This started a few months ago, but I just dug into it, so I am not sure of the precipitating changes. The motion and doorbell bits used to work. Now, there is status and I can do a status update, which will show the right information, but the events are not happening.
I have verified that the ump broadcasts are getting into the code and I can see the progression through the code up to line 1004 in Doorbird:udp_message:
Code: Select all
key = pysodium.crypto_pwhash(pysodium.crypto_auth_KEYBYTES, pw, SALT, OPSLIMIT, MEMLIMIT,
any prints after that don't show up. I verified that it is using an arm64 libsodium (this is running on an M1 air), and I also tried swapping in a newer version of that library.
Any suggestions?