INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

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Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:05 pm
tcherna offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

So just migrating from 7.1 10.11 on an old Mac mini to 7.4 10.14 on a new iMac. Is it expected that the PowerLinc would fail to connect until I plug it into a KVM hub (which happens to be USB 2) as opposed to the USB 3 ports of the iMac?

Posted on
Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:38 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

PowerLincs are quite sensitive to USB versions and hubs. So, no, this isn't at all unexpected. We know that there are often times failures on hubs, and we know that there are also failures on USB3, so the trick is to find the right combination. Looks like you found it for you.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:41 pm
tcherna offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Thanks Jay. It might be a good idea to update ... on_devices with a note about hubs :D

Posted on
Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:34 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Agreed - added.

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Posted on
Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:11 am
ryandenver offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)


Wondering if you've seen that there appears to be a delay either in the Indigo software or the PowerLinc Modem when using action groups triggered by an Insteon keypad. If there have been commands recently (think <1hr) things work fine. If not, and you trigger an action group, it may not respond or it takes several seconds for any of the triggered devices to respond.

I've confirmed the Mac Mini is awake to rule that out so I'm guessing it's something either in the software and/or modem.



Posted on
Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:12 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Insteon is a relatively slow protocol, and it doesn't handle signal collisions well at all. So, if lots of things are going on, then things will slow down because there will be a lot of retries for failed commands. If you are using triggers, the potential delays are added to because the signal has to go from the device to the PowerLinc, then from the PowerLinc to the device called in the action.

Indigo processing time is negligent compared to Insteon signal times. You have to spend some time "tuning" Insteon-based solutions to get the right combination of direct links (which eliminates the extra trip to the PowerLinc but also limits flexibility) and Indigo Triggers (much more flexibility, but it increases Insteon traffic).

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:25 pm
peszko offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

I used to have a lot of problems with a large insteon only network. I got rid of a lot of older modules and replaced them with z-wave. I especially targeted wireless modules. After removing most of the wireless sensors and the keypadlinks (those were really troublsome) my network is very solid. What I would target first is insteon sensors with triggers that end up generating a lot of insteon traffic. I would also try to avoid multiple direct commands to modules, but rather use as few as possible scene commands. I would also turn off scene cleanup. This makes insteon scenes less reliable, but greatly increases speed. I find two sucessive insteon scene commands are a lot faster then single one with the clean up (with multiple devices in the scene)

In my situation, I have left mostly second generation insteon light switches, that generally just receive commands. At this point, I'll probably leave them be until they fail and need replacement.

Insteon works well for small setups, but at certain point degrades fairly fast (inherent to the protocol). If you can, I'd look in to adding z-wave to your network and change your sensors to z-wave (especially the wireless ones)

Posted on
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:22 pm
eric offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U) Will not Link with Devic

I have a 2413U on Catalina and Indigo sees it, and it's green at the bottom of the Home Window.

But it will not link with any devices.

I have tried two different devices and also two different 2413U's

When I hit the device button, the Insteon address does not fill into the fields.

When I manually enter the address into the fields, there is still no linking and the red error message appears "Remote Device IS not responding"

The device is right next to the 2413U.

What can I do to make this work? Seems like no one has this issue on the forum.

I've done factory resets on both devices etc.

Posted on
Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:09 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Hi Eric,

What type of modules are you trying to define/sync? There might be interference or power line noise on the circuit you have the PowerLinc plugged into that is preventing it from working, even if the module is right next to it. To see if that is the case try plugging both the module and the PowerLinc into the same power strip, then plug that power strip into different outlet (on different circuits) throughout the house. To make this easy just use an extension cord so you don't have to move your Mac around. Does it sync anywhere? If not, open Indigo's Event Log window and copy/paste its contents after you try the define/sync process into a reply for us.


Posted on
Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:24 am
hemmerdinger offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Hi all,

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a Mac Mini 2012 running Catalina and Indigo 7.4.1 connected with 25 devices, mainly light switches via a PowerLinc 2413U.
Until yesterday afternoon everything was running fine. Multiple schedules throughout the day would action without an issue.

For some odd reason, everything stopped yesterday. Indigo cannot control any devices or perform a successful status refresh.
The PowerLinc 2413U is in green in the bottom left hand side of the Indigo window and when I try to control something, I get the progress bar.
But it always times out and won't control or sync with any device.

I've tried to power everything off and leave it for a decent period of time.
I've tried to Reset PowerLinc and Sync Links but nothing changes.

This is what I get from a Sync Device Links:
Jun 27, 2020 at 10:34:14 AM
Error Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device "Inside Lights - Lounge Lamp - Back" (address 1F.4A.24, firmware version 42)

I'm attaching the event window from a server startup and then trying to sync 1 device.

Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Start Server & Sync 1 Device.txt
Cold server start and 1 device sync.
(4.4 KiB) Downloaded 232 times

Posted on
Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:43 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Try factory resetting the PowerLinc: unplug it from your Mac and the wall, press and hold the SET button on the side, plug back into a power outlet, continue holding down the SET button for 10+ seconds, release the SET button and connect to your Mac.

If that doesn't help then try using an extension cord to plug the PowerLinc into multiple outlets on different circuits. If you can get it working somewhere else, then there is likely power line noise / interference on the circuit you were using (which you can then try to isolate/eliminate).


Posted on
Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:31 pm
hemmerdinger offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Thanks for the prompt reply.
I tried all the suggestions and it's exactly the same. I forgot to mention I have a couple of Access Points.
I tried with those taken out and still the same.

It's so odd. I can't think of anything that changed to my home in the last 24 hours,

Posted on
Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:12 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

Have you tried plugging both the PowerLinc and a plug-in module (LampLinc or ApplianceLinc) into the same power strip to see if you control/sync it?


Posted on
Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:29 am
PETStech offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

About the time of the failure, had someone plugged in a power tool charger or similar power charger/adapter. I too had a similar, 'mystery' problem which I finally discovered was a Black & Decker powerpac charger which was generating noise on one leg of our house wiring. I hadn't used that' B&D drill in years and a fellow who helps me with jobs around the house must have found it unplugged and plugged it in again.

Posted on
Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:20 am
hemmerdinger offline
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Re: INSTEON PowerLinc Modem (2413U)

matt (support) wrote:
Have you tried plugging both the PowerLinc and a plug-in module (LampLinc or ApplianceLinc) into the same power strip to see if you control/sync it?

Yes and still no luck.

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