Rooms are missing from edit action settings

Posted on
Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:16 pm
hensed offline
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Rooms are missing from edit action settings

Rooms are missing from edit action settings, how should get them back? I have tried updating maps for both bots, but that is not working.
Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 2.14.10 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 2.14.10 PM.png (255.52 KiB) Viewed 1598 times

Posted on
Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:13 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Rooms are missing from edit action settings


There is not much detail here…. I was tempted to post a photo of my Rooms (which are full) and say working here!

But all joking aside!

The room data is downloaded from the iRoomba cloud and need account login details.
It is not actually stored locally at all… well not accessible.
Not all iRoombas models allow access to Room level data
There are various plugin versions
If the plugin is not working at all - then obviously rooms won’t have any information in them
Turn debug on and get the room data from cloud - see if any obvious messaging.


What version Plugin are you running?
What iRoomba models? (you mention ‘both’)
Does the plugin start are there any error messages - eg. is something else wrong?
Did this work previously and this is new behaviour?
Have you checked the iRoomba account login details in the plugin Config? (iRoomba have been asking for password changes I have seen - did you change your password and not update plugin)
Some debug logging may be useful failing that.

Finally - if nothing works, can replace by using the Save last Action Run AG - this is a command which is save to Action Group the last iRoomba command run. You can then run another command from the App - and save that. Ultimately ending up with multiple Action Groups with all these commands.
If all else fails can run whatever complicated clean action you wish from the iRoomba app (including the favourites …) and THEN use the Action group (iRoomba Plugin Action save last Run Command) to save this command for future use. You can then run another command and save a seperate action group etc.etc.

I have had a look and one of my iroomba has blank room data as well.
When I retrieve from icloud with debugging on I get a CognitoIdentity error - suggesting can’t download map from iroomba’s AWS servers…
This may be a firmware change but checking whether other libraries reporting….


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Posted on
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:24 pm
hensed offline
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Re: Rooms are missing from edit action settings

Hey Glenn, you're right- I looked back at my original post and was embarrassed :lol:

I have a pair of S9+ robots.
Currently on plugin version 0.9.20

What happened: I have been using rooms/areas feature, embedded with actions and connected to SIRI for a super long time. One day a month or 2 ago, my wife (who I can't get to believe that automation actually works lol) asked siri to vacuum Kitchen. The roomba went anywhere but the kitchen, seemed lost and ended the mission. that's when I checked the action settings and discovered that the rooms/areas list is blank.

I have checked the debug logs, everything else is working and updating as expected. I am as well getting this message:
Code: Select all
CognitoIdentityCredentials is not authorized to perform: execute-api:Invoke on resource: arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:********9246:6gtg8429qe/dev/GET/dev/v1/4BCD3A164F4D4D599C151D9BAD9185CE/pmaps"

Do you suspect that this could be the issue?

Posted on
Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:18 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Rooms are missing from edit action settings


The issue appears to be iRoomba has now blocked access to the room/pmaps data for our accounts. The use an Amazon Web Service and this is the error message received in that scenario.

Unfortunately that leaves us a bit stuck to get room data. Eventually after running a number of manual room commands the data will slowly populate - but that is piecemeal and doesn’t work that well. Hence pulling it from the cloud was a far better immediate solution.

Other libraries - haven’t reported this as yet that I can see. So I will double check my endpoints and check they are uptodate (which they do seem to be…)

Best option is to use Save Last command plugin action Group.

Run clean room command - or cleans rooms - whatever you want.

Create new Action Group in Indigio
iRoomba plugin - Save last command
Select iRoomba and press appropriate button.

This recalls that command you just run, and saves it permanently into that action group. So when you then run this Action Group it will perform that command - ‘clean Kitchen’ or whatever it was.

Repeat the above as needed for each room/area you wish to have a command to clean.

You will need to do this for the set of rooms you want - but once done - unless you edit or change the map manually should be set.


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Posted on
Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:28 pm
hensed offline
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Re: Rooms are missing from edit action settings

Thank you for looking into it, Glenn. I love your plugin. I will start manually recording the rooms, appreciate the tip!

Posted on
Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:29 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Rooms are missing from edit action settings

hensed wrote:
Thank you for looking into it, Glenn. I love your plugin. I will start manually recording the rooms, appreciate the tip!

The save last command - also enables saving of a group of rooms, and in a certain order. The same as the Favourites - in the iroomba app - so does a bit more as well.

Good luck!


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