ISY Bridge Plugin

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Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:57 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

It's doubtful that anything about the plugin itself isn't working with Indigo 7 - AFAIK we've not deprecated or changed anything that would break backwards compatibility. So I think it's more likely that the ISY API has changed somehow (nobody has worked on that plugin in a very long time).

Any errors/clues in the Event Log?

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:13 pm
rifraf4u offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Ok, got it working! thanks... issue was specifying port 80... which was being defaulted elsewhere... took that out, and all is good.

thank you.

Posted on
Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:02 pm
joel.snyder offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

I have made a pull request on the Github ISY after making significant changes in the plugin to support more devices (specifically Z-Wave), fix a number of bugs, and generally clean up Insteon/X-10 support with the UDI.

I have this running against V7 Indigo/v5 UDI, so this should work with any recent version.

For my particular devices, it has been going flawlessly for 3 weeks, so I am pushing the code up and offering it to anyone else who wants to give it a try.

My main goal here is to make the UDI act as an "extension" or slave of the Indigo side. What I really need is large property support, and Indigo won't handle multiple Z-Wave networks while UDI is in perpetual Alpha (for 2 years!) on their multi-device support. So I'm not trying to export all of the features of the UDI; in particular, I have not bothered to look at anything related to running programs on the UDI side (since I figure you can write them on the Indigo side and just touch the devices on the UDI side). Most of my testing has focused on X-10 and Insteon plus Z-Wave devices attached to the UDI being properly displayed/managed/updated on the Indigo side.

Problem reports welcome, as is any collaboration for anyone who wants to go further and add more devices or features of devices.

You can see my pull request here: or if you want to just download my stuff and give it a try, here:

Posted on
Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:07 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Thanks Joel for the contribution, it's great someone is running with this plugin. I've merged the changes in the Github repo, created a new release, and added that release to the plugin in the Plugin Store.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:30 pm
rifraf4u offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Joel, perfect timing... I have been trying to get the ISY bridge fully operational, and for the most part it works (after hacking the multicast issue)... one issue is that the scene and program lists seem not to update properly... I have found that the 'replacePluginPropsOnServer method doesn't alway seem to work.... so for example the code in updateISYScenes:

self.debugLog("Here are the keys: %s" % pluginProps.keys())
self.debugLog("Did the replace")

is called, and the debug shows that the scene props are there...

but in populateSceneList, if I do this

self.debugLog("Here are the keys: %s" % ISY.pluginProps.keys())

the newly added scene keys are not in the props... I can';t figure out how to debug this!!!!

I'm not an accomplished programer, but can hack around so to speak... before I try your likely better version, did you come across this issue and fix it?

Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:39 pm
rifraf4u offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Rubatosis : :D

Posted on
Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:41 am
joel.snyder offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Hi rifraf4u.

I did not venture at all into the scenes/programs part of the UDI plugin, because I was basically running everything programmatically from the Indigo. In other words, for example, my nightly "lights out" program runs on the Indigo and reaches over the plugin each time for each light that goes out. I understand that there are differences in what and how you program, so maybe that's not for everyone.

Anyway, all I'm saying is that I haven't investigated that section, not to discourage you from doing it your way, because I didn't need it. However, I can take a look at it when I get back at the end of the month if you haven't figured it out.

In terms of debugging, I have to say that the robustness of the Indigo system really impressed me, so what I have been doing is editing the plugin and doing a re-load. You can probably see a ton of commented-out debugging. I spent a LOT of time in UpdateISYDevices which should be pretty similar to UpdateISYScenes, and getting the plugin to flow stuff over to the Indigo side was usually pretty reliable. Honestly, I haven't found much instability on the Indigo side. That said, there were a lot of logic errors in the original plugin in UpdateISYDevices, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are some incorrect assumptions on UpdateISYScenes. I tried to add a ton of comments so it should be slightly more readable than it was before.

I do remember that the Indigo side didn't throw errors when perhaps it should have, for example if I tried to refer to a device that didn't exist. Eventually, it popped out as an error in trying to refer to the data structure, but you might want to be sure when you're doing updates that the updates hit the Indigo and they're actually there. I am not sure if you can see Scenes in the GUI, but I found the GUI on the Indigo side invaluable for "seeing" what was going on with devices.

Let me know if you don't figure it out and we can connect in a few weeks and work on it to get it cleaned up.

Joel (

Posted on
Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:28 pm
qcvictor offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Can I get variables states created in the ISY ? I'm using Autelis Hayward pool control previously with the isy, will be great if can catch this data....

Posted on
Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:53 am
joel.snyder offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

>Can I get variables states created in the ISY ?

Just to make sure I understand: you want variables that were created on the Indigo side to be propagated to the ISY side?
Or variables that change on the ISY side to be propagated to the Indigo side?

My experience running an ISY coupled to the Indigo has been not too good. I got the plugin working and very stable, but ... The ISY folks have been in alpha with v5 of their software for years, and there are lots of small bugs attached to v5, especially in Z-wave land (which is what I care about most). I ended up leaving the bare minimum on the ISY and have moved all my programs to the Indigo side. Indigo is not guilt-free here either---there are VERY few bugs, but some functionality is missing (e.g., saving and restoring programs easily) . But that has worked best for me.

Anyway I don't want to tell you how to do things, but if you are trying to propagate variables from one side to the other, it might be simpler to have the program run where the variables are already living.

Let me know which direction you're trying to have the variables go, and the next time I'm editing the plugin, I'll try and get that feature in. Probably won't be before July 4.


Posted on
Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:02 am
qcvictor offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Hi Joel
Initial goal was to get variables that change on the ISY side to be propagated to the Indigo side, but found more easily to get information from the Autelis pool controller via xml file 'http://poolcontrol/status.xml' and parse data with the plugin GhostXML, couple virtual switches and triggers do the trick excepted for temperature where I don't now how display value....
So the ISY is go back on the shelve ;-)

Posted on
Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:59 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

joel.snyder wrote:
but some functionality is missing (e.g., saving and restoring programs easily) .

Can you shed some light on that statement? Is that a shortcoming in the ISY plugin or something in Indigo?

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:04 am
dking4 offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

I'm not sure if posting in this thread or starting a new one is appropriate to this topic.

I am using the ISY Bridge plugin with Indigo 7 and achieving partial success. About half of my devices (mainly dimmer switches) work using Indigo and the other half report the following errors into the log:

ug 26, 2018 at 6:48:36 AM
ISY Bridge Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 520, in actionControlDimmerRelay
KeyError: key ISYtype not found in dict

I am using UDI firmware 5.0.13A which is outside of what is reported as supported so please forgive me for asking if turns out to be the reason for my trouble. :?

Posted on
Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:53 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

dking4 wrote:
I'm not sure if posting in this thread or starting a new one is appropriate to this topic.

I am using the ISY Bridge plugin with Indigo 7 and achieving partial success. About half of my devices (mainly dimmer switches) work using Indigo and the other half report the following errors into the log:

ug 26, 2018 at 6:48:36 AM
ISY Bridge Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 520, in actionControlDimmerRelay
KeyError: key ISYtype not found in dict

I am using UDI firmware 5.0.13A which is outside of what is reported as supported so please forgive me for asking if turns out to be the reason for my trouble. :?

Unfortunately I no longer have an ISY device to test with. The last developer to submit changes is forum user @joel.snyder (see further up this topic for his posts) so he might be able to help. A quick look at the line of code may indicate that the device that's trying to be controlled isn't configured correctly. Did you perhaps define devices using an older version of the plugin then update it? If so, then you should probably edit each of the ISY devices in Indigo to make sure they're configured correctly (this is just a guess though).

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:00 am
dking4 offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Actually, it is all of the newer switches that were installed after updating the ISY 5.0.13 from 4.4. I'm guessing that some device type renaming must have occurred in 5.0.13A that wasn't present in the older firmware versions. I will dig a little deeper. Thanks for the reply!

Posted on
Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:53 am
dking4 offline
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Re: ISY Bridge Plugin

Here is an update to this issue and the troubleshooting steps I have taken:

1. Delete and re-add troubled Insteon devices -- results unaffected.

2. Revert back to 5.0.11 of UDI ISY994i firmware -- all of the devices contained in my v4.x.x were working as before but adding any previously non-working Insteon 2477 dimmers into the ISY resulted in the same error as described above. Oddly, some of the newer additions work perfectly but others do not. The use of the switch was reported correctly (as far as I can tell) into Indigo but Indigo could not control the device and the "ISYtype" undefined error occurred.

3. Revert back to latest official UDI 4.x.x firmware -- same results as #2

4. Return to 5.0.13A -- the same results as #2

5. Update to 5.0.13D -- the same results as #2

6. Delete the non-working dimmer from the ISY and add it to Indigo directly -- works perfectly as expected.

In each instance I tried starting on the ISY from factory reset and adding devices and from backups performed either historically or just prior to starting this troubleshooting exercise but the results were the same.

I purchased two lots of dimmer switches from Smarthome about 3 weeks apart this summer but cannot tell that anything is different between the boxes or how they are reported within the ISY Administrative Console. In other words, if Smarthome has updated the internal firmware of the switch, I cannot tell it from the switch, the ISY or Indigo.

I've written a few Python scripts but I am woefully deficient when it comes to coding. I get the logic but not necessarily the language. That being said, I can't seem to see how the dimmers are being defined differently between the working devices and the non-working ones. The error when I attempt to control a dimmer with the ISY Bridge Plugin is always the line 520 "KeyError: key ISYtype not found in dict" in the log.

I'm beginning to think that I might have some dimmers that have newer firmware and are reporting themselves to the ISY differently but I don't know how to discover if that is the case.

One might wonder why I don't just eliminate the ISY and stick with Indigo or vice versa. I find that my ability to write simple scripts and report data (like my heating oil tank volume) much easier and more intuitive in Indigo. However, the ISY is much quicker for me to to add Insteon devices and to make scenes than Indigo and I use IR on the ISY to control lighting with my home theater universal remote. I have both and want to utilize both for their advantages if I can.

I would be happy to post more error logs or debug logs if anyone looking at this has some ideas. Thanks for reading. :|

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