BI Software Layout Control

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Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:48 pm
whmoorejr offline
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BI Software Layout Control

Can you control the software screen layout... i.e. the picture being displayed from the software on the PC screen?

Example, currently I use a separate Amcrest NVR. HDMI from that to a Roku TV in my office. If I ask alexa to "turn on camera 6"... Camera 6 is an action based device that uses the Roku plugin to change the input to HDMI2, then a python script
Code: Select all
import requests
url = 'http://user:password@url:port/cgi-bin/split.cgi?action=setMode&channel=0&mode=split8&group=5'
reply = requests.get(url)

Will change the display from the NVR to an 8 camera view with 7 small images and 1 large image with camera 6 as the larger image.

Controlling the layout is important to me because eventually I'd like to add an HDMI Modulator into the mix to pipe the camera images to all the TVs in the house.

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Posted on
Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:46 pm
mundmc offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

I am sure Glenn will have something smarter to say than me here, but you should look at the Blue Iris "ui3" web layout. It's basically a web browser client to view and control the server, but a lot of the Blue Iris people are giant fan boys of it as apparently it is very light weight. Since it runs over a web in her face, I am pretty sure as an open API, so, at a minimum if the functionality is not available and plug-in, you could script one or two lines to do what you wanted to do.

I am using Blue Iris and the plug-in heavily in setting up a multi camera workshop recording system for my nascent YouTube channel.

Posted on
Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:08 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

mundmc wrote:
...YouTube channel.
Jealous. I wanted to figure out how to program a stepper motor... not to follow me around the garage, but to make a PTZ camera with wheels... so up/down/L/R would be forward/back/left/right..... just so I could have an ONVIF robot.

Waiting until after I spend all my money on kids this Christmas then I'll source myself a Windows box.... get the software, tinker, then circle back to the forum to ask goofy questions.

The API stuff I saw was primarily for direct camera control stuff.... but I never found an API document that looked official.

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Posted on
Thu Dec 08, 2022 11:48 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

Not sure smarter….

This is the BlueIris manual - details all the http and json control aspects. I don’t use these aspects - but at a quick review they seem to be there, and would be very surprised if can’t achieve want you want.

As mundmc comments - can also use the UI3.html interface via any web browser which is really light weight and easy to use, both for live viewing and also for clip reviewing.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:13 am
mundmc offline
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BI Software Layout Control

whmoorejr wrote:
mundmc wrote:
...YouTube channel.
Jealous. I wanted to figure out how to program a stepper motor... not to follow me around the garage, but to make a PTZ camera with wheels... so up/down/L/R would be forward/back/left/right..... just so I could have an ONVIF robot.

You need the Stepper Tester 2000!


Edit: I read last night that the ui3 web interface will automatically full-screen the camera that is triggered. I'm not sure what happens if multiple triggers overlap.

Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:34 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

GlennNZ wrote:

Exactly what I needed. Thanks a million sir!

mundmc wrote:
I'm not sure what happens if multiple triggers overlap.
That is one of my concerns and why I've added a layer of "priority" conditions to different areas. So a trigger in the entry point zone (like at the front door) = priority 2. (Where 1 is the highest, 5 is the lowest). Now any trigger with a priority greater that "2" will be ignored for notification purposes.

Kids/dogs walking around the house create camera motion alerts = sets "priority" variable to "4" with a 5 minute timer that will change it back to "5" at the end of the timer.

Delivery driver pulls up in front of house, driveway motion trigger = sets "priority" variable to "3", restarts 5 minute timer. Any priority event greater than "3" is ignored.

Driver walks up to front door and rings bell. Doorbell and door camera, either will set "priority" to "2".

Now if another car drives in front of the house or the kids/dogs start running around the house because someone is at the door, the biggest "threat" is still the current notification. Before I did the priority layer, I'd hear the doorbell, look up at my server screen and see a kid running down the hall.... not the person at the door.

To answer my original question.... from the API, it looks like yes, you can manipulate the console screen from an HTTP line. So that puts the project on my official to-do list. Now I'm just doing CPU research.... most of the stuff I've seen is "Optiplex 6gen" but I'm sure there are other makes/models that will fit the bill. All my cameras are 2K or less, but I do plan on upgrading at some point so I would like a CPU that will support 12 to 16, 5-8K cameras without exploding.

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Posted on
Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:26 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

mundmc wrote:

Nice! I'm definitely going to have to dive into that when I have some more tinkering time.

As for the soundtrack... , it's catchy, but have you tried any autotune apps? :D

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Posted on
Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:33 am
mundmc offline
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Re: BI Software Layout Control

whmoorejr wrote:
mundmc wrote:

Nice! I'm definitely going to have to dive into that when I have some more tinkering time.

As for the soundtrack... , it's catchy, but have you tried any autotune apps? :D
I've gone down a rabbit hole teaching myself Ableton Live (as I find it tedious looking for rights free music), it has some pretty good filters and they're similar to this, but thank you for the thought!

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