Detecting the ringing of a ring doorbell

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Detecting the ringing of a ring doorbell

Post by hensed »

Throwing this out there just in case; Does anyone know if it's possible to capture the ringing of your ring doorbell? like... if I could just extract that from the ring, I would call it a whole win! LOL
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jay (support)
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Re: Detecting the ringing of a ring doorbell

Post by jay (support) »

This can be done via the Alexa integration:

1) Create a virtual on/off device in Indigo that represents the doorbell's state (on when the doorbell rings, off after you have done whatever notifications you want to do in Indigo).
2) In the Alexa plugin, publish that device as a switch.
3) In the Alexa app, create a routine that turns on that device when your Ring doorbell is rung.
4) In Indigo, create a trigger that fires when that device becomes on - do whatever stuff you want to do when that happens, then turn the device off so it's ready for the next doorbell ring.

This works for the other Ring doorbell events that Alexa can see: doorbell ring, package delivered, motion, person, etc.
Jay (Indigo Support)
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Re: Detecting the ringing of a ring doorbell

Post by hensed »

wow, ok. I'll start putting this together. Thanks!
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