Errors after upgrading

Posted on
Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:21 pm
MikeG offline
Posts: 1
Joined: Apr 09, 2024

Errors after upgrading

A couple weeks ago, I updated Indigo from v7.5 (4/6/21) to v2023.2 (4/9/24) on my late-2015 iMac. Prior to the upgrade, the only errors I noticed in the Indigo log were due to malfunctioning Insteon devices that were very old and needed replacing.

The reason for the Indigo upgrade was that I also updated MacOS to version 12.7.4 and the version of Indigo I was running wouldn't run on that OS. I made no other changes to hardware or software, system-wise or Indigo/Insteon-wise (all my Indigo-controlled devices are Insteon). My install of Indigo 2023.2 was the default installation - no additional plugins were installed.

Since upgrading, I'm seeing two series of errors in the log, constantly:

First error:
Domotics Pad Clients Error Received status update for unknown device with Pairing ID: GWgQ9RHng5ae9RqU7PdE

Second error:
Error PowerLinc not responding -- attempting reset
Power Failure possible power failure
Connected to PowerLinc 2413U interface on port usbserial-A700aieU
PowerLinc address 14.83.85, firmware version 9.2
Interface Failure lost connection with interface

I know what the PowerLinc error means, but I've never seen this error before at all, until the upgrade. It seems strange to me that if the 2413U were failing, I wouldn't have seen the "not responding" errors prior to the upgrade (unless v2023.2 reports them and v7.5 wasn't).

I've been using Indigo continuously since 2009 and I've never run into issues upgrading before.

Can anyone explain to me what's causing these errors and [hopefully] what I can do about them?

Thank you.

Posted on
Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:44 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Errors after upgrading

The first one is specific to the Domotics Pad Android client, so you'll want to post over in the developer's forum.

That PowerLinc error could indicate it's failing, but if you've been seeing lots of Insteon errors in the event log it could indicate that there is some signal issue which is causing the PowerLinc to be too busy trying to interpret all the noise and can't respond to Indigo. Insteon is quite susceptible to signal noise and collisions that can happen when devices aren't responding so there are a lot of retries generating even more traffic.

Check the signal troubleshooting guide to attempt to diagnose signal issues.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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