3.5.2 coordinate issue

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Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:31 am
norcoscia offline
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Joined: Sep 09, 2015

3.5.2 coordinate issue

Well I got everything working but noticed the forecast said clear today. Since I have not seen the sun in weeks I looked at the forecast online - it said rain and clouds, which is correct.

I looked at what the indigo server was using and it was correct 122 W - the plug in was using 122 but it did not have the negative in front of the 122 - I’m assuming since the indigo value does not have the negative sign and uses east and west selection buttons there was an improperly interpreted value. Once I went into the plugin location device and added the negative value the forecast corrected and all looks good.

So just FYI - might be only an issue if Indigo server location is manually put in by the user like mine is (vice using the system generated location).


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