Creating new Variables

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Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:56 am
Busta999 offline
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Creating new Variables

I have setup loads of variables without issue but now for some reason the New and + buttons are greyed out and disabled.

I can Duplicate, Delete new Variables but cannot create New Variable groups or New Variables.

Any ideas?

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Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:05 am
Busta999 offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

Indigo - variables - New and + Disabled.jpeg
Indigo - variables - New and + Disabled.jpeg (106.52 KiB) Viewed 4125 times

I have made progress, closed Variable screen. Opened it again. Clicked on a existing Variable Group the - became enabled. Then clicked again and Plus and New... buttons became enabled.

Before the above I had clicked on multiple Variables and Variable Groups and New... and + buttons were disabled,

I had seen this before - I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can consistently repeat issue and resolution.

Posted on
Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:10 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

I haven't seen that one before. The New button should definitely always be enabled. I tried playing around with it a bit and couldn't get it into a bad state. If you see it again or come up with steps to reproduce it definitely let us know.


Posted on
Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:59 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

From the image you posted, it looks like the Variable window doesn't have focus. Since I'm sure you clicked somewhere on the window then it would seem that there is some scenario where the variable window won't or can't become the frontmost window.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:08 am
Busta999 offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

I have seen it before and it always 'unsticks'

This time I thought it best to report.

I'll keep and eye open and see if I can repeat it.

The Odd thing is that the Variable window opens with the first item focused..

I could click on items and Duplicate or Delete them so it was focused.

Next time I see it I'll try to work out how and report back.

Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:57 pm
johnpolasek offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

If you had brought up a device details dialog and then switched away from Indigo and back, sometimes that modal device dialog retains focus even though it's been hidden by something like a finder or safari window... I've had that happen and then wondered why I couldn't get Indigo to respond till I realized what was going on and did a hide others.

Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:53 pm
Professor Falken offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

I've seen this behavior before with respect to the create-new variable button being unavailable. The only way I've been able to "unstick" it is to close the indigo client app and relaunch it. I have never been able to pinpoint what I did to cause it.

Posted on
Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:58 pm
deuan offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

Hi All,

I have exactly the same issue. I thought it was just me, but after a while of it being annoying I have gone searching for a solution and found someone else with exactly the same issue.

I cannot tell you what causes it, because there does not seem to be any particular pattern that I have noted. But clearly there is code inside indigo that disables the button, so perhaps Indigo could tell us what to watch out for?

Any help would be great because having to close and reopen indigo is rather annoying.


Posted on
Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:14 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Creating new Variables

Indigo doesn't explicitly enable/disable those buttons in any case and there is no code that does it in the app. There are Cocoa bindings (framework-level) applied to the Duplicate and Delete buttons such that when nothing is selected in the list those buttons are disabled. But again, we don't actually code that behavior - it's built-in to the Cocoa bindings framework. The New button as Matt points out should never be disabled since there are no bindings on it.

So, something is causing the window and all controls to get disabled outside of Indigo's knowledge (likely something down in the Cocoa frameworks in response to some other system-wide issue like a notification or other dialog) and because we never explicitly disable/enable them they get stuck and the only way to get them reenabled is to restart the app (which reloads the UI from the XIB files at launch). We've both attempted to reproduce the problem and can't, so it's going to be up to you guys to help us figure it out.

A few questions for those that have experienced it:

1) What OS version are you running?
2) What if any system enhancers/extensions are you running that effect the UI (even apps that add icons to the menu bar)?
3) When it happens again, take a screenshot of the entire screen(s) so we can see what other windows are enabled/disabled.

If we can identify a pattern that would help us reproduce it.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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