Cynical Weather - possible to round temp up or down?

To a blind optimist, an optimistic realist must seem like an Accursed Cynic.
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Cynical Weather - possible to round temp up or down?

Post by haychess »


I've just installed the Cynical Weather plugin and it's been very helpful!

The only issue is it looks messy (with my particular page layout) having the decimal place on the temperature display.

Is there a way to display whole numbers only?

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Re: Cynical Weather - possible to round temp up or down?

Post by DaveL17 »

I'm not familiar with that particular plugin, but if there isn't a way to adjust the precision of the values you're interested in, there is another plugin that would help. The Adapters Plugin allows you to create devices to adjust values to suit your needs. In addition to precision, it will also do unitary conversions like fahrenheit to celsius for example. It's part of the Indigo Open Source library and it works really well.
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