Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

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Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:45 pm
timrowledge offline
Posts: 41
Joined: May 14, 2011

Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

I've been running indigo 6.1.11 on a mac mini with Yosemite for quite some time. It oringally had a 2414 PLC, replaced with a 2413U PLM at the end of 2014.
Recently the 2413 failed in some fashion; not the classic 'no green led' problem, just noresponses. So I reluctantly (money insanely tight right now) ordered a replacement and stuck the old 2414 back in service temporarily. The '14 is a pain because of the lack of extend commands, which makes my control rules almost unusable.
The replacement arrived today and simply isn't talking to the Mac. I've tried various cables (even though the original is talking to the old '14 perfectly happily) and even connecting it via a usb2 hub.

The symptoms range from (most of the time) the interface config dialogue not recognising it, to a few brief moments of them talking, starting to sync stuff and then a seeminlgy unending train of
Code: Select all
Error                           resending previous command (busy or unexpected command)
  Interface Failure               failed to establish connection with serial interface PowerLinc Modem on port usbserial-A906XNDR
  Error                           resending previous command (busy or unexpected command)

with an occasional
Code: Select all
PowerLinc                       Linking - batch sync started
  Error                           resending previous command (busy or unexpected command)

for extra flavour.

Extra details -
The new 2413 is a v2.3, the old failed one was v 1.C.
Mac os on Yosemite.
Even though it apparently applies to newer-than-High Sierra, maybe this means sometihng -
Code: Select all
ls -lda /System/Library/Extensions/*FTDI*
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  102  8 Aug  2012 /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext

No, I can't afford to update to latest indigo right now.


Posted on
Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:17 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

You might have something causing bad power line noise, which can confuse the 2413U so much that its USB communication with Indigo starts to fail. Just for troubleshooting, try plugging it into different outlets on different circuits using an extension cord (so you don't have to move your Mac).


Posted on
Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:55 pm
timrowledge offline
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Re: Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

OK, thanks for that suggestion.

As a first quick test I just moved the PLM from the unfiltered outlet of the filterlinc it (or rather, its predeccessors) has been plugged intoto one of the sockets on the UPS for the mac mini. Immediately indigo picked it up and started trying to synch. So far, so good. The synch seemed to take a long time (actually about 30 minutes in the end) which I guess might be because it was relying on wireless communication. Some devices did *not* connect up properly though. After assorted manual fiddling I di manage to get a few of them to connect, but it is somewhat intermittent.

I did try plugging the PLM (via extension cable) to several other outlets but basically it all went to hell each time. I suppose this might indicate some serious line noise? Anyway, back to an outlet on the UPS and at least *some* things work.

In the hope of providing helpful info, my setup has my iMac on a UPS with a filterlinc (spellcheck really wants to say filet link, which might be a profitable device for someone to sell...) and the mac mini on its own UPS (again with a filet link) and the PLM has always been plugged into the unfiltered outlet. We have a signal linc phase bridge attached to the breaker box. Some of our devices are wired-only, many are dual-band. I do have a 2442 access point/phase coupler as well (mostly to connect to some outdoor IR sensors). We're in rural vancouver island with neighbours at least 100 metres away. No new devices have been added to the electrical system in a long time. We do get too frequent power outages (hence the two large UPS units) and I suppose they might have damaged the filters, or some other device.

I'd certainly welcome any advice on detecting what has caused the sudden noise issues (assuming that is in fact the problem) and I can go as far as hooking up an oscilloscope if needed.

Posted on
Fri Aug 09, 2019 10:38 pm
timrowledge offline
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Re: Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

Well, here's an intersting thing.

I tried unplugging both UPSs in order t osee if perhaps the filters had died but nothing changed. So whilst ponderong what possibe devices could be causing trouble I remembered that the phase linker is on a breaker; so I turned it off. Bing- maybe. Certainly several switches have happily re-synched without whining, I wonder if it will keep working now?

Posted on
Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:09 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

Malfunctioning modules, including signal repeaters/bridges, can definitely cause this type of problem. Sounds like you have found the culprit, although it might be some other module that is on the other power leg that is no longer relayed/bridge with that circuit turned off?


Posted on
Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:04 pm
timrowledge offline
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Re: Unable to replace failed 2413U; Yosemite, Indigo 6.1.11

Progress report, just for the record and possilby to help some poor shmuck in the future.

After disconnecting the old 'phase linc' unit it was possible to resynch every device in the house; admittedly slowly in some cases, but there were no cases of failure logged. Things seemed to be working much better ingeneral but still we would see errors in the log when operating any lights - typically one of the CDEF buttons not responding in KeypadLincs. I *think* they would all be keypads that are *not* dual band, trhough we have several dualband keypad, switches and inline relays around the house. Perhaps there is something subtly different about communicating for resynch purposes and sending an insteon 'turn on D on keypad aa.bb.cc.dd' ?

Whilst trying to think of devices that could be easily isolated to test, I pulled the sole 2443 acces point and there seemed to be fewer problems. I'd note that the access point shows no lights at all, not when plugged in nor when there is insteon traffic. I even tried plugging it into several different sockets.

Also , I tried airgapping the main keypad linc that has dual band, just see if if maybe it was causing problems (I was going to work round the house). Curiously that seemd to put several devices completely out of the cicuit, despite the other previously mentioned dual band units. After re-initialising it, more stuff seemed to work better. Very puzzling.

Then I decided to try plugging the PLM back into the filterlinc's unfiltered outlet where it had previously lived and where it had been getting overwhelmed. This time it worked perfectly. Gronk? That small earthquake you read about was my brain exploding.

So as of now things appear to be working pretty well, which is nice but infuriating - I can't work out what the actual problem really was. I *hate* that! Was it truly sometihng I did, or has the whole thing been due to a neighbour using some item that hashes our local power? Or Aliens? I'm not saying was Aliens but....

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