[SOLVED]Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

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Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:41 am
Brendan offline
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[SOLVED]Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

I just tried setting up an Airfoil instance to test out the new Airfoil Pro plugin. Indigo didn't add any speakers, despite Airfoil having five speakers (plus one speaker hidden using "Advanced Speaker Options…"). When I toggled speakers on and off in Airfoil, the Indigo log would show an error:

Airfoil Pro Error Unknown speaker found: 7FF71832BE40@Dining Room

I thought it might be because I had a speaker hidden, so I told Airfoil not to hide that speaker any more. Lo and behold, *that* speaker was suddenly added to Indigo, but none of the other ones were. So hid *all* the speakers and then unhid them all. One by one, as soon I unchecked the "hide" checkbox, the speaker would appear in Indigo.

So now I've got them all in there, but I thought you should know something's wrong in the initial discovery. I'm running Indigo 7.0.1/7.02 (client/server), Airfoil 5.5.1, and mac OS 10.12.2. Airfoil and Indigo are running on two different Macs.

Let me know if I can provide more details, logs, etc.

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Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:04 am
Brendan offline
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Re: Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

Oh, one additional problem: because you can't hide the local speaker, I haven't be able to get the local speaker to show up in Indigo. If I toggle that on and off, I get the unknown speaker found error.

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Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:43 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about hidden speakers as they don't get presented to us in the API so we don't know about them until they're unhidden in Airfoil. Likewise, if you hide a speaker that has been created in Indigo, it will switch it's status to "unavailable" because the API tells us that the speaker is no longer available (same as if it had dropped off the network).

I don't know why it's not finding the non-hidden speakers when you create the instance device. I thought it might be that the API was having a problem when one of the speakers was hidden on first run - but that doesn't seem to be the issue since I just tried it here. Try deleting your Airfoil Instance device in Indigo (it will also delete all related speakers) then recreate it. Watch for any errors in the Event Log.

If it doesn't work, then email me the log file for the plugin. To get it, open the Event Log window, click the Show Event Logs Folder (which will open a Finder window), click on the indigoplugin.airfoil folder and send us the plugin.log file (to support@indigodomo.com).

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:52 pm
Brendan offline
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Re: Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

Oh, I have no complaint about the behavior of hidden speakers. I think that works as it should. If they're hidden by Airfoil, I don't want them showing up or getting used. I only brought that up because it happens to be how I managed to get Indigo to see any speakers at all.

I've already deleted and re-added that Airfoil instance a couple of times, but I'll try again when I get home tonight just to make sure I didn't miss any errors in the logs. Then I'll send you a copy of those logs.

Incidentally, I added a second Airfoil instance running on a different Mac (which happens to also host Indigo). That one added all the speakers correctly. So whatever the issue is, it seems peculiar to the first Mac. I'll try adding a second remote Airfoil installation, though, just to check whether it's local to the first machine or has something to do with remote connections.

Posted on
Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:10 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Airfoil Pro not finding speakers without help

Just to close this topic - the OP had both WiFi and Ethernet enabled on a remote Mac that was running Airfoil. As we've seen from other apps that use Bonjour (iTunes), that configuration often causes odd network issues (and in fact it's not an Apple recommended configuration). When one network interface was disabled and then the Airfoil Instance device in Indigo resynced it worked correctly.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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