Insteon KPL LED Issues

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Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:06 pm
ryanbuckner offline
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Insteon KPL LED Issues

Tonight I noticed that my KPL was frozen. It did not respond to any button presses. So to troubleshoot I air gapped the KPL and popped back in - which had 2 effects.

    1) The buttons now send requests to Indigo but receive (some, not all) no ack in the log
    2) The LEDs no longer function

I know there's power getting to the KPL and to the FanLinc. When I pull the air gap , and then push back in, ALL LED lights light up briefly.

Before I check the wiring, are there any troubleshooting techniques I might try to fix?

Posted on
Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:39 pm
ryanbuckner offline
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Re: Insteon KPL LED Issues - SOLVED

As mysteriously as this problem started, it has gone away. I'll monitor and see if it acts up again.

Posted on
Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:50 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Insteon KPL LED Issues

To keep an eye on my slowly dying out insteon devices, I've set up a couple error triggers.
One that records all no ack:
Trigger: SQL Logger Event, Error in Event Log, Internal Indigo Errors "(.*)no ack"

Action: (Writes 3 lines from the server log into a CVS file on my dropbox folder on my indigo computer)
Code: Select all
logList = indigo.server.getEventLogList(lineCount=3)

import datetime
import os.path
from os import system
csvFilePath = "/Users/williammoore/Dropbox/Indigo/Error Catch.csv"
csvHeaders = "3 Lines Captured from Error no Ack" + "\n"

THIS_SCRIPT = 'Error Catch Log'
TIME = '{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M.%S}'.format(

# Check and see if the file exists. If not, create and write the headers.
if not os.path.isfile(csvFilePath):
    csvFile = open(csvFilePath, "a")

# Write new values to the file.
csvFile = open(csvFilePath, "a")
element = logList + "\n"
# Close the file.

For specific devices that I'm having issues with, like my Side Patio light:
Trigger: SQL Logger Event, Error in Event Log, Internal Indigo Errors "Side Patio(.*)no ack"
    turn off "Side Patio Light"; delay 00:05:00
    increment variable ErrorCatchSidePatio by 1

Trigger: SQL Logger Event, Error in Event Log, Internal Indigo Errors "Side Patio(.*)no ack"
Condition: if variable ErrorCatchSidePatio is greater than 4
    set variable ErrorCatchSidePatio to 0,
    Send Pushover Notification,
    turn off "Side Patio Light"; delay 00:05:00

I am mostly concerned with lights that go off automatically at night and I'm annoyed if I wake up in the morning and they are still on. This way indigo will keep trying the light until it turns off, every 5th attempt, I'll get a pushover notification. If I get 2 or more pushover notifications on a device in one night = time to replace the switch.

On the KPL front.... the closest z-wave alternative that I'm switching over too is a 5 button zooz zen32. This will easily replace my 6 button KPL fan/light switches... I'll use the big button on the top as the light on/off button, and the 4 bottom ones for fan speed (off-low-med-high). I'm still stuck on a replacement for my 8 button KPL that provide on/off and status for 8 separate devices.

Technically the 5 button zooz can control more devices than an 8 button KPL with double taps and stuff, but I personally don't use those features as I haven't figured out a way to remember or label the switch for multiple taps or button holds or whatever.

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