Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:29 pm
dduff617 offline
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Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

i'm wondering if it's possible to produce a filtered list (via the indigo web server, presumably). a basic interactive device list display (like you get with the "browser devices page" would be ok, but of course i would like to be able to filter this list to certain devices show devices using a mix of criteria instead of just showing all devices or all devices in a particular folder.

i could imagine including static/preconfigured criteria such as a fixed list of "interesting" devices to show, based on attributes such as devices with a special "tag" (string) in their Notes attribute, or based on their dynamic indigo states such as whether they are currently open, on, etc.

for example, when going to bed, i want to see if certain lights in the house have been left on, blinds left open, doors unlocked, etc. its a bit more complicated because i'm not really interested in seeing random fans and pumps and things in that list just because they happen to be on - these devices are not "interesting" for this interface. i could obviously make a custom control page showing every device of interest. i don't love that idea since it is a bit tedious to create is difficult to maintain, and is not as effective for the task as being able to show a filtered list would be.

i seem to remember seeing a capability like this some time back when the indigo web server was new but the plug-in api had not been developed. now i can't seem to find any mention of it.

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:30 pm
gregjsmith offline
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Re: Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

Like smart playlists in iTunes?

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:19 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

Indigo's never had that ability, but something like this is on the request list already. Maybe in the next major version.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:41 pm
dduff617 offline
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Re: Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

i did a bit more searching around - i think i may have been recalling ben schollnick's DevicesThatAreOn! plugin from back around 2009.

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:07 pm
dduff617 offline
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Re: Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

in case people are curious, i tried DevicesThatAreOn! plugin out and it works (version 1.30) but has a few rough edges. it shows a list of devices and seems as though it is designed to provide click-through from the list to the individual devices' pages however the links seems broken - probably due to changes in url patterns used in the web server since this was designed (indigo v4, i believe). looks like it could be fixed fairly easily.

there's evidence of a newer version (1.35) but i can't seem to locate the download for it - anyone have a working link?

anyway, this is not precisely what i was after, but definitely demonstrates the general concept and perhaps a starting point for my own further hacking. the actual amount of code involved is small, which i guess is a testament to the indigo web server plugin concept.

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Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:13 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Any way to show a filtered list of devices?

Take a look at the "Device Usage Report" add-on in the User Contributions library. I think it does the device filtering you are looking for.

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