Squeezebox Controller - Possible to change port?

Posted on
Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:47 pm
CrazyFin offline
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Squeezebox Controller - Possible to change port?

I have just discovered your cool Squeezebox Controller plugin! 8)
I have 8 Squeezebox players of various models around in my house as well as some Raspberry based SoftSqueeze players on my terrace outdoors (in an IP67 rated box).

I am running my SqueezeServer on Xpenelogy (open source variant of Synology) so SqueezeServer is running on a different port rather than the standard port.
I can not see that I can change the port number in your plugin since it is greyed out when I create a SqueezeServer device?

EDIT: Aaaah! I just realised that the port number 9090 that is default in your plugin is for the Command Line Interface port in SqueezeServer (which is 9090 in my system also).
However, when I have created a new device and the plugin has created the device subfolder "Squeezebox" it does not find any players so the folder is empty.

2nd EDIT: Wooooorks now! :-) I think it has something to do with my security settings. I had password protection on and I was also having block incoming connections set BUT I did have a IP list allowing connections from my internal LAN. When I removed all these security settings it worked fine and your plugin created all devices available in my network.
I will do a couple of more tests to figure out which of my security settings what was blocking the creation of the players.

3rd EDIT:
I see the following errors in the debug mode (players seems to work fine though):
Code: Select all
   Autolog Squeezebox Error        Listen Thread detected Server [] has timed out but will continue.
   Autolog Squeezebox Error        TIMEOUT LISTEN THREAD TEST
   Autolog Squeezebox Error        Listen Thread detected Server [] has timed out but will continue.
   Autolog Squeezebox Error        TIMEOUT LISTEN THREAD TEST

Posted on
Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:32 pm
autolog offline
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Re: Squeezebox Controller - Possible to change port?

Glad you got the problem sorted :)

I think you can ignore those errors - they should only appear if you have debug turned on.
In a later version of the code I have in testing (that got put on hold due to more pressing changes to other plugins) those debug lines are commented out.
It probably means the Squeezebox Server (running on your NAS) took too long to respond to the plugin.

It is a long time since I have looked at the code and I am not sure / can't remember what other changes (if any) I was doing. :?
The plugin is still Indigo 6 friendly. If I was to do any further changes, I would mod it for Indigo 7 (especially to take advantage of doing less calls to the Indigo server).

It hasn't been a priority for me as the plugin does what I need it to do at the moment. :)

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