Proliphix Script - Need help to finish

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:46 pm
agoltz offline
Posts: 52
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Proliphix Script - Need help to finish


Below is a applescript that was posted by a user in the prolophix applescript forum to get a status from the tstat. Is there anyway someone can modify this so that it shows up as a device in the list (for starters)

(* Written by Thiefa4 *)

(* AppleScript 1.10.7 code - Feedback is welcome *)

(* Purpose: Pull stats off of a Proliphix NT20e Internet Thermostat*)

---Define needed variables
set ScheduledTemp to "0.0"
set ExitLoop to false
set AppleLogo to «data utxtF8FF» as Unicode text

---Define your Username, Password & IP to access the device
set username to "XXXXX"
set passwd to "YYYYYY"
set DeviceAddress to ""

---Format your username and password
set userpass to username & ":" & passwd

---Define OID commands you want results for (THE ORDER MATTERS!)
set UserData to "--data OID4.3.2.1= --data OID4.1.1= --data OID4.1.5= --data OID4.1.2= --data OID4.1.3= --data OID4.1.4= --data OID4.1.9= --data OID4.1.10= --data OID4.1.12= --data OID4.1.6= --data OID1.13.2.1= --data OID1.13.2.2= --data OID1.13.2.3= --data OID4.1.11="

---Define Alarm subroutine needed later
on commonAlarmStatus(AlarmName)
set AlarmName to get text 10 thru 10 of AlarmName
if AlarmName = "1" then return "None"
if AlarmName = "2" then return "Yellow Alarm"
if AlarmName = "3" then return "Red Alarm"
end commonAlarmStatus

repeat until ExitLoop

---Define command line for Unix Shell Command
set shellcommand to "curl -u " & userpass & " " & UserData & " http://" & DeviceAddress & "/get"

---Launch Unix shell command and store results in a variable
set Result_Using_A_Code to do shell script shellcommand

---Take variable containing OID results and create a list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "OID"
set OID_Number_List to (every text item of Result_Using_A_Code)

(* Process the List results by cleaning up the data*)

---thermSensorTemp1 = = Zone Temperature (local sensor)
set thermSensorTemp1 to (item 2 of OID_Number_List) as string

-- variable to true so that we can exit the loop.
set ExitLoop to true

set thermSensorTemp1 to get text 9 thru 10 of thermSensorTemp1 & "." & text 11 thru 11 of thermSensorTemp1 & "º"

----thermHvacMode = 4.1.1 = Current HVAC mode
set thermHvacMode to (item 3 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermHvacMode to get text 7 thru 7 of thermHvacMode
---Set HvacMode variable for future use
set HvacMode to thermHvacMode
if HvacMode = "2" then set HvacMode to "4"
if HvacMode = "3" then set HvacMode to "5"
---Continue Processing thermHvacMode
if thermHvacMode = "1" then set thermHvacMode to "Not Active"
if thermHvacMode = "2" then set thermHvacMode to "Heat"
if thermHvacMode = "3" then set thermHvacMode to "Cool"
if thermHvacMode = "4" then set thermHvacMode to "Auto"

---thermSetbackHeat = 4.1.5 = Current heat setpoint in deci-degrees Fahrenheit
set thermSetbackHeat to (item 4 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermSetbackHeat to get text 7 thru 8 of thermSetbackHeat & "." & text 9 thru 9 of thermSetbackHeat & "º"

---thermHvacState = 4.1.2 = Current state of HVAC operation
set thermHvacState to (item 5 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermHvacState to get text 7 thru 7 of thermHvacState
if thermHvacState = "1" then set thermHvacState to "Initializing"
if thermHvacState = "2" then set thermHvacState to "Off"
if thermHvacState = "3" then set thermHvacState to "Heating"
if thermHvacState = "5" then set thermHvacState to "Cooling"
if thermHvacState = "7" then set thermHvacState to "Waiting "
if thermHvacState = "8" then set thermHvacState to "Inactive"

---thermFanMode = 4.1.3 = Current mode of fan operation
set thermFanMode to (item 6 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermFanMode to get text 7 thru 7 of thermFanMode
if thermFanMode = "1" then set thermFanMode to "Auto"
if thermFanMode = "2" then set thermFanMode to "On"
if thermFanMode = "3" then set thermFanMode to "Schedule"

---thermFanState = 4.1.4 = Current state of fan operation
set thermFanState to (item 7 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermFanState to get text 7 thru 7 of thermFanState
if thermFanState = "1" then set thermFanState to "Off"
if thermFanState = "2" then set thermFanState to "Off"
if thermFanState = "3" then set thermFanState to "On"

---thermSetbackStatus = 4.1.9 = Current state of setback operation
set thermSetbackStatus to (item 8 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermSetbackStatus to get text 7 thru 7 of thermSetbackStatus
if thermSetbackStatus = "1" then set thermSetbackStatus to "Normal"
if thermSetbackStatus = "2" then set thermSetbackStatus to "Hold"
if thermSetbackStatus = "3" then set thermSetbackStatus to "Override"

---thermCurrentPeriod = 4.1.10 = Current Period
set thermCurrentPeriod to (item 9 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermCurrentPeriod to get text 8 thru 8 of thermCurrentPeriod
---Set CurrentPeriod variable for future use
set CurrentPeriod to thermCurrentPeriod
---Continue processing thermCurrentPeriod
if thermCurrentPeriod = "1" then set thermCurrentPeriod to "Morning"
if thermCurrentPeriod = "2" then set thermCurrentPeriod to "Day"
if thermCurrentPeriod = "3" then set thermCurrentPeriod to "Evening"
if thermCurrentPeriod = "4" then set thermCurrentPeriod to "Night"

---thermActivePeriod = 4.1.12 = Current active period
set thermActivePeriod to (item 10 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermActivePeriod to get text 8 thru 8 of thermActivePeriod
if thermActivePeriod = "1" then set thermActivePeriod to "Morning"
if thermActivePeriod = "2" then set thermActivePeriod to "Day"
if thermActivePeriod = "3" then set thermActivePeriod to "Evening"
if thermActivePeriod = "4" then set thermActivePeriod to "Night"
if thermActivePeriod = "5" then set thermActivePeriod to "Hold"
if thermActivePeriod = "6" then set thermActivePeriod to "Override"

---thermActivePeriod = 4.1.6 = Current cool setpoint in deci-degrees Fahrenheit
set thermSetbackCool to (item 11 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermSetbackCool to get text 7 thru 8 of thermSetbackCool & "." & text 9 thru 9 of thermSetbackCool & "º"

---commonAlarmStatus = = Current alarm Status - LowTempAlarm
set LowTempAlarm to (item 12 of OID_Number_List) as string
set LowTempAlarm to commonAlarmStatus(LowTempAlarm)

---commonAlarmStatus = = Current alarm Status - HighTempAlarm
set HighTempAlarm to (item 13 of OID_Number_List) as string
set HighTempAlarm to commonAlarmStatus(HighTempAlarm)

---commonAlarmStatus = = Current alarm Status - FilterReminder
set FilterReminder to (item 14 of OID_Number_List) as string
set FilterReminder to commonAlarmStatus(FilterReminder)

---thermCurrentClass = 4.1.11 = Current Class
set thermCurrentClass to (item 15 of OID_Number_List) as string
set thermCurrentClass to get text 8 thru 8 of thermCurrentClass
---Set CurrentClass variable for future use
set CurrentClass to thermCurrentClass
---Continue processing thermCurrentClass
if thermCurrentClass = "1" then set thermCurrentClass to "In"
if thermCurrentClass = "2" then set thermCurrentClass to "Out"
if thermCurrentClass = "3" then set thermCurrentClass to "Away"

---Modify display to show either Heating or Cooling info
if thermHvacMode = "Heat" then
set HeatorCoolVerbiage to "Current Heat Setting: " & thermSetbackHeat
set HeatorCoolVerbiage to "Current Cool Setting: " & thermSetbackCool
end if

---Determine Scheduled Setting if Temperature Overridden or Held
if thermSetbackStatus = "Override" or thermSetbackStatus = "Hold" then
---Setup getting either thermPeriodSetbackHeat or Cool
set ScheduledTempData to "--data OID4.4.1." & HvacMode & "." & CurrentClass & "." & CurrentPeriod & "="

---Define command line for Unix Shell Command
set shellcommand to "curl -u " & userpass & " " & ScheduledTempData & " http://" & DeviceAddress & "/get"

---Launch Unix shell command and store results in a variable
set ScheduledTemp to do shell script shellcommand
---Clean up results
set ScheduledTemp to get text 16 thru 18 of ScheduledTemp
set ScheduledTemp to get text 1 thru 2 of ScheduledTemp & "." & text 3 thru 3 of ScheduledTemp & "º"
end if

---Prepare display to show Override/Hold or Normal SetbackStatus
if thermSetbackStatus = "Override" or thermSetbackStatus = "Hold" then
set UseThisVerbiage to HeatorCoolVerbiage & "

Scheduled Temperate: " & ScheduledTemp & AppleLogo
set UseThisVerbiage to HeatorCoolVerbiage
end if

---Format Display for Reporting Thermostat Operation
set OperationalVerbiage to "Current Temperature: " & thermSensorTemp1 & "
" & UseThisVerbiage & "

Current Period: " & thermCurrentPeriod & "
Active period: " & thermActivePeriod & "

Current State of Operation: " & thermSetbackStatus & "

Current Mode of HVAC Operation: " & thermHvacMode & "
Current State of HVAC Operation: " & thermHvacState & "

Current Mode of Fan Operation: " & thermFanMode & "
Current State of Fan Operation: " & thermFanState & "

High Temperature Alarm: " & HighTempAlarm & "
Low Temperature Alarm: " & LowTempAlarm & "
Filter Reminder Alarm: " & FilterReminder

display dialog OperationalVerbiage

on error theMessage
---Place Information about the error in the Event Log
log "This error occurred: " & theMessage

(* The thermostat implements a timeout mechanism, 20 minutes after the last successful access, the user is required to resend authentication information. This will come in the form of a 401 response even if proper credentials were sent in the current request. *)

---if the above error happens, ignore it and try again
if theMessage is not equal to "Can't make item 2 of {\"401 Authorization Required\"} into type string." then

---If the script encounters another error, notify the user & auto exit
display dialog "The Script Encountered a Unrecoverable Error, Exiting" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1 giving up after 4
set ExitLoop to true
end if
end try
end repeat -- until ExitLoop

Posted on
Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:25 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Proliphix Script - Need help to finish

Instead of trying to create an Indigo device, you should use Indigo variables to store the state of your thermostat information. For example, create a new Indigo variable from the variable window (select the Windows->Variable List to show the variables window). Give the new variable the name "currentTemp".

From the script below you can then set its value via a line like this:

Code: Select all
tell app "IndigoServer"
  set value of variable "currentTemp" to variablthermSensorTemp1 as string


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