Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

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Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by nsheldon »

Part of my recent home theater upgrade included replacing my old AV receiver with the just-released Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV receiver. One of the reasons I chose that receiver was the availability of an iOS remote control app which operates over your home network. Like my recent Panasonic Blu-ray player to Indigo integration process, I did some packet sniffing on my network while the iPod app and the receiver were communicating to discover their communication protocol. What I later found out (and what's not in the manual) is that this receiver can also be integrated with whole-home automation systems using Pioneer's published command sets for their Elite series receivers (using a standard telnet connection, see these RS-232 commands for the similar 1120 model here) without affecting the iOS app or IR remote functions.

So, I devised a way to both send commands to the VSX-1021-K and for all response messages from the receiver to be put immediately into an Indigo variable using a persistent telnet connection to the receiver in the background. Be forewarned, this is a somewhat advanced setup, so if you'd like to replicate this with the VSX-1021-K or other networked Pioneer receiver, be prepared to do quite a bit of command-line work on the Mac with Indigo running on it.

Setup requirements:
  1. Pioneer VSX-1021-K (or similar networkable Pioneer receiver. The command set is similar for all of them).
  2. Wired network connection to the receiver (a Wi-Fi connection may work with the optional wireless adapter, but I haven't tested this).
  3. Static IP address assigned to the receiver.
  4. Indigo 4 Pro (or later).
  5. The Mac running Indigo Pro will need to be on all the time.
1. Creating a Persistent Connection to the Receiver

This is a 2 stage process. First, we need to create a shell script that will act as a receiver response proxy, sending all command responses from the receiver to a variable in Indigo. Second, we need to create a LaunchAgent definition for this shell script so whenever you restart the computer (or log out then back in), the connection to the receiver is re-estabilshed.

Stage 1
  1. Open the Indigo Pro client and create 2 variables. First, a variable named "ReceiverCommand" and second, a variable named "ReceiverCommandResponse".
  2. Open the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities) on the Mac with Indigo server running on it. Be sure you're logged into the computer as the same user from which IndigoServer runs, otherwise none of this will work. In most cases, you will be logged into the computer as that user.
  3. Use the "vi" or "nano" command-line text editor to create the shell script. I prefer vi, but nano is simpler to use if you're new to command-line work. (The "^" character in the nano command list at the bottom of the main nano screen represents pressing the "control" key while pressing the letter immediately after the "^" character). Begin creating the shell script with the "vi" tool by typing

    Code: Select all

    vi "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Scripts/Background Tasks/"
    or by typing the following for use with the "nano" tool

    Code: Select all

    nano "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Scripts/Background Tasks/"
    From here on, I'll assume that you know how to insert text and save it once you're done with whichever editor you're using. Note that if you're doing this with Indigo 5, you'll need to change the "Indigo 4" path above to "Indigo 5" and be sure the "Scripts" and "Background Tasks" folders exist in the Indigo 5 folder.
  4. Insert the following code into this new file.

    Code: Select all

    nc -k -l 65023 | telnet | while read line
            /usr/bin/osascript -e "tell application \"IndigoServer\"" -e "set value of variable \"ReceiverCommandResponse\" to \"$line\"" -e "end tell"
    Replace the IP address above with your receiver's actual IP address then save the file. This simple shell script uses the "nc" (netcat) tool to continuously listen for commands sent on TCP/IP port 65023 (this is a random number I picked) then re-send those commands to the telnet application, which is connected to the receiver. The telnet application sends those commands to the receiver which then produces a textual command response. The telnet application outputs those responses to the built-in shell "while" loop in the above script. The "while" loop reads one line of text from telnet at a time and uses the "osascript" tool to execute AppleScript telling IndigoServer to update the "ReceiverCommandResponse" variable with the receiver's response message.
  5. Run the following command to make the shell script executable by the current user and group (being sure to replace "Indigo 4" with "Indigo 5" if you're using that version).

    Code: Select all

    chmod ug+x "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Scripts/Background Tasks/"
Stage 2
  1. Open the Terminal application (if it's not already open). Again, you must be logged into the computer as the user under which IndigoServer is running.
  2. Create a new LaunchAgent file so that when you log out then back in or restart the computer, the connection to the receiver is re-established. The following command is for the "vi" tool, but just replace "vi" with "nano" if you prefer that text editor.

    Code: Select all

    vi ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nathansheldon.receiver_connect.plist
  3. Insert the following code into that file. Be sure to change "Indigo 4" to "Indigo 5" if you're using Indigo 5.

    Code: Select all

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
        <string>/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Scripts/Background Tasks</string>
        <string>/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Scripts/Background Tasks/</string>
    Save the file. This XML code instructs the launchd process that always runs on Mac OS X to run the shell script you just created every time you log into the current user account.
2. Setting up a Trigger in Indigo to Send Commands
  1. Open the Indigo Pro client (if it isn't already open).
  2. Create a new trigger with the following parameters.
    Trigger tab
    Name: <whatever you like, I use "Send Receiver Command">
    Type: "Variable Changed"
    Variable: "ReceiverCommand", "changes" radio button selected.
    Condition tab
    Upon trigger do actions: "If script returns true:" selected with the following code in the field below that button.

    Code: Select all

    if value of variable "ReceiverCommand" is not "" then
        return true
        return false
    end if
    Actions tab
    Type: "Execute AppleScript"
    Embedded: radio button selected, with the following code inserted in the text area below it.

    Code: Select all

     set theCommand to value of variable "ReceiverCommand"
    -- Send the command to the receiver via netcat (nc).
    do shell script "echo \"" & theCommand & "\" | nc localhost 65023"
    -- Reset the ReceiverCommand variable to blank.
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to ""
    This trigger activates whenever the "ReceiverCommand" variable changes (unless that variable contains nothing) then sends the content of the "ReceiverCommand" variable to the receiver using the "nc" (netcat) tool. It then clears the content of the "ReceiverCommand" variable.
The list of commands that can be sent are pretty extensive. You'll need to reference the Pioneer RS-232 command set for one of their existing receivers (I used the reference for the VSX-1120-K receiver in this PDF). Some basic commands include (without the quotes) "PO" (Power On), "PF" (Power ofF), "VU" (Volume Up 0.5 dB), "VD" (Volume Down 0.5 dB), "?P" (returns the current power state of "PWR1" for power off or "PWR0" for power on), "?V" (returns the current numeric volume level from "VOL0" to "VOL185" which represent 0.5 dB increments from -80.5 dB), and "?FN" (returns the current input selection as a number such as "FN02" for the radio tuner). To send a command, simply change the value of the "ReceiverCommand" variable to one of the above (or other valid) commands. The receiver's response to those commands will almost instantly appear as the value for the "ReceiverCommandResponse" variable.

3. Logout then Login or Restart the Computer

This is the easiest way to start the background connection to the receiver (though you could also just run the launchctl command with the appropriate parameters, but this is easier).

4. Setting up a Trigger in Indigo to Handle Command Responses

This is where a lot of customization for your specific setup comes in. For my setup, I created the following trigger.

Trigger tab
Name: <whatever you like. I used "Receiver Command Response">
Type: "Variable Changed"
Variable: "ReceiverCommandResponse", "changes" radio button selected.
Condition tab
Upon trigger do actions: "If script returns true:" selected with the following code in the field below that button.

Code: Select all

if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is not "" then
    return true
    return false
end if
Actions tab
Type: "Execute AppleScript"
Embedded: radio button selected, with the following code inserted in the text area below it.

Code: Select all

 -- Custom actions based on responses.
if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "BridgeCo AG Telnet server" then
    -- Receiver Connection Initiated
    -- To work around a bug that causes an E04 (unknown command) error response on the first command when the daemon first connects to the receiver, send a ?P power status request to clear the error.
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?P"
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "PWR0" then
    -- Power On
    set value of variable "isReceiverPowerOn" to "true"
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?V"
    delay 0.1
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?M"
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "PWR1" then
    -- Power Off

else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "MUT0" then
    -- Mute On

else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "MUT1" then
    -- Mute Off

else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "FN" then
    -- Input Change
    set i to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set i to (characters 3 through 4 of i) as text
    if i is "01" then
        -- CD
    else if i is "02" then
        -- TUNER
         -- Request the current band/frequency
        set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?FR"
        delay 0.1
        set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?PR"
    else if i is "03" then
        -- CD-R/TAPE
    else if i is "04" then
        -- DVD
    else if i is "05" then
        -- TV/SAT
    else if i is "10" then
        -- VIDEO 1
    else if i is "14" then
        -- VIDEO 2
    else if i is "15" then
        -- DVR/BDR
    else if i is "17" then
        -- iPod/USB
    else if i is "19" then
        -- HDMI 1
    else if i is "25" then
        -- BD
    else if i is "26" then
        -- Home Media Gallery
    else if i is "27" then
        -- SIRIUS
    end if
    -- Now request the input name of the current input.
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?RGB" & i

else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "RGB" then
    -- Input Name Request
    set t to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set l to (count of characters in t)
    set n to (characters 7 through l of t) as text
    set v to (characters 4 through 5 of t) as text
    -- n is the input name.
    -- v is the input number.
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "VOL" then
    -- Volume Level
    set receiverVolume to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set receiverVolume to (characters 4 through 6 of receiverVolume) as text
    set receiverVolume to (receiverVolume) as number
    -- Convert volume to dB.
    if receiverVolume > 0 then
        set receiverVolumeDB to -80.5 + 0.5 * receiverVolume
        set receiverVolumeDB to "-∞"
    end if
    -- receiverVolume is the numerical volume
    -- receiverVolumeDB is the associated decibel volume trip or amplification level (-infinity to +12 dB).

else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "FL" then
    -- Fluoro-Luminescent Display Content Request
    set theString to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set theString to (characters 5 through 32 of theString) as text
    set theResult to ""
    set i to 1
    repeat until i > 28
        set x to character i of theString
        set i to i + 1
        set y to character i of theString
        if x is "A" then
            set x to 10
        else if x is "B" then
            set x to 11
        else if x is "C" then
            set x to 12
        else if x is "D" then
            set x to 13
        else if x is "E" then
            set x to 14
        else if x is "F" then
            set x to 15
        end if
        set x to x * 16
        if y is "A" then
            set y to 10
        else if y is "B" then
            set y to 11
        else if y is "C" then
            set y to 12
        else if y is "D" then
            set y to 13
        else if y is "E" then
            set y to 14
        else if y is "F" then
            set y to 15
        end if
        set theNum to x + y
        -- Special character handling.
        if theNum is 1 then
            set theChar to "rp/sh "
        else if theNum is 2 then
            set theChar to "rp "
        else if theNum is 3 then
            set theChar to "sh "
        else if theNum is 4 then
            set theChar to "◊ "
        else if theNum is 5 then
            set theChar to "[)"
        else if theNum is 6 then
            set theChar to "(]"
        else if theNum is 7 then
            set theChar to "I"
        else if theNum is 8 then
            set theChar to "II"
        else if theNum is 9 then
            set theChar to "<"
        else if theNum is 10 then
            set theChar to ">"
        else if theNum is 11 then
            set theChar to "\\^^/"
        else if theNum is 12 then
            set theChar to "."
        else if theNum is 13 then
            set theChar to ".0"
        else if theNum is 14 then
            set theChar to ".5"
        else if theNum is 15 then
            set theChar to "Ω"
        else if theNum is 16 then
            set theChar to "0"
        else if theNum is 17 then
            set theChar to "1"
        else if theNum is 18 then
            set theChar to "2"
        else if theNum is 19 then
            set theChar to "3"
        else if theNum is 20 then
            set theChar to "4"
        else if theNum is 21 then
            set theChar to "5"
        else if theNum is 22 then
            set theChar to "6"
        else if theNum is 23 then
            set theChar to "7"
        else if theNum is 24 then
            set theChar to "8"
        else if theNum is 25 then
            set theChar to "9"
        else if theNum is 26 then
            set theChar to "A"
        else if theNum is 27 then
            set theChar to "B"
        else if theNum is 28 then
            set theChar to "C"
        else if theNum is 29 then
            set theChar to "F"
        else if theNum is 30 then
            set theChar to "M"
        else if theNum is 31 then
            set theChar to "¯"
            set theChar to ASCII character theNum
        end if
        set theResult to theResult & theChar
        set i to i + 1
    end repeat
    -- theResult is the ASCII equivalent of what's displayed on the receiver display.
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "MC" then
    -- MCACC Memory Change
    set m to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set m to character 3 of m
    if m is "1" then
        -- MCACC Memory 1 selected
    else if m is "2" then
        -- MCACC Memory 2 selected
    else if m is "3" then
        -- MCACC Memory 3 selected
    else if m is "4" then
        -- MCACC Memory 4 selected
    else if m is "5" then
        -- MCACC Memory 5 selected
    else if m is "6" then
        -- MCACC Memory 6 selected
    end if
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "IS" then
    -- Phase Control Update
    set p to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set p to character 3 of p
    -- p = 0: Phase Control Off
    -- p = 1: Phase Control On
    -- p = 2: Full Band Phase Control On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "VSB" then
    -- Virtual Sound Back Update
    set sb to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set sb to character 4 of sb
    -- sb = 0: Off
    -- sb = 1: On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "VHT" then
    -- Virtual Height Update
    set h to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    -- h = 0: Off
    -- h = 1: On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "CLV" then
    -- Speaker Channel Volume Level Update
    set c to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set l to (characters 7 through 8 of c) as text
    set l to (l) as number
    set c to (characters 4 through 6 of c) as text
    -- c = L__: Front Left
    -- c = R__: Front Right
    -- c = C__: Center
    -- c = SL_: Surround Left
    -- c = SR_: Surround Right
    -- c = SBL: Surround Back Left
    -- c = SBR: Surround Back Right
    -- c = SW_: Subwoofer
    -- c = LH_: Front Left Height
    -- c = RH_: Front Right Height
    -- c = LW_: Front Left Wide
    -- c = RW_: Front Right Wide
    -- l = 26 - 74: channel volume from -12 dB to +12 dB (in 0.5 dB increments)
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "SPK" then
    -- Speaker Status Update
    set s to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set s to character 4 of s
    -- s = 0: Speakers Off
    -- s = 1: Speakers A On
    -- s = 2: Speakers B On
    -- s = 3: Speakers A+B On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "HA" then
    -- HDMI Audio Select Update
    set h to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set h to character 3 of h
    -- h = 0: Amp
    -- h = 1: Through
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "PQ" then
    -- PQLS Status Update
    set p to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set p to character 3 of p
    -- p = 0: Off
    -- p = 1: Auto
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "PKL" then
    -- Panel Key Lock Status Update
    set p to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set p to character 4 of p
    -- p = 0: Panel Key and Volume Lock Off
    -- p = 1: Panel Key Lock On
    -- p = 2: Panel Key and Volume Lock On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "RML" then
    -- Remote Lock Status Update
    set r to value of variable "ReceiverCOmmandResponse"
    set r to character 4 of r
    -- r = 0: Off
    -- r = 1: On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "APR0" then
    -- Zone 2 Power On
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" is "APR1" then
    -- Zone 2 Power Off
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "Z2F" then
    -- Zone 2 Input Select Update
    set z to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set z to (characters 4 through 5 of z) as text
    -- See "Input Change" definitions for the "FN*" response above
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "FR" then
    -- Tuner Frequence Change
    set f to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set b to character 3 of f
    set f to (characters 4 through 8 of f) as text
    if b is "F" then
        set tmp to (characters 1 through 3 of f) as text
        set tmp to tmp & "."
        set tmp to tmp & (characters 4 through 5 of f) as text
        set f to (tmp) as number
        set f to (f) as number
    end if
    -- b = A: AM
    -- b = F: FM
    -- f = frequency (either in kHz for AM or MHz for FM).
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "PR" then
    -- Tuner Preset Change
    set p to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set n to (characters 4 through 5 of p) as text
    set n to (n) as number
    set p to character 3 of p
    -- p = A - G: Preset Class A through G
    -- n = 0 - 9: Preset Number (within class) 0 through 9
    -- Request the band and frequency of this preset.
    set value of variable "ReceiverCommand" to "?FR"
else if value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse" starts with "SIR" then
    -- Sirius Satellite Radio Channel Change
    set s to value of variable "ReceiverCommandResponse"
    set s to (characters 4 through 7 of s) as text
    set s to (s) as number
    -- s: Sirius channel number
end if
Happy hacking! :-)
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by jay (support) »

Excellent! Given any thought to making a plugin for this?
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by nsheldon »

Hey Jay.

Thanks. Yea, I've thought about it, along with a plug-in for the Panasonic DMP-BDT210 Blu-ray player from my other post. I have one more home theater component to integrate, though (a Panasonic TC-P65VT30 TV). Once I've got all those integrated into my setup, I may start messing around with Indigo 5 plug-ins.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by maven »

Just wanted to follow up with nsheldon. I also have a Pioneer VSK-1021 and would love this plugin. Any chance in making a Indigo 5 plugin? My hope would be to create a Indigo Control Screen with buttons to change from TV mode to Movie mode. Turning the unit on/off and switching inputs would be great.
It would be most appreciated.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by nsheldon »

Hi maven.

I'm still thinking about the plug-in. I don't know much Python, so it'll take a while to get this done. As for your envisioned use, that's pretty much what I do. I use an iPod touch with Indigo Touch and Indigo Control Pages with custom remote control button images I created to control my home theater setup (receiver, blu-ray player, TV and room lighting). I had that set up in Indigo 4, so it's possible to do without a plug-in, but certainly not as turn-key. I'll post here when I eventually get a plug-in developed.

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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by finkej »

If you need beta testers for the AV plug in, let me know. I just got that receiver yesterday. I expect I will be playing with your code you already posted.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by Juju »

Hello everybody,

I'm working on several plugins at this time, so I know a little bit the Indigo plugin architecture and python.
As I have a Pioneer VSX-920 AV receiver, I will have a look on the informations you gave nsheldon, and see if I can start a plugin.

I will keep you informed.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by matt (support) »

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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by jay (support) »

When you're ready, we can create a forum for you (or your company) in the 3rd Party Developers section where you can provide documentation and support for your plugins if you like - others have found it useful I think. We look forward to seeing all the plugins that you've been working on!
Jay (Indigo Support)
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by Juju »

I made some tests on my AV receiver. I reached to open a telnet connection with Terminal and send commands.

Is there an existing Indigo plugin which enable a telnet connection with a device ? I had a look on Cynical Network, but I think it is very complex for this need.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by berkinet »

Take a look at the ad2usb plugin. You won't need serial support. But, that is easy to delete.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by Juju »

I saw there is also a telnet library included in Python.
I will have a look on this too.
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by berkinet »

I think you will find the pyserial module will be the easiest way to go. For one thing, it is already included with Indigo. If you PM me your email address I can send a very basic example that should get you started. \
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by jay (support) »

Actually using a telnet connection in Python is super simple - PySerial seems like overkill (depending on what the API looks like perhaps).
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Re: Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV Receiver Integration

Post by Juju »

berkinet, PM sent.
Jay, your example uses telnetlib, and that's what I saw.

I will try the two solutions (pyserial and telnetlib) and see what's the best one.
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