How to question...

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Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:33 am
berkinet offline
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How to question...

I have a sensor for my swimming pool water level. I would like to detect a low level, start the refill, and stop when it reaches full.
Low and full can be arbitrarily defined in mm, with full defined as zero and anything lower is some arbitrary negative value. The level is available as a device state. The refill valve is controlled by Indigo via my irrigation controller.
Further, to avoid conflicts with regular irrigation, I would like to test the level at the same time daily and if it is low, start adding water until the level reaches full.

Now, I know I can write a script to do this: check level; start water; loop, wait 30 seconds; if water is full, quit, etc.

But, I'd like to see if this can be done using the standard user interface (schedules, triggers, actions).

Any suggestions?

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Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:58 am
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: How to question...

Schedule with condition to check device state. If low, open valve. I would put a delayed action in to close the valve, just in case.

Then a trigger on the device state becoming more than something slightly less than zero, like -0.1 or some such. Close the valve.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:45 am
berkinet offline
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Re: How to question...

FlyingDiver wrote:
Schedule with condition to check device state. If low, open valve. I would put a delayed action in to close the valve, just in case…. …Then a trigger on the device state becoming more than something slightly less than zero, like -0.1 or some such. Close the valve.
Thanks for the response. I had more or less figured out the schedule and the condition, but it was the shut off that I kept going in circles about, somehow thinking it might be better to cancel the scheduled action. But, your idea of just simply turning the valve off makes a lot of sense. The only real issue then is that the turn on, and turn off are not really linked so there is always the 1 in a million event. But, as you suggest, putting a delayed turn off in the schedule action, solves that problem.

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