Here's what I get if I turn on all available comms and request a manual update:
Code: Select all
15 Dec 2023 at 14:14:03
NetatmoWelcome Healthy Home Data:
{'devices': [{'_id': '70:ee:50:26:31:b2', 'station_name': 'Garage', 'date_setup': 1612536283, 'last_setup': 1612536283, 'type': 'NHC', 'last_status_store': 1702649048, 'firmware': 59, 'wifi_status': 65, 'reachable': True, 'co2_calibrating': False, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'CO2', 'Humidity', 'Noise', 'Pressure', 'health_idx'], 'place': {'altitude': 109, 'city': 'Seer Green', 'country': 'GB', 'timezone': 'Europe/London', 'location': [-0.612968, 51.616624]}, 'dashboard_data': {'time_utc': 1702649047, 'Temperature': 16.5, 'CO2': 556, 'Humidity': 51, 'Noise': 37, 'Pressure': 1043.2, 'AbsolutePressure': 1029.8, 'health_idx': 1, 'min_temp': 15.5, 'max_temp': 17.2, 'date_max_temp': 1702598564, 'date_min_temp': 1702643293}}], 'user': {'mail': '', 'administrative': {'lang': 'en-GB', 'reg_locale': 'en-GB', 'unit': 0, 'windunit': 1, 'pressureunit': 0, 'feel_like_algo': 0, 'country': 'US'}}}
NetatmoWelcome Weather Station Data:
{'devices': [{'_id': '70:ee:50:1f:39:fa', 'station_name': 'Home (Master Bedroom)', 'date_setup': 1471804788, 'last_setup': 1471804788, 'type': 'NAMain', 'last_status_store': 1702649203, 'module_name': 'Master Bedroom', 'firmware': 202, 'last_upgrade': 1471804793, 'wifi_status': 71, 'reachable': True, 'co2_calibrating': False, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'CO2', 'Humidity', 'Noise', 'Pressure'], 'place': {'altitude': 103, 'city': 'Chiltern', 'country': 'GB', 'timezone': 'Europe/London', 'location': [-0.61297, 51.616605]}, 'home_id': '5e9a18f6a91a643e58153a6b', 'home_name': 'Home', 'dashboard_data': {'time_utc': 1702649188, 'Temperature': 17.7, 'CO2': 494, 'Humidity': 55, 'Noise': 37, 'Pressure': 1033.3, 'AbsolutePressure': 1020.8, 'min_temp': 17, 'max_temp': 17.8, 'date_max_temp': 1702634369, 'date_min_temp': 1702618952, 'temp_trend': 'stable', 'pressure_trend': 'up'}, 'modules': [{'_id': '02:00:00:1f:58:d0', 'type': 'NAModule1', 'module_name': 'Outdoor', 'last_setup': 1471804823, 'data_type': ['Temperature', 'Humidity'], 'battery_percent': 94, 'reachable': True, 'firmware': 53, 'last_message': 1702649200, 'last_seen': 1702649193, 'rf_status': 68, 'battery_vp': 5886}, {'_id': '05:00:00:07:51:20', 'type': 'NAModule3', 'module_name': 'Rain', 'last_setup': 1593078510, 'data_type': ['Rain'], 'battery_percent': 100, 'reachable': False, 'firmware': 14, 'last_message': 1693436013, 'last_seen': 1693436007, 'rf_status': 95, 'battery_vp': 65535}]}], 'user': {'mail': '', 'administrative': {'lang': 'en-GB', 'reg_locale': 'en-GB', 'unit': 0, 'windunit': 1, 'pressureunit': 0, 'feel_like_algo': 0, 'country': 'US'}}}
NetatmoWelcome Processing Weather Station 0
NetatmoWelcome Processing Modules:
NetatmoWelcome Processing Master Bedroom NAMain
NetatmoWelcome Processing Noise
NetatmoWelcome Processing Temp
NetatmoWelcome Processing Temp Trend
NetatmoWelcome Processing Pressure
NetatmoWelcome Processing Humidity
NetatmoWelcome Processing CO2
NetatmoWelcome Processing CO2 Cal
NetatmoWelcome Processing Min/Max
NetatmoWelcome Processing Timestamp
NetatmoWelcome Finding weather device
NetatmoWelcome - Updating Netatmo Indoor
NetatmoWelcome Processing Outdoor NAModule1
NetatmoWelcome Error Outdoor module WS0M1 update error: <class 'KeyError'>
NetatmoWelcome Manual update of readings is complete