How can I test for presence/response for an Insteon Device?

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:46 am
Swancoat offline
Posts: 503
Joined: Nov 20, 2009
Location: Houston

How can I test for presence/response for an Insteon Device?

I've been having a weird problem in the house where a breaker (mainly covering lights in a couple of bathrooms) trips very often and I'd like to try and diagnose why.

Part of that is going to be understanding what has happened just before it tripped. To that end, there are several Insteon devices on the circuit. What I want to do is poll them for status every minute or so, and if there is no response, then execute an action like an announcement or notification of some sort.

But I don't know how to make a schedule to either poll for status or recognize a non-response as a trigger.

Any ideas?

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