TS10 Wireless Thermometer

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:35 pm
bulphan offline
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TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Hopefully a nice and easy question......

I have just purchased a couple of X10 Wireless Thermometers (TS10). I have paired them to my SC9000 and they are working fine (as far as I can tell anyway).

In Indigo, I have set them as "Outlet Modules" on the required Address, and I get an On/Off when the temperature threshold is triggered on each TS10. So all good!

My questions are :

1) Have I configured it as the right type of Module (I'm using a CM11 Controller/USB)? If not, what should I use?

2) Is it possible to "read" the current temperature of the TS10 in Indigo? I'm thinking of using it as a Variable.....

3) I believe that if I upgrade to Indigo Pro, I can "monitor" the SC9000? Can anyone give me a clue as to what Indigo will "return" from the SC9000? Should I upgrade to get the full benefits of my SC9000/Indigo/TS10, etc....?

Many thanks in advance,

Posted on
Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:29 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Hi James,

Using Outlet Module as the model type should work, but I would probably choose Remote Button since the TS10 in this case is acting like a remote button switch (that triggers on the temperature thresholds).

It is not possible to read the exact temperature value from the TS10 via Indigo. It can only detect when your preset threshold are crossed.

Although Indigo Pro does not include any additional specific integration for the SC9000, you can use AppleScript with Pro and Benjamin has written this Security Script which allows you to use Indigo to track X10 security door/window sensors in Indigo.


Posted on
Thu May 05, 2011 11:59 pm
bulphan offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me this far (especially Matt)! Delays in coming back to this have just been due to the ongoing decorating project......

I've just upgraded to Indigo Pro (I can see MANY "possibilities" for my home automation project), and am really loving it so far!

I have my iTunes Control, and everything working fine... but would now like to address the following two areas :

1) Regarding my Wireless Thermometer, I would like to READ using the Security Script the temperature (it's currently setup as a "Remote Button" as per Matt's recommendations). Can someone give me a brief outline of what I need to do for this? (I do have the Security Script installed, but am "lost"...

2) I would like to "control" my Sonos System too, is this something that someone can assist with please?

Thanks again,

Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 4:12 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

bulphan wrote:
1) Regarding my Wireless Thermometer, I would like to READ using the Security Script the temperature (it's currently setup as a "Remote Button" as per Matt's recommendations). Can someone give me a brief outline of what I need to do for this? (I do have the Security Script installed, but am "lost"...

I'm not familiar with the TS10 wireless thermometer, but from above, it appears that it appears as a remote button?

Is there any X10 event IDs in the Indigo log?

Now the good news is that in Indigo v5 I am planning to re-engineer the user interface and make it much more user friendly....

What would you like to happen when the TS10 is turned on? Turned off?

My Plugins for Indigo (v4, v5, and v6) - http://bit.ly/U8XxPG

Security Script for v4 - http://bit.ly/QTgclf
for v5 - http://bit.ly/T6WBKu

Support Forum(s) - http://www.perceptiveautomation.com/userforum/viewforum.php?f=33

Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 5:26 am
bulphan offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Hi, Thanks for the reply!

Yes, Matt suggested I set it up as a "Remote Button" when I was first setting up? I only have a CM11 (from memory sorry not at home), so perhaps this is why?!

Regarding Indigo Event ID's/Logs, I'll have to check when I'm back home....

Long term, I was hoping to use the TS10's for the following :

1) When the Temperature hits a certain threshold, shut down "x" device/s. I.e. Check Temp in Media Cabinet, and if it hits x temp, then shutdown temperature sensitive devices (like Xbox 360 for example)

2) Let me know the current Temperature in each room that I have a TS10. Was thinking of "polling" the TS10's every "x" minutes/hours, then report these on the "Control Pages". It probably sounds odd, but I like the idea of being able to get the temperature in each room.

3) Get current status of the TS10 (i.e. On/Off)

Am looking forward to v5 very much! Sounds like it's going to be a good improvement! (even though I'm only touching the surface of the Indigo Pro v4 at present)

Thanks again,

Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 6:20 am
bulphan offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Just to confirm......connected up to home......

It is a CM11 Controller I'm using, but I can't see anything "useful" in the Logs.....

I think the problem I have is simply that I'm not sure HOW to "address" the TS10 to get it to do the things I wanted.

Same with the Sonos query.

I have my iTunes Controls setup and working, so I'm not a complete idiot.....although many people would disagree :-)

Thanks again,

Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 7:12 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

I could be wrong, but I don't believe the TS10 can actually send out its temperature value. It only sends out commands when the current temperature crosses the setpoint value.


Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 7:16 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

bulphan wrote:
2) Let me know the current Temperature in each room that I have a TS10. Was thinking of "polling" the TS10's every "x" minutes/hours, then report these on the "Control Pages". It probably sounds odd, but I like the idea of being able to get the temperature in each room.

From the second post in the thread:

Matt wrote:
It is not possible to read the exact temperature value from the TS10 via Indigo. It can only detect when your preset threshold are crossed.

Temperature sensors are a big hole in the current device lineup for both X10 and INSTEON. Search for "temperature" to see what others are doing.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 9:49 am
bulphan offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Thanks for all the replies, sounds like I will have to look at alternative means to get the information.....or just invest in lots of TS10's and set low and high thresholds :-)

Best of luck with v5 !!

Incidentally, any suggestions on the Sonos query would be appreciated, but I understand if you want me to start a new thread for this....


Posted on
Fri May 06, 2011 4:02 pm
mat offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer


Sonos control from indigo is not native.

If you just want play, pause, volume, previous, next, or swap inputs for your zones there is a thread in the unsupported area on the sonos forum. A chap has written a python controller for sonos which runs on a mac. This can be controlled by AppleScript via http calls. I think I posted how to do the basics using the controller on about page 13.

I know no python, but the AppleScript calls to Marks python controller are fairly simple.

For more complex control, it will take someone with python knowledge to adapt the code there for a plugin to indigo 5 when released.

I've had the python controller running for weeks at a time without problem, it's very stable

If you need any assistance, give me a shout and I can email my AppleScript.

Late 2018 mini 10.14

Posted on
Sat May 07, 2011 1:43 pm
bulphan offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Thanks for the Sonos Info, just did a quick search and found most of the stuff I need. If you can eMail me your Applescript that would no doubt save me a lot of time?

Also, I have a dumb (in hindsight) confession.....I have the SC9000, and was looking at monitoring with Indigo Pro, but didn't realise I would need the W800RF32 to "read" or "respond to" the signals...... :oops:

However, it looks to me (being in the UK) that the CM15Pro may be a better option (as this apparently includes the RF Capabilities)?

Would you recommend the CM15Pro, or would you recommend keeping my CM11 and adding the W800RF32 (which I cannot find stock of in the UK)....?

Thanks again for all your help to date,

Posted on
Sun May 08, 2011 12:24 pm
mat offline
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Re: TS10 Wireless Thermometer

Extract from the post on sonos forums...

These are based on simple curl calls, from the http calls and explinations on page 12 of the thread.

Each of the AS calls the zone first (set the renderer) and then tell the zone what to do. First make sure sonospy is running from terminal

sudo ./sonospy_web
from the installed directory. There is no need to have a browser open.

For play/pause/mute/next or previous...

--set renderer
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/rendererData?R::TV Room%20%28ZP%29"

--set play/pause

do shell script "curl http://SonospyIP:50101/data/rendererAction?data=PLAY"
Replace sonospy IP in both lines and zonename in the first line. Play is a toggle for play/pause. Play can be replaced with STOP PAUSE NEXT PREVIOUS MUTE

For volume:

--set the renderer to the tv room
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/rendererData?R::TV Room%20%28ZP%29"

--set volume
tell application "IndigoServer"
set vol to ((value of variable "sonosvoltvroom") - 5)
end tell

do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/rendererAction?data=VOLUME:: & vol

tell application "IndigoServer"
set value of variable "sonosvoltvroom" to vol
end tell
Create a variable in indigo called "sonosvoltvroom" or similar, replace variable name in AS if different. Change the IP and zone names where necessary. This obviously wont keep track of volume changes made by the sonos controller, but with a little more work could be made to do so.

finally, set the zone to line-in

--renderer to the tv room
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/rendererData?data=R::TV Room%20%28ZP%29"

--these may need to be called to work after reboot although not worked out why yet
--get line in zone settings
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/rootData?data=S::TV Room%20%28ZP%29"
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/getData?dat ... In::1,0,10"
--based on above calls the data in this line will need amending - could be automated with variable
do shell script "curl http://sonospyIP:50101/data/playData?da ... ema:::PNDQ"

tell application "IndigoServer"
set value of variable "currenttrack" to "Line-in Cinema"
end tell
Please note the 3rd and 4th curl call data will need amending to suit your sonos set up (details on thread page 12 or call the renderer by using http 1 and then 2 in a browser, amend the 3rd based on the server responce, then again amend the 4th call dependant on the server responce from the 3rd. This could easily be automated, but I only have one line in.

My code is very basic, but also appears very stable. This can go alot further and I havesimple script for getting the queue etc. My AS is vitually no existant, but please ask if the above is unclear.

Late 2018 mini 10.14

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