
Posted on
Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:58 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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I would like to suggest an info base for bits of information that might be handy. For example, I was working with my Fibraro motion sensors and wanted to find out the parameters that I could change and what the parameter value is for them. In my case I wanted to adjust the sensativity so I had to search online and found what I was looking for and now my motion sensor is dialed in how I wanted it to be.

So, in that light here is some information on Fibraro sensors (and what parameter to change in the ZWave -> Modify Configuration Parameter):

The user manual has the parameters and the numbers of each parameter does correspond to the parameter number to modify.

Also, here is a link to a web page that gives a bit more information.

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Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:43 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Infobase

Why not use the Z-Wave db that you pointed to (we use it as another source when adding device definitions)? Seems like trying to duplicate that is a waste of time (IMO).

For other stuff that's not in the Z-Wave db, that could be done in the new user wiki area in our wiki. I think that was one of the intents of giving free access to an area of the wiki...

Jay (Indigo Support)
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