I've been happily using Indigo with Homekit Bridge for the past couple of years. It's worked so flawlessly that I haven't had to give it much attention and it's now overdue for some TLC (as well as the need to replace some aging Insteon devices). As I'm taking a fresh new look at my setup, I would really like to reduce my dependence on Insteon devices and leverage the additional options that Homebridge now provides. Will someone please provide an overview of what needs to happen to make this work? If I understand correctly, I cannot simply add the Homebridge plugins and update my config.json file. I did read the old Homebridge Buddy post regarding additional plugins, but it is 3+ years old, is specifically regarding Homebridge Buddy, and didn't quite spell out the process for adding a second "instance" of Homebridge that I was hoping for.
My tests have been unsuccessful which is why I'm turning to the form.
My functional setup is Indigo 7.5 with Homekit Bridge on a Mac Mini.
Indigo + Homebridge + Plugins
Re: Indigo + Homebridge + Plugins
You can run a separate instance of homebridge outside of the one Homekit Bridge uses by following the directions at https://github.com/homebridge/homebridg ... e-on-macOS
Re: Indigo + Homebridge + Plugins
Thank you so much for the resource. I'm sorry to say I have a question already. Installing the additional instance use the "hb-service install --service-name homebridge-two --port 8080" command. This uses the hb-service command. When I run that, I get "command not found" since I have not actually installed Homebridge - only the Homekit Bridge plugin within Indigo. If I install Homebridge outside Indigo using "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge homebridge-config-ui-x" so that I could then install hb-service in order to create the second instance, that breaks the Indigo Homekit Bridge - all my devices are then "no response" in the Home app. What am I missing or not understanding?
Re: Indigo + Homebridge + Plugins
You definitely have to do the "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge homebridge-config-ui-x" in order to install the hb-service command and everything else. I don't see why that would impact your Homekit Birdge installation as it is a separate isolated embedded instance that doesn't share code with anything else. Make sure you're not using a port that conflicts with HB port or HB callback in your Homekit Bridge config. Check ~/.homebridge/config.json to see if the ports listed there conflict with the ones in Homekit Bridge server parameters (advanced). If any conflict, change them in the config.json.
If you're using Homekit Buddy, that would likely cause issues as that doesn't have its own embedded homebridge instance. I recommend migrating to the latest version of Homekit Bridge first.
If you're using Homekit Buddy, that would likely cause issues as that doesn't have its own embedded homebridge instance. I recommend migrating to the latest version of Homekit Bridge first.