temp probes changing identity

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Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:50 am
aaronlionsheep offline
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Re: temp probes changing identity

agame wrote:
regarding what is triggering publishing of the ext-temp topics...I've been watching MQTT Explorer (such a good app!) and can see ALL those fields updating every few seconds. So I'm not sure what was happening with the the recalcitrant device...i probably should have just waited.

I think they should update with each sensor value change, so its possible your recalcitrant device didn't have any changes in that brief time period...

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Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:14 pm
agame offline
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Re: temp probes changing identity

aaronlionsheep wrote:
agame wrote:
A real good test for it would be to have both a DHT22 and a DS1820 sensor connected to the same shelly. Allegedly the DHT22 will always be bound to channel 1...

ah! okay i'll try that. I think i have a spare probe somewhere.

I should clarify why this is a good test. Shelly stated that they only support connecting a single DHT22 and that the humidity portion of the sensor will be tied to channel 1. One would assume that this means the whole sensor is bound to channel 1, so the corresponding temperature entry in /ext_temperatures should also be channel 1, forcing the DS1820 to be channel 2 or 3. The plugin has no reliance on this, but I think some weird display issues could happen if thats not the case.

okay - so plugin works fine with the DHT22 and it shows up as channel 1 as you hoped. And the hwID shows up perfectly in the new version- thats great!

But I couldn't get a DS1820 to register with the Shelly at all while the DHT22 was attached ...reviewing material about this I'm not sure this is actually possible?

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Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:21 pm
aaronlionsheep offline
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Re: temp probes changing identity

agame wrote:
okay - so plugin works fine with the DHT22 and it shows up as channel 1 as you hoped. And the hwID shows up perfectly in the new version- thats great!

But I couldn't get a DS1820 to register with the Shelly at all while the DHT22 was attached ...reviewing material about this I'm not sure this is actually possible?

Glad to hear the DHT22 is also working as expected. I'm not sure what led me to believe it was possible to use a DHT22 and DS1820 at the same time :|

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Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:27 am
agame offline
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: temp probes changing identity

all good. such a useful plugin. :D

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