Trouble setting up PiBeacon

Posted on
Sat May 30, 2020 4:58 pm
johnfdl offline
Posts: 177
Joined: May 18, 2017
Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Trouble setting up PiBeacon

I have a RPi all configured for PiBeacon (as it was used in an old Indigo system and worked well). I am now trying to set up the rPi on my new Indigo 7.4 system. I've got the latest plugin installed and configured and trying to set up my first rPi (via the PiBeacon ->Initial BASIC setup of rPi servers menu option in Indigo. I enter all the info and the rPi shows up as a device but shows IPConnection and BLE down as a status. I can ssh to the rPi so I know the IP is okay.

What am I missing? It's been years since I set this stuff up and I'm hoping it's something simple I am doing wrong. Any advice is appreciated.


2020-05-30 15:56:39 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for THREADDEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for DEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for INFO !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for WARNING !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39.778 ERROR Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for ERROR !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39.778 CRITICAL Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for CRITICAL !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 15:56:39 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 125 secs requested by: setVariables
2020-05-30 15:56:39 starting UpdateRPIqueues
2020-05-30 15:56:39 .. restarting thread for pi# 0, state was : -
2020-05-30 15:56:39 .. config read from files
2020-05-30 15:56:40 MAP2Vendor initializing
2020-05-30 15:56:40 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 15:56:40 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 15:56:40 .. checking devices tables
2020-05-30 15:56:42 startup(self): setting variables, debug .. finished
2020-05-30 15:56:42 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 15:56:42 .. starting tcpip stack
2020-05-30 15:56:43 .. tcpip stack started
2020-05-30 15:56:43 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 40 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 15:56:43 .. checking sensors
2020-05-30 15:56:43 .. checking BLEconnect
2020-05-30 15:56:43 .. checking beacons
2020-05-30 15:56:44 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 15:56:44 .. initialized, starting loop
2020-05-30 15:57:20 BeaconsCheckPeriod waiting for reboot, no changes in up--> down status for another 14[secs]
2020-05-30 16:06:11 rpi: 0 update thread stopped, state was:stop ; all;
2020-05-30 16:06:14 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for THREADDEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for DEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for INFO !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for WARNING !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14.536 ERROR Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for ERROR !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14.537 CRITICAL Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for CRITICAL !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 16:06:14 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 125 secs requested by: setVariables
2020-05-30 16:06:14 starting UpdateRPIqueues
2020-05-30 16:06:14 .. restarting thread for pi# 0, state was : -
2020-05-30 16:06:14 .. config read from files
2020-05-30 16:06:14 MAP2Vendor initializing
2020-05-30 16:06:14 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 16:06:14 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 16:06:14 .. checking devices tables
2020-05-30 16:06:17 startup(self): setting variables, debug .. finished
2020-05-30 16:06:17 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. starting tcpip stack
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. tcpip stack started
2020-05-30 16:06:17 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 40 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. checking sensors
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. checking BLEconnect
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. checking beacons
2020-05-30 16:06:17 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 16:06:17 .. initialized, starting loop
2020-05-30 16:06:53 BeaconsCheckPeriod waiting for reboot, no changes in up--> down status for another 14[secs]

Posted on
Sat May 30, 2020 5:44 pm
kw123 offline
User avatar
Posts: 8392
Joined: May 12, 2013
Location: Dallas, TX

Re: Trouble setting up PiBeacon

looks like it is in a loop

switch on debug all in config
could you check /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Logs/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plugin.log
file for errors. Should be a lot of data


Posted on
Sat May 30, 2020 6:25 pm
johnfdl offline
Posts: 177
Joined: May 18, 2017
Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Re: Trouble setting up PiBeacon

I assume by "switch on debug all in config" you mean check every option in the checkboxes for Debug in the Plug-in config. I did that and reloaded plugin:

17:19:15 -myLogSet setting parameters -- logFileActive= indigo; logFile= /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Logs/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plugin.log; debug plugin:['Logic', 'DevMgmt', 'BeaconData', 'SensorData', 'OutputDevice', 'UpdateRPI', 'OfflineRPI', 'Fing', 'BLE', 'CAR', 'BC', 'all', 'Socket', 'Special', 'PlotPositions', 'SocketRPI', 'BatteryLevel', 'SQLlogger', 'SQLSuppresslog'] RPI#:-1
17:19:15 pi configuration - ========== Parameters START ================
17:19:15 pi configuration -data path used /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/
17:19:15 pi configuration -debugLevel Indigo ['Logic', 'DevMgmt', 'BeaconData', 'SensorData', 'OutputDevice', 'UpdateRPI', 'OfflineRPI', 'Fing', 'BLE', 'CAR', 'BC', 'all', 'Socket', 'Special', 'PlotPositions', 'SocketRPI', 'BatteryLevel', 'SQLlogger', 'SQLSuppresslog']-
17:19:15 pi configuration -debug which Pi# -1
17:19:15 pi configuration -maxSizeOfLogfileOnRPI 10000000
17:19:15 pi configuration -automaticRPIReplacement False
17:19:15 pi configuration -myIp Number
17:19:15 pi configuration -port# of indigoWebServer 8176
17:19:15 pi configuration -indigo UserID ....fdeluca
17:19:15 pi configuration -indigo Password ....74luca
17:19:15 pi configuration -WiFi key_mgmt WPA-PSK
17:19:15 pi configuration -WiFi Password ....74luca
17:19:15 pi configuration -WiFi SSID MOTO1A2E
17:19:15 pi configuration -wifi OFF if ETH0 {'wlan0': {u'on': u'dontChange', u'useIP': u'use'}, 'eth0': {u'on': u'on', u'useIP': u'use'}}
17:19:15 pi configuration -Seconds UP to DOWN 80.0
17:19:15 pi configuration -enable FINGSCAN interface 0
17:19:15 pi configuration -rejct Beacons with txPower > 999 dbm
17:19:15 pi configuration -beacon indigo folder Name Pi_Beacons_new
17:19:15 pi configuration -accept newiBeacons -999
17:19:15 pi configuration -accept junk beacons 0
17:19:15 pi configuration -send Full UUID everytime 0
17:19:15 pi configuration -distance Units 1.0; 1=m, 0.01=cm , 0.0254=in, 0.3=f, 0.9=y
17:19:15 pi configuration -
17:19:15 pi configuration - ========== EXPERT parameters for each PI:----------
17:19:15 pi configuration -delete History after xSecs 86400
17:19:15 pi configuration -collect x secs bf snd 60
17:19:15 pi configuration -port# on rPi 4 GPIO commands 9999
17:19:15 pi configuration -
17:19:15 pi configuration - # R# 0/1 IP# beacon-MAC indigoName Pos X,Y,Z indigoID UserID Password If-rPI-Hangs SensorAttached
17:19:15 pi configuration - 0 1 00:00:00:00:pi:00 Pi_0 0,0,0 326510670 pi [password removed from post] restartLoop
17:19:15 pi configuration -
17:19:15 pi configuration - ========== defined beacons ==============
17:19:15 pi configuration -# Beacon MAC indigoName indigoId Status type txMin ignore sigDlt minSig lastBatteryUpdate/lvl LastUp[s] ExpTime updDelay lastStatusChange created
17:19:15 pi configuration -1 00:00:00:00:PI:00 0 expired rPI 999 0 999 -999 999999999 90 0 2020-05-30 15:07:53
17:19:15 pi configuration -2 00:00:00:00:pi:00 Pi_0 326510670 expired rPI 999 0 999 -999 999999999 90 300 2020-05-30 15:40:57 2020-05-30 15:40:57
17:19:15 pi configuration -
17:19:15 pi configuration -update-thread status
17:19:15 pi configuration -pi# state lastCheck lastActive lastData
17:19:15 pi configuration -0 running 0.0 773.3 {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 15
17:19:15 pi configuration -1 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -2 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -3 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -4 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -5 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -6 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -7 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -8 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -9 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -10 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -11 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -12 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -13 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -14 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -15 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -16 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -17 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -18 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -19 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -20 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -21 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -22 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -23 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -24 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -25 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -26 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -27 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -28 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -29 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -30 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -31 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -32 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -33 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -34 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -35 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -36 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -37 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -38 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -39 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -40 904380.9 904380.9
17:19:15 pi configuration -
2020-05-30 17:19:15 fixConfig called from validatePrefsConfigUi; with:['all', 'rpi', 'force']
2020-05-30 17:19:17 checkForUpdates updateNeeded findAnyTaskPi: True
2020-05-30 17:19:17 fixConfig called from checkForUpdates; with:['all', 'rpi', 'force']
2020-05-30 17:19:17 updating pi server files called from: checkForUpdates
2020-05-30 17:19:17 FTP adding to update list {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1590884357.497177, 'pi': u'0', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-30 17:19:18 savebeaconPositionsFile {}
2020-05-30 17:19:18 makeNewBeaconPositionPlots .. beaconPositionsUpdated: 2
2020-05-30 17:19:18 makeNewBeaconPositionPlots cmd: /usr/bin/python2.7 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plotPositions/' &
2020-05-30 17:19:18 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1590884357.497177, 'pi': u'0', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-30 17:19:18 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #0 fileToSend:
2020-05-30 17:19:18 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-30 17:19:18 updating pi server config for # 0 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi [password removed from post] assword 0 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
makeBeaconPositionPlots L: 60 Lv:20 ========= start @ 2020-05-30 17:19:18.742762 ===========
makeBeaconPositionPlots L: 99 Lv:20 imageYscale :30.0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:100 Lv:20 imageXscale :20.0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:101 Lv:20 imageDotsY :600
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:102 Lv:20 captionTextSize :12
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:103 Lv:20 labelTextSize :18
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:104 Lv:20 titleTextSize :12
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:105 Lv:20 titleText :text on Top
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:106 Lv:20 titleTextColor :#000000
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:107 Lv:20 titleTextPos :0,0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:108 Lv:20 titleTextRotation :0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:109 Lv:20 showTimeStamp :False
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:111 Lv:20 randomBeacons :0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:112 Lv:20 distanceUnits :1.0
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:113 Lv:20 imageOutfile :
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:114 Lv:20 compressImage :True
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:115 Lv:20 Zlevels :[0, 5]
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:125 Lv:20 label delta X :0.45
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:126 Lv:20 label delta Y :0.375
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:127 Lv:20 capt delta X :0.3
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:128 Lv:20 capt delta Y :0.25
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:139 Lv:20 beacon data:
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:146 Lv:20 time used 0.00 -- setup fig, ax
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:181 Lv:20 time used -- background image file not loaded, not found -- background.png not in /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plotPositions/beaconPositions.png and not in /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plotPositions/
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:189 Lv:20 time used 0.16 -- adding text
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:201 Lv:20 time used 0.16 -- now loop though the beacons and add them
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:285 Lv:20 Caption: text offset x= 0.25; y=0.25
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:318 Lv:20 time used 0.16 -- making the plot:
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:329 Lv:20 time used 0.23 -- compressing the png file
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:336 Lv:20 time used 6.52 -- file sizes: original file: 10.0; compressed file: 3.5[KB]
makeBeaconPositionPlots L:350 Lv:20 time used 6.52 -- end @ 2020-05-30 17:19:25.262480
2020-05-30 17:19:30 UpdateRPI seems to have been completed for pi# 0 updateParamsFTP.exp
2020-05-30 17:19:51 fixConfig called from finish; with:['all', 'rpi', 'beacon', 'CARS', 'sensors', 'output', 'force']
2020-05-30 17:19:52 rpi: 0 update thread stopped, state was:stop ; all;
2020-05-30 17:20:06 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for THREADDEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 17:20:06 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for DEBUG !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 17:20:06 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for INFO !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 17:20:06 !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for WARNING !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 17:20:06.380 ERROR Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for ERROR !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
2020-05-30 17:20:06.380 CRITICAL Plugin.__init__ !!!!INFO ONLY!!!! logger enabled for CRITICAL !!!!INFO ONLY!!!!
17:20:06 -myLogSet setting parameters -- logFileActive= indigo; logFile= /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Logs/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plugin.log; debug plugin:['Logic', 'DevMgmt', 'BeaconData', 'SensorData', 'OutputDevice', 'UpdateRPI', 'OfflineRPI', 'Fing', 'BLE', 'CAR', 'BC', 'all', 'Socket', 'Special', 'PlotPositions', 'SocketRPI', 'BatteryLevel', 'SQLlogger', 'SQLSuppresslog'] RPI#:-1
2020-05-30 17:20:06 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 125 secs requested by: setVariables
17:20:06 - --V 7.119.357 initializing --
2020-05-30 17:20:06 starting UpdateRPIqueues
2020-05-30 17:20:06 .. restarting thread for pi# 0, state was : -
2020-05-30 17:20:06 .. config read from files
2020-05-30 17:20:06 rpiUpdateThread starting for pi# 0
2020-05-30 17:20:06 fixConfig called from readconfig; with:['all', 'rpi', 'beacon', 'CARS', 'sensors', 'output', 'force']
2020-05-30 17:20:06 MAP2Vendor initializing
2020-05-30 17:20:06 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 17:20:06 MAP2Vendor initializing finished, read from mac2Vendor.json file
2020-05-30 17:20:06 .. checking devices tables
2020-05-30 17:20:08 setting attribute for catalina with: echo '[password removed from post]' | sudo -S /usr/bin/xattr -rd '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pngquant'
2020-05-30 17:20:08 ......... result:('', 'Password:Sorry, try again.\nPassword:\nsudo: 1 incorrect password attempt\n')
2020-05-30 17:20:08 setSqlLoggerIgnoreStatesAndVariables settings:{'variables': True, 'devices': True}
2020-05-30 17:20:08

2020-05-30 17:20:08 setSqlLoggerIgnoreStatesAndVariables settings end

2020-05-30 17:20:08 startup(self): setting variables, debug .. finished
2020-05-30 17:20:08 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 17:20:08 .. starting tcpip stack
2020-05-30 17:20:08 starting tcpip socket listener, for RPI data, might take some time, using: ip#= ; port#= 12087
2020-05-30 17:20:08 lsof output:('', '')
2020-05-30 17:20:08 TCPIPsocket:: setting reuse = 1
2020-05-30 17:20:08 TCPIPsocket:: setting timout = 5
2020-05-30 17:20:08 TCPIPsocket:: an integer is required try#: 0 time elapsed: 0.1 secs
2020-05-30 17:20:09 /usr/sbin/lsof -i tcp:12087
IndigoPlu 37012 johndeluca 7u IPv4 0x659fd6ef8c104429 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
2020-05-30 17:20:09 startTcpipListening tcpip socket listener running; thread:#Thread-2
2020-05-30 17:20:09 .. tcpip stack started
2020-05-30 17:20:09 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 40 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 17:20:09 .. checking sensors
2020-05-30 17:20:09 .. checking BLEconnect
2020-05-30 17:20:09 .. checking beacons
2020-05-30 17:20:09 checkForUpdates updateNeeded findAnyTaskPi: True
2020-05-30 17:20:09 fixConfig called from checkForUpdates; with:['all', 'rpi', 'force']
2020-05-30 17:20:09 FTP adding to update list {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1590884409.283201, 'pi': u'0', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-30 17:20:09 rpiUpdateThread executing {'fileToSend': 'updateParamsFTP.exp', 'endAction': 'repeatUntilFinished', 'tries': 0, 'exeTime': 1590884409.283201, 'pi': u'0', 'type': 'ftp'}
2020-05-30 17:20:09 enter sendFilesToPiFTP #0 fileToSend:
2020-05-30 17:20:09 sbin/ping -c 1 -W 40 -o return-code: 0
2020-05-30 17:20:09 updating pi server config for # 0 executing
/usr/bin/expect '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/updateParamsFTP.exp' pi [password removed from post] assword 0 '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/' '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Plugins/piBeacon.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/pi' 15
2020-05-30 17:20:09 setting BeaconsCheck to off (no up-->down) for 50 secs requested by: initConcurrentThread
2020-05-30 17:20:09 .. initialized, starting loop
2020-05-30 17:20:22 UpdateRPI seems to have been completed for pi# 0 updateParamsFTP.exp
2020-05-30 17:20:45 BeaconsCheckPeriod waiting for reboot, no changes in up--> down status for another 14[secs]
2020-05-30 17:21:03 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:22:06 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:23:00 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:24:03 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
020-05-30 17:25:07 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:26:01 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:27:04 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:28:07 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:29:01 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:30:04 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:30:04 pi server # 0 ip# has not send a message in the last 583 seconds
2020-05-30 17:31:07 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:32:01 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:33:04 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:34:07 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:35:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:35:02 pi server # 0 ip# has not send a message in the last 880 seconds
2020-05-30 17:36:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:37:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:38:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:39:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:40:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:40:08 pi server # 0 ip# has not send a message in the last 1186 seconds
2020-05-30 17:41:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:42:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:43:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:44:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:45:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:45:05 pi server # 0 ip# has not send a message in the last 1483 seconds
2020-05-30 17:46:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:47:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:48:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:49:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:50:02 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:50:02 pi server # 0 ip# has not send a message in the last 1781 seconds
2020-05-30 17:51:05 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:52:08 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:53:03 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']
2020-05-30 17:54:06 fixConfig called from checkMinute; with:['all']

Posted on
Sun May 31, 2020 8:22 am
johnfdl offline
Posts: 177
Joined: May 18, 2017
Location: Atlanta, GA USA

Re: Trouble setting up PiBeacon

The rPi seems to now be up and working. I tinkered with a few things but not sure what triggered the fix.

Posted on
Sun May 31, 2020 9:42 am
kw123 offline
User avatar
Posts: 8392
Joined: May 12, 2013
Location: Dallas, TX

Re: Trouble setting up PiBeacon

the RPIs need to get the new pgms from the plugin and then restart, that might take some minutes

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