Netatmo plugin discussion

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Mon May 13, 2013 2:15 pm
berkinet offline
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Netatmo plugin discussion

Please post any ideas, thoughts, questions or???

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Mon May 13, 2013 4:36 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

Excellent - I've updated the plugin list. Weather seems to be one of the biggest requests so support for another bit of weather hardware is always welcome.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri May 17, 2013 12:22 am
Juju offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

Hello Berkinet,

I'm buying a Netatmo ...
I'm waiting for your plugin !


Posted on
Fri May 17, 2013 2:21 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

The first beta is now available. See the Netatmo announcement in the announcement section of this forum

Posted on
Mon May 27, 2013 8:37 am
bbruck offline
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Understanding the Netatmo concept

I guess this is the place for this -

This is a totally different type of weather station. It does not have an outdoor wind guage or rain sensor, but adds other things like air quality index, co2. I'm not sure how tied in it is to local weather forecasts for things like its 7-day forecast. Then it seems to share temperature, barometric pressure and humidity with old fashioned weather stations.

In a way it seems like more of a "knowledge" device rather than an "information" device, making conclusions rather than presenting simple data.

I like having my current old-fashioned weather station for its rain history (so I can make decision on my sprinklers), but honestly I don't really use things like the wind speed.

Can anyone help me understand the design considerations that went into the choice of what they added and left out, and then in real life whether you miss the things that aren't there?

Posted on
Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:33 pm
macmacmansions offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin

Thank you so much for developing this plugin.
I think I followed the setup instructions correctly, but must have missed something along the way. Indigo displays the device and device ID, checked for comm enabled - but all the custom states are at zero and the last update stays at 2000-01-00.
The Netatmo devices themselves are working normally; and my account looks fully enabled. It's set to keep me permanently logged in, and the base stations also publish publicly. (I did notice a menu on the account settings popup that refers to 'my third party apps', which lets me revoke access to them - but there doesn't seem to be any place to grant access to third party apps!)
I've tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin, with exactly the same result. So whatever I'm doing wrong, I'm doing consistently (it's nice to know stupidity isn't a fluke!).
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions. (Including, 'forget trying to use netatmo for triggering indigo: use x instead!')
Many thanks again for your work and time spent helping us have fun with Indigo.
Indigo 6ScreenSnapz001.jpg
Screenshot of Indigo state for netatmo station device
Indigo 6ScreenSnapz001.jpg (237.3 KiB) Viewed 15482 times

Posted on
Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:57 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin

macmacmansions wrote:
Thank you so much for developing this plugin.
I think I followed the setup instructions correctly, but must have missed something along the way....

It sounds like the plugin is not connecting to the Netatmo server. Did you remember to do the plugin configuration as well? Plugins ► Netatmo Plugin ► Configure...

Posted on
Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:17 am
AndrewGWalsh offline
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Netatmo Observations

Hello, I am using your plugin with my NetAtmo - I have an additional module too (which added ok) and am thinking about getting two more.

First off, thank you for a brilliant plugin - it all worked first time and is simple to use.

Second off, a bunch of questions :-)

i) The battery level on the outdoor module appears to read a number like 5983 - should I be dividing this by 10,000 in order to interpret it or some such?
ii) No battery level is available on the additional module - is this deliberate?
iii) Despite there not being (as far as I am aware) pressure and sound sensors in the additional module the plugin seems to report plausible numbers for the additional module...
iv) Is there a way of accessing the 7-day weather forecast shown in the NetAtmo website via the device? This would render my weather script redundant (and make it look pretty small beer by comparison...)
v) Is it possible to connect to a friends NetAtmo to which he has given me access via the NetAtmo website?

Kindest of kind regards,


Posted on
Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:07 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo Observations

AndrewGWalsh wrote:
...I have an additional module too (which added ok)...
[and] ...a bunch of questions :-)

Thanks for your comments...

To start, the plugin was not designed, or tested, for more than the original "pair" of Netatmos (1 indoor, 1 outdoor). So, it might work (for some value of work), but the results could be unpredictable. I suspect that accounts for at least two your questions. But then again, maybe not. I'd be glad to add support for additional modules, if someone wants to loan, send, buy one for me.

Now, to your questions...
Q i). The battery level on the outdoor module appears to read a number like 5983 - should I be dividing this by 10,000 in order to interpret it or some such?
    A. The interpretation of battery level seems to be undefined. At least it was when I wrote the plugin a couple of months ago. I'll check the API docs and the Netatmo forums to see if there is any newer information. But, I doubt it. The documentation on this little thing is pretty slim. For now, my best advice is to replace the batteries with good fresh ones and note the level. Then assume the readings after that are linear and proportionate to the actual level. YMMV

Q. ii). No battery level is available on the additional module - is this deliberate?
    A. Actually the battery level is only available on the remote/outdoor module. Possibly you have defined the module devices incorrectly, or this could be a by-product of having more than one remote module.

Q. iii). Despite there not being (as far as I am aware) pressure and sound sensors in the additional module the plugin seems to report plausible numbers for the additional module...
    A. See the previous answer. These data points are only available on the indoor/master module.

Q. iv). Is there a way of accessing the 7-day weather forecast shown in the NetAtmo website via the device? This would render my weather script redundant (and make it look pretty small beer by comparison...)
    A. Not yet. The forecast information is not available in the API. So, it would require scraping it from the website. THis is possible, but may take some work.I will look into it.

Q. v). Is it possible to connect to a friends NetAtmo to which he has given me access via the NetAtmo website?
    A. Right now the plugin only supports 1 Netatmo account. So, you could monitor someones else's Netatmo, but then, you couldn't monitor your own. It is possible to re-architect the plugin to allow multiple accounts. However, it is a) a fair amount of work, abd b) would make the setup more complex. I will give it some thought.

Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:41 am
otto-mate offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

berkinet - thanks for the Netatmo plugin!

Anyone got any script examples of what they're doing with this plugin?

(any easy way to check the version numbers of 3rd party plugins?).



Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:07 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

otto-mate wrote:
...(any easy way to check the version numbers of 3rd party plugins?)....

To check the version number of any plugin, just go to the Plugins menu and select the plugin. Like:
Screen Shot
ss1.png (98.78 KiB) Viewed 15394 times

At this point the plugin is still pretty basic. I have added support for "Additional Indoor" modules and should release that this week. AFter that I will work on better reporting handling of server availability errors -- right now the plugin just quits and restarts when it can't reach the server.

Right now there aren't any actions supported by the plugin, simply because the API doesn't allow the client to do anything except get data.

However, I am open to extending the plugin if you, or anyone else, has some ideas.

Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:25 pm
otto-mate offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

Thanks berkinet.

Is there a way to get the external temperature into a variable - thinking of triggers / actions based on outside approaching freezing.


Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:17 pm
wiery offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

berkinet, is there a link to the updated version, i only see V0.2.0, am i missing something ?

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:43 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

otto-mate wrote:
...Is there a way to get the external temperature into a variable - thinking of triggers / actions based on outside approaching freezing.

The plugin itself does not provide a means of updating variables. However, Indigo has a built-in action for that exact purpose. Here's how:
  1. Create a Trigger and based on the Netatmo device and state you want to use for your trigger. For example:
      Device: Indoor
      Has Any Change
  2. For the Action, select:
      Variable Actions -> Insert Device State into Variable
      For the Device: select the same device you used for the trigger
  3. Click Edit Action Settings... For Insert State: Select Temperature and for Into Variable: select the variable (it must already exist) you wish to save the temperature into.
Now, anytime the Netatmo Indoor device temperature changes, the new temperature will be recorded into your variable.

However, if all you want to do is take some action based on the temperature going below some certain threshold, just create the trigger when the Netatmo device's temperature Becomes Less Than. There is no need to save the data into a variable just to trigger on it.

Posted on
Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:46 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin discussion

wiery wrote:
berkinet, is there a link to the updated version, i only see V0.2.0, am i missing something ?

No, you aren't missing anything, yet. Version 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 are internal only. I am working on getting 0.3.2 out this week. Just a little more work to do on Netatmo server error handling. I will post here and on the Netatmo announcement topic as soon as the next version is available for download.

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