Pioneer Receiver discussion

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Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:31 pm
durosity online
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Works like a charm! Thanks

On a completely different note i've been having an issue with image heuristics on control pages that only seem to relate to this plugin (but i don't use them heavily at the moment so it may be something more indigo specific than the plugin).. its been an ongoing issue for some time but i've only just had time to look into troubleshooting it properly. Basically i have images to display to show what source is currently active using the "zone1source" numbers from the devices list which works perfectly, except for a conflict between source 25 for my PS3 and 22 for my AppleTV. If the Apple TV is active then the button for the PS3 also shows as active, but if the PS3 is active only it shows correctly. I've checked the image names and they're all correct (e.g. PS3+.png and ATV+.png as the basic images which show as off, then PS3+25.png and ATV+22.png for the on images) and i've even when so far as to setup indigo on a completely stand alone device, create a new database and device and try the same thing and same issue occurs. It also happens regardless of device it's viewed on.. including on the completely fresh test system when loaded in safari so it can't be a caching issue. If i get the control pages to show just the source number then it lists the correct number (22 or 25) and this issue doesn't happen with any other devices, so when it's set to say the radio (source 2) it works perfectly... Any ideas?
screenshot.jpg (275.96 KiB) Viewed 5207 times
media-source-icon-ps3@2x+25.png (6.54 KiB) Viewed 5207 times
media-source-icon-ps3@2x+.png (6.92 KiB) Viewed 5207 times
media-source-icon-appletv@2x+22.png (4.14 KiB) Viewed 5207 times
media-source-icon-appletv@2x+.png (3.5 KiB) Viewed 5207 times

Computer says no.

Posted on
Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:49 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

I wonder if the 3 in the filenames PS3 is messing up the heuristic. It shouldn't since that is before the + character in the filename, but it is worth experimenting around with.

So try removing the 3 from all the PS3 image filenames (or change it to THREE). Does that get it working?


Posted on
Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:54 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Hi Durosity.

While Matt's suggestion warrants investigation, I think that with the way you have the images set up, that's actually expected behavior by Indigo (see this wiki article on the topic, especially #2 under "Image Selection Heuristics"). If an exact image name match for a numerical device state value is not found, Indigo will look for the next closest image name rounding up to the nearest 5, then 10, then 20, then 25. Since you only have 2 PS3 device state images (media-source-icon-ps3@2x+.png and media-source-icon-ps3@2x+25.png), when you select source 22 (your Apple TV), Indigo looks for media-source-icon-ps3@2x+22.png for the PS3 icon. Since it can't find that image file it then rounds the image file number (22) up to the nearest 5 (25) and looks for that numbered image file, which it finds.

The only way to work around this behavior that I know of is to simply duplicate your media-source-icon-ps3@2x+.png file and rename the duplicate to "media-source-icon-ps3@2x+22.png". If you use input sources 21, 23, and 24, you'd also need to create duplicates of the media-source-icon-ps3@2x+.png image and name them media-source-icon-ps3@2x+21.png, ...+23.png, and ...+24.png.


Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:19 am
durosity online
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Aha, yep.. spot on Mr Sheldon.. of course what i don't get is why it wasn't doing it for source 23 (xbox) or indeed the other way around, but creating a duplicate of "media-source-icon-ps3@2x+" and naming it "media-source-icon-ps3@2x+22" has resolved the issue.

Thanks for the idea!

PS Matt, renaming PS3 to PS didn't make any difference so that side of things seems to be working solidly! I guess this is another one to add to your mammoth request list, the ability to set the heuristics for individual items to some sort of 'hard' setting rather than it looking for the closest number... (which in itself is actually pretty cool.. i was kinda aware of that function before but never really used it to that level.. opens up a lot of possibilities for me!)

Computer says no.

Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:32 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Great! Glad that helped. I'm a little surprised it didn't do that with source 23 as well. In any case, glad it's working now.

Posted on
Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:45 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Great catch Nathan. Indeed in a case like this the "smartness" of the heuristic is getting in the way and causing a problem...


Posted on
Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:49 pm
nlagaros offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

I was wondering if it would be possible to trigger of the keypad on the Pioneer remote for the 0-9 keys. I was hoping to use them for various presents.

Posted on
Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:08 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

It might be possible to do that using something completely different like a flirc or an IR Linc. However, it wouldn't be possible through the Pioneer Receiver plugin because the receiver itself doesn't mirror IR remote button presses to connected network devices. i.e. If you press the 8 button on the remote, the number may appear on the receiver's front display, but the receiver doesn't send any corresponding "8" message to any connected network device, so there's no way to use the plugin to detect when you've pressed that 8 button.

Posted on
Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:04 pm
nlagaros offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Thanks for looking into this. I had one other thought for an enhancement to the plugin that I (and perhaps others) would find helpful. When selecting network media sources like Pandora or Internet radio stations, the on-screen display is used. The plugin in its current state does not process those menus. I'd like to be able to build some navigation ability on a control page in Indigo. Having the results of a ?GAP inquiry would be very helpful. I'm happy to contribute some of the coding myself.


Posted on
Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:03 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Hi Nick.

That sounds like a great addition. However, for it to be very useful, it'd require quite a large code contribution. I've looked over the specification for how those menus are presented via the telnet session, and there are so many variables to keep track of, it'd take me months to get anything useful included into the plugin. I don't really have time to take on that big of an upgrade project right now.

If you're really interested in contributing code, I've just published the plugin on GitHub. You (or anyone else for that matter) are welcome to check it out and contribute anything you like. You can find the repository here.

Posted on
Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:27 pm
nlagaros offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Thanks Nathan. I just forked a copy and hope to present something back soon. I am going to start it very simple and just capture the on screen display.

Posted on
Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:42 am
nlagaros offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion


I've been working through the plugin and found something interesting to bring to your attention. You have some bool states defined as OnOff like onOffState, zone1power, zone2power. In the plugin code, there are attempts to write True/False to these states which results in an error. I started to make updates, but just wanted to check in with you first. You also have some conditionals that read these states and take actions that I would also need to change. Is it ok if I plow forward? I will try to get an update posted back to GIT today.


Posted on
Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:47 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Hey Nick.

Absolutely! Thanks for the help. I probably would never have found all the little boolean type errors. They're likely due to the fact that the plugin was originally released before I knew about the different boolean types and I attempted to update it later with onOff types. You may also notice the, um, inefficient method of determining what commands can be sent to which device type. That's mostly due to the plugin originally being designed for just 1 receiver model then adding support for others afterwards. Anyway. Thanks for the contributions.

Posted on
Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:19 pm
nlagaros offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

I created a pull request on GIT with some modifications to the plugin. I didn't get very far with the on-screen display states yet as I worked through some other codes and made a few small fixes and optimizations. Here is a summary:

Code: Select all
#       History:                1.0.7 (13-Oct-2014)
#                               * added zone1power toggle for vsx1022k
#                               * added sourceName for vsx1022k
#                               * corrected boolean On/Off states for onOffState, zone1power, zone2power
#                               * corrected log entry formatting in updateDeviceState
#                               * changed getInputSourceNames to default source names and optimized code
#                               * changed uiSourceList to order by source number and optimized code
#                               * optimized deviceStartComm code
#                               * [incomplete] added on screen display states for vsx1022k
#                               * [incomplete] added OSD actions sendScrollDown, sendScrollUp, sendSelect,
#                                 sendReturn for vsx1022

I wanted to get this out there for others to test -- just in case I created other issues. I'm going to continue working through the OSD screens and optimize where I can.

Posted on
Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:34 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Pioneer Receiver discussion

Hi Nick

Great! Thanks for the help!

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