Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

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Sat Dec 21, 2019 12:41 pm
durosity offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

RogueProeliator wrote:
I tried to post an estimate, but the forums kept saying "Your post has been blocked due to no ETAs allowed on the forums. Sorry." :-)

M&J really hate ETAs!

I am going to TRY to get it to the Amazon App Store for those of you with Fire tablets, but not promises; it depends on how far apart the APIs really are... but I am committing to giving it a shot this go-around.

That'd be pretty cool actually. Installing the google APKs isn't exactly hard but it does just add an extra layer of complexity. I'm planning on having about 8 of these dotted around the house and it'd just be much easier if they all just went straight through Amazons systems without any jiggery pokery.

(Oh and just FYI I've just been gifted a Fire 7 tablet and set it up.. exact same problem.. push notifications don't seem to work. I hope we can get them running soon as it's kinda key to my whole usage for them!)

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Posted on
Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:11 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

That'd be pretty cool actually. Installing the google APKs isn't exactly hard but it does just add an extra layer of complexity. I'm planning on having about 8 of these dotted around the house and it'd just be much easier if they all just went straight through Amazons systems without any jiggery pokery.

Exactly... and this may be contributing to the push notification issues too... Since they won't have Google's cloud messaging (push notification service that Domotics Pad uses) all push notifications for these devices will go as a straight (local) connection. This is more desirable for this use case anyway.

(Oh and just FYI I've just been gifted a Fire 7 tablet and set it up.. exact same problem.. push notifications don't seem to work. I hope we can get them running soon as it's kinda key to my whole usage for them!)

Will be releasing a Geofencing test later this week as I just successfully went through the process. Then can move on to other pieces while it is tested... this is a major step/hurdle/milestone/whatever.

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Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:21 pm
MR_ROBOT_ offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

Appreciate the effort Adam. It really is a useful addition to the Indigo experience I have setup and really appreciate the effort you and the rest of the plugin community add to this.

Look forward to V2 and beyond.

Posted on
Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:34 pm
durosity offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

Same sentiments as Mr Robot here.. you create some top quality work! Now if only it was available for iOS....

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Posted on
Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:22 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

Same sentiments as Mr Robot here.. you create some top quality work! Now if only it was available for iOS....

A while back someone was trying to get me to do that... but that is just WAY too much work to convert and then most would probably stick with Indigo Touch anyway as there seems to often be a sentiment towards preferring "official" solutions. DP itself is a huge time well when you can't work on this full time... but having said that, I do enjoy it a lot -- a nice change in programming from my primary job (C# / web stuff).

But thank you for the kind words... hopefully v2 will build on it and make it better and better. And sooner than later because my man durosity requested it.

Posted on
Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:36 am
durosity offline
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Re: Failing to Push to Fire8 Tablets

RogueProeliator wrote:
Same sentiments as Mr Robot here.. you create some top quality work! Now if only it was available for iOS....

A while back someone was trying to get me to do that... but that is just WAY too much work to convert and then most would probably stick with Indigo Touch anyway as there seems to often be a sentiment towards preferring "official" solutions. DP itself is a huge time well when you can't work on this full time... but having said that, I do enjoy it a lot -- a nice change in programming from my primary job (C# / web stuff).

But thank you for the kind words... hopefully v2 will build on it and make it better and better. And sooner than later because my man durosity requested it.

Ah Yes, a programmers favourite pastime to get over the stress of a hard days slogging away writing code... write code in a different language!

And yeah.. it probably wouldn’t be viable because of the official solution demands.. I kinda get why some people want that kinda thing but particularly with established plugins like the hue one and such it has always just seemed odd to me. That said in all fairness even if it were ported to iOS it’d still be of limited use as my main interface with indigo these days is through HomeKit. It’d more be for backup purposes when things aren’t working quite as they should or indeed being able to disable/enable plugins, schedules and triggers easily!

And much appreciated but don’t rush it.. don’t want you burning out on a labour of love! But if you could have it ready for tomorrow I’d appreciate it

Computer says no.

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