Mac System Disk Volume (solved)

Posted on
Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:18 pm
ELWOOD offline
Posts: 226
Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Location: Ramsey, NJ

Mac System Disk Volume (solved)

No more problems with the application device. Now I started adding devices to control my external hard drives. Added first drive and I am able to
turn it on and off. Attempted to add a second drive with no luck. After adding drive I get the following errors that keep repeating until I delete the device:


Apr 26, 2015, 2:55:50 PM
Schedule PLOT META OFFICE MOTION (delayed action)
Trigger office motion
AD2USB Alarm Interface Zone: 090 - -Wireless Motion OFFICE z090 state changed to: (Faulted)
Sent INSTEON "Office" on to 100

SQL Logger creating table device_history_1848532168 for "new device"

Apr 26, 2015, 2:56:28 PM
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)


Tried on more than one drive with the same results.
The first drive that is still working is connected by USB port, the other drives with errors are connected by firewire.


Posted on
Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:46 am
bip.philippe offline
Posts: 58
Joined: Feb 20, 2013
Location: France

Re: Mac System Disk Volume


Can you retry with the latest version of plugin configured to logging level 4 and post me the detailed log ?


Posted on
Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:11 am
ELWOOD offline
Posts: 226
Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Location: Ramsey, NJ

Re: Mac System Disk Volume

Log with level 4


Apr 27, 2015, 11:03:35 AM
Mac System Debug end of validating Prefs
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS'}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /bin/df | grep 'disk5s2'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'Available': u'3904626160', 'Used': u'1665472'}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'pcUsed': 0L, 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'onOffState': True, 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS', 'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VStatus': 'on'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.2 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.79 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Trigger office motion
AD2USB Alarm Interface Zone: 090 - -Wireless Motion OFFICE z090 state changed to: (Faulted)
Sent INSTEON "Office" on to 100
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
AD2USB Alarm Interface Zone: 090 - -Wireless Motion OFFICE z090 state changed to: (Clear)
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.79 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
AD2USB Alarm Interface Zone: -Wireless Motion Kitchen supervision received. (RFX:0523842,04)
Group Trigger Error Error in plugin execution ServerReplacedElem:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 290, in deviceUpdated
<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>: key onOffState not found in dict

SQL Logger creating table device_history_1606155438 for "new device"
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -wxc -olstart,pcpu,pmem,etime -p0 | sed 1d
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'PCpu': '', 'ETime': '', 'LStart': '', 'PMem': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'PCpu': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'ETime': 0, 'PStatus': 'off', 'LStart': '', 'PMem': 0}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.68 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.79 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug validating Device Config called for: (1606155438 -
Mac System Debug end of validating Device Config
Mac System Debug deviceStartComm called for: MINI'S VIDEO 4 (1606155438 -
Mac System Debug end of deviceStartComm
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^MINI'S VIDEO 4$'
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'onOffState': False}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ps -awxc -opid,state,comm | grep ' XBMC$'
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'ProcessID': '', 'PStatus': ''}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'ProcessID': 0, 'onOffState': False, 'PStatus': 'off'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to sleep for 9.68 seconds
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell pmset -g | grep disksleep | sed -e s/[a-z]//g | sed -e 's/ //g'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: 10
Mac System Debug Input Plugin Property Keys: Values : {'disksleepTime': 10}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' KODI 4 '
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS'}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /bin/df | grep 'disk5s2'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'Available': u'3904626160', 'Used': u'1665472'}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'pcUsed': 0L, 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'onOffState': True, 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS', 'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VStatus': 'on'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^MINI'S VIDEO 4$'
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'onOffState': False}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' MINI'S VIDEO 4 '
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
AD2USB Alarm Interface Zone: -DECK MOTION supervision received. (RFX:0597636,24)
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug runConcurrentThread initiated
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Next disk spin" on a 540 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Read volume data" on a 60 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Read application data" on a 60 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell pmset -g | grep disksleep | sed -e s/[a-z]//g | sed -e 's/ //g'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: 10
Mac System Debug Input Plugin Property Keys: Values : {'disksleepTime': 10}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' KODI 4 '
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS'}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /bin/df | grep 'disk5s2'
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'Available': u'3904626160', 'Used': u'1665472'}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'pcUsed': 0L, 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'onOffState': True, 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS', 'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VStatus': 'on'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^MINI'S VIDEO 4$'
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'onOffState': False}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' MINI'S VIDEO 4 '
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 218, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Mac System.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 144, in getVolumeData
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

Mac System Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug runConcurrentThread initiated
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Next disk spin" on a 540 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Next disk spin"
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Read volume data" on a 60 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read volume data"
Mac System Debug initiating dialog timer "Read application data" on a 60 seconds pace
Mac System Debug time ellapsed for dialog timer "Read application data"
Mac System Debug going to call shell pmset -g | grep disksleep | sed -e s/[a-z]//g | sed -e 's/ //g'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: 10
Mac System Debug Input Plugin Property Keys: Values : {'disksleepTime': 10}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^KODI 4$'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: KODI 4
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'VStatus': 'on', 'onOffState': True}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' KODI 4 '
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS'}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /bin/df | grep 'disk5s2'
Mac System Debug returned from shell: {'Available': u'3904626160', 'Used': u'1665472'}
Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'pcUsed': 0L, 'VolumeSize': u'2.0 TB', 'onOffState': True, 'VolumeType': u'Apple_HFS', 'VolumeDevice': u'disk5s2', 'VStatus': 'on'}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^MINI'S VIDEO 4$'
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Debug Input Keys: Values : {'onOffState': False}
Mac System Debug Updated Keys: Values : {}
Mac System Debug going to call shell /usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep ' MINI'S VIDEO 4 '
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Mac System Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:



Posted on
Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:15 am
bip.philippe offline
Posts: 58
Joined: Feb 20, 2013
Location: France

Re: Mac System Disk Volume

ELWOOD wrote:
Mac System Debug going to call shell ls -1 /Volumes | grep '^MINI'S VIDEO 4$'
Mac System Error shell script failed because /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Hi Elwood,

The bug is due to quote in MINI'S VIDEO 4 name.
I have recreated the issue on my test computer by inserting a quote in a volume name.

I am going to issue a corrected plug-in tomorrow.


Posted on
Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:31 am
bip.philippe offline
Posts: 58
Joined: Feb 20, 2013
Location: France

Re: Mac System Disk Volume

Hi Elwood,

The latest release v1.2.2 should correct the issue.

Let me know,

Posted on
Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:56 pm
ELWOOD offline
Posts: 226
Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Location: Ramsey, NJ

Re: Mac System Disk Volume

1.2.2 up and running with no errors.

Thanks again for the plugin.


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