it goes directly to the right settings based on the current light mode. That's a bunch of essentially identical triggers but I think it will work....have to try implementing it later today and see what happens.

Posted on
Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:50 am
ac4lt offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Just following up on this...

It looks like my method for handling the color change will work. But, before I get to that, I also tried Terry's method since it was straightforward to implement. Unfortunately, it does not work. If you turn the light on followed immediately by a turn off, the light thinks its in the right state but it isn't. I'm guessing there is a race condition inside either the bulb or the hue hub that doesn't handle changes being made so quickly. The light reports it is in the right state but in reality is either still in the original state or perhaps an intermediate state.

Here's what I did and my reasoning in case it can help anyone else.

I created a variable, lightMode that contains the current mode the lights should be in. My values for this are "day", "evening" and "night".

I set up three scheduled actions (5AM, 4PM, 10PM) to set the variable to the appropriate value. In addition the schedules set lightModeColorTemperature and lightModeBrightness variables to the values for each mode.

Before this, I had been using group devices to turn on all the lights as a group but changed to using hue specific commands for each bulb so that I could set the color temperature and brightness together when the bulb turns on.

To accommodate the light being turned on via an external path (Siri, Alexa, the hue dimmer) I have a scheduled action run every 5 minutes that sets any bulb that's on to the current mode's color temperature and brightness. I actually tried having Homekit use the Indigo devices rather than the hue devices so that HomeKit would go through Indigo's triggers and then I could handle Siri or the hue dimmer directly and not need the scheduled action but I was concerned about reliability. If Indigo ro my mac go down then I still have hue control via HomeKit but if everything goes through Indigo I also have a single point of failure. I decided that for now I prefer the scheduled action.

This was relatively straightforward and the scheduled action was not difficult to code. It seemed the right balance of complexity vs flexibility vs maintainability.

I also wanted the ability to override the motion sensor (this really has nothing to do with Hue specifically, it would be equally applicable to any light). I played around with having a variable to track the cause of the light turning on (motion or non-motion) and having the motion trigger look for the state of that variable. This worked but the lag was a bit unpredictable which created a race condition for noticing what was happening. It also meant that it was problematic setting the manual override for a light that was already on.

Instead I created a virtual switch that controlled access to the motion detector. If on, then motion triggers could proceed but if off then they wouldn't. I exposed this virtual device to home kit and now I can tell Siri to turn off the motion detector and it will turn off the virtual switch and remove any delayed actions from the motion trigger. Turning off the light also turns off the virtual switch so you don't have to remember to turn restore motion control.

I'm going to play around with this for a few days in one room before trying it in others, but overall I think it's going to work out. I sure wish Phillips would handle sending commands to bulbs that in the off state though. It would simplify the first part a lot.

Posted on
Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:49 pm
gmoeller offline
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Re: Osram SMART+ Outdoor Plug

Hi Nathan,

sorry for the terrible late response, I was busy travelling the last weeks..

But here go, the copy of the debug text - the name of the device is "Garten":

Code: Select all
 Hue Lights Debug                Got response {u'11': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_3', u'lights': [u'3'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 230, u'sat': 214}}, u'10': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_2', u'lights': [u'2'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15562, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4547, 0.4128], u'bri': 254, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 142}}, u'13': {u'name': u'Garten', u'lights': [u'8'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'alert': u'none'}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Garden'}, u'12': {u'name': u'Gaestezimmer', u'lights': [u'7'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 58007, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.445, 0.3857], u'bri': 254, u'sat': 27}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Recreation'}, u'1': {u'name': u'a.Wohnzimmer', u'lights': [u'5', u'3', u'2', u'1'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 230, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'3': {u'name': u'c.Urlaub', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 214}}, u'2': {u'name': u'b.Schlafzimmer', u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}}, u'5': {u'name': u'Halloween', u'lights': [u'5', u'3', u'2', u'1'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 230, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'4': {u'name': u"d.Doro's Zimmer", u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}}, u'7': {u'name': u'Kaninchenzimmer', u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Kids bedroom'}, u'6': {u'name': u'Wohnzimmer', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5', u'6'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 45598, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.2271, 0.1911], u'bri': 254, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 179}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Living room'}, u'9': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_1', u'lights': [u'1', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'8': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_0', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 214}}}
   Hue Lights Debug                Loaded groups list - {u'11': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_3', u'lights': [u'3'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 230, u'sat': 214}}, u'10': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_2', u'lights': [u'2'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15562, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4547, 0.4128], u'bri': 254, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 142}}, u'13': {u'name': u'Garten', u'lights': [u'8'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'alert': u'none'}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Garden'}, u'12': {u'name': u'Gaestezimmer', u'lights': [u'7'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 58007, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.445, 0.3857], u'bri': 254, u'sat': 27}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Recreation'}, u'1': {u'name': u'a.Wohnzimmer', u'lights': [u'5', u'3', u'2', u'1'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 230, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'3': {u'name': u'c.Urlaub', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 214}}, u'2': {u'name': u'b.Schlafzimmer', u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}}, u'5': {u'name': u'Halloween', u'lights': [u'5', u'3', u'2', u'1'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 230, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'4': {u'name': u"d.Doro's Zimmer", u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}}, u'7': {u'name': u'Kaninchenzimmer', u'lights': [u'4'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 14988, u'colormode': u'ct', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.4575, 0.4101], u'bri': 204, u'ct': 366, u'sat': 141}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Kids bedroom'}, u'6': {u'name': u'Wohnzimmer', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5', u'6'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 45598, u'colormode': u'xy', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.2271, 0.1911], u'bri': 254, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 179}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'Room', u'class': u'Living room'}, u'9': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_1', u'lights': [u'1', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 15443, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5135, 0.4397], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 467, u'sat': 252}}, u'8': {u'name': u'the_voice_group_0', u'lights': [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'5'], u'state': {u'any_on': True, u'all_on': True}, u'recycle': False, u'sensors': [], u'type': u'LightGroup', u'action': {u'on': True, u'hue': 13180, u'colormode': u'hs', u'effect': u'none', u'alert': u'none', u'xy': [0.5261, 0.4363], u'bri': 102, u'ct': 359, u'sat': 214}}}
   Hue Lights Debug                Starting parseAllHueGroupsData.

I hope this is what you have asked for.

Thanks a lot for your help!


nsheldon wrote:
Hi Guido.

In order to support your device, I need to see the debug log output like Mike provided. You can get that by going to Plugins -> Hue Lights -> Toggle Debugging then reloading the plugin (Plugins -> Hue Lights -> Reload).


gmoeller wrote:

I just got hands on an Osram SMART+ outdoor plug: ... /index.jsp
(scroll down..)
It properly added to my HUE Hub (On/Off plug) and can be controlled via the app.

Now I want to add this device to the Hue Lights plugin and face some problems.
First, I tried to add it as a "Living Whites" - "Generic Light" but the plug does not appear in the device list.
Same results when trying the other devices, the plug is not listed in the device list.

The only way to make it (somewhat) work is when I create a "Room" in the HUE app and pick that romm via "HUE Group" in the plugin.
When added to devices, I am able to switch the plug but I will not get any status update.
So, when I switch the device to "On", the plug will actually react and switches on - but the device status in Indigo is still "OFF"...

Any idea how I can solve this - or do you have to add the SMART+ outdoor plug to the plugin first?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Posted on
Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:42 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Guido.

Thanks. However... 2 issues. 1) From that log, "Garten" is a group, not a device. 2) In order to support the device itself, I need the debug log output that includes the part where the plugin loads the lights. That would have come just before the part you pasted in. If you could please provide the full debug logs from the time you reloaded the plugin to the time the log shows "Loaded XX lights" (where "XX" is the number of lights you have on your Hue bridge). I'll need the name of the Osram light as well.

Posted on
Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:50 am
gmoeller offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Nathan,

ah, okay.

Next try, I had to work with an attachment since the copy & paste of the Debug apparently extends the max allowed message length ...

Thanks again for you help and your quick reply!


nsheldon wrote:
Hi Guido.

Thanks. However... 2 issues. 1) From that log, "Garten" is a group, not a device. 2) In order to support the device itself, I need the debug log output that includes the part where the plugin loads the lights. That would have come just before the part you pasted in. If you could please provide the full debug logs from the time you reloaded the plugin to the time the log shows "Loaded XX lights" (where "XX" is the number of lights you have on your Hue bridge). I'll need the name of the Osram light as well.
(120.25 KiB) Downloaded 105 times

Posted on
Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:32 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Guido.

Thanks for the debug log.

I found the information I needed. I actually added support for that Osram on/off plug in version 1.6.19 of the Hue Lights plugin on October 1st. You already have the latest version of the plugin installed (1.6.23) so you can already add that plug to Indigo. Look in the LivingWhites device list when you add it. It should show up there. It'll show up as a dimmer, but because it's an on/off plug dimming obviously won't work. But on and off functions should.

Posted on
Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:45 pm
gmoeller offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Nathan,

thanks for the swift reply!

So I added the device as a "LivingWhites" and switching on/off works so far.

However, after a second or two, the "On State" of the device turns to "off" with the light still on.
That doesn't allow me to check the state since it always returns "off".

Any idea how to solve this?



Posted on
Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:02 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Guido.

Thanks for the info. I'm not sure why the status reverts to "off" even when it's on. Since I don't have that device available to test for myself, it's mostly a trial-and-error type of support. I'll look at the code and see if I can find anything that might cause the issue. It'll take a while to do that though, so if having an accurate status is important, you'll need to stick with using a Hue Group until I can find a solution.

Posted on
Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:30 am
gmoeller offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Nathan,

Does it help to mention that the „on/off“-Status display is working correctly in the HUE-App?


Posted on
Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:52 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion


Thanks. The Hue Lights plugin was never designed to work with non-dimmable lights so it gets confused when it gets a status from the bridge that has no brightness data. Fixing that won’t be super quick. I’ll be sure and update you when it’s fixed. For now, though, you’ll have to stick with using a group for status until the plugin is fixed so it works better with on/off devices.

Posted on
Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:45 pm
Nidocamen offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Nathan,

I'm running Hue Lights v1.3.30 on Indigo 6.1.9 -- I know, I know...I should upgrade, and you probably don't offer support for the older versions anymore. (I would have to re-code a LOT of custom stuff with your plugin that is running nice and stable right now if I go to 7).

Anyways, several hours ago, entries started showing up in the Indigo Log.....

Hue Lights Error Failed to connect to the Hue hub at after 4 seconds. - Check that the hub is connected and turned on.

For no apparent reason. No additional network traffic, Hue bridge is updated and working perfectly otherwise. All other IoT devices responding via Indigo with no issue, including LIFX lights.

A new error entry shows up every minute, and sometimes during Action Group execution, my scripts will fail because of the above timeout.

I've tried a "reload" of the plugin thru the Indigo menus and even re-paired it to the bridge, along with a full bridge power cycle. Also a full restart of Indigo server. No luck.

I haven't tried a full Mac restart because it's a pita......but just wanted to check if you had any insight on why the plugin would just start timing-out all of sudden, in case you'd seen this type of behavior before.

Thanks again for a great plugin :)


Posted on
Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:53 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Hue Lights discussion

Hi Joe.

Sorry to hear about the trouble.

You're right, I don't support any version other than the latest release (1.6.23 as of this writing). But from the error, it seems the plugin is having some kind of network connectivity issue. That could really be any number of things causing it. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell exactly what is causing it. So you'll have to go through a trial-and-error type troubleshooting process. Start restarting things. Start with the Hue bridge (unplug power for at least 10 seconds and plug it in again). If that doesn't fix it, you'll have to restart you computer. If that doesn't work, restart your network router (and any network hardware between your Indigo Mac and the Hue bridge for that matter). If that fails to fix it, check all physical connections between the Mac running Indigo and the Hue bridge. Also make sure that the IP address on the Hue bridge hasn't changed. The IP address given to the Hue bridge by your router must exactly match the IP address in the Hue Lights plugin configuration.

Hope that helps.

Posted on
Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:53 pm
Nidocamen offline
Posts: 34
Joined: Oct 18, 2011

Re: Hue Lights discussion

nsheldon wrote:
Hi Joe.

Sorry to hear about the trouble.

You're right, I don't support any version other than the latest release (1.6.23 as of this writing). But from the error, it seems the plugin is having some kind of network connectivity issue. That could really be any number of things causing it. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell exactly what is causing it. So you'll have to go through a trial-and-error type troubleshooting process. Start restarting things. Start with the Hue bridge (unplug power for at least 10 seconds and plug it in again). If that doesn't fix it, you'll have to restart you computer. If that doesn't work, restart your network router (and any network hardware between your Indigo Mac and the Hue bridge for that matter). If that fails to fix it, check all physical connections between the Mac running Indigo and the Hue bridge. Also make sure that the IP address on the Hue bridge hasn't changed. The IP address given to the Hue bridge by your router must exactly match the IP address in the Hue Lights plugin configuration.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the reply, I had tried a number of restarts with no luck other than the Mac itself - and so I tied a full system restart to some pending Mac updates as well. Anyways, that has seemed to resolve the issue. Thanks :)

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