Upload to 2414u not working in 3.0 beta 1

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Upload to 2414u not working in 3.0 beta 1

Post by sommerlund »

I tried the new support for uploading to 3.0 beta 1 and it doesn't work for me. I have a test database with one lamplinc. I tried creating simple a time/date action to turn on the light at a specified time (a few mins in the future). After uploading the settings and disconnecting. The log indicated that the action was executed but the light did not turn on. However, if I remain connected it works.

I did a factory reset and downloaded the latest firmware. And I downloaded and re-downloaded the special indigo firmware. I also tried different time/day settings.

Here is the log (everything looks fine):
Jul 29, 2007 7:26:14 PM
Connected to SmartHome PowerLinc USB E
PowerLinc address 05.0F.F7, firmware version 2.13
PowerLinc standalone operation disabled
Indigo directly controlling automation logic
PowerLinc Compiling Trigger Actions...
PowerLinc Compiling Time/Date Actions...
PowerLinc Compiled Time/Date Action "Test"
PowerLinc Compile complete
PowerLinc Uploading sunset/sunrise tables to interface...
PowerLinc Uploading Trigger and Time/Date Actions...
PowerLinc Uploaded 666 bytes to interface (98% memory free)
PowerLinc Resetting...
PowerLinc Reset complete
PowerLinc IndigoApp Running
PowerLinc IndigoApp Initialized
PowerLinc Resetting...
PowerLinc Reset complete
PowerLinc standalone operation enabled
Closing interface connections

Jul 29, 2007 7:27:00 PM
Time/Date Action Test
Sent (offline) "TV Cabinet Lights" on to 50
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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matt (support)
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Re: Upload to 2414u not working in 3.0 beta 1

Post by matt (support) »

What is the model of the LampLinc do you have (Insteon or X10)?

Inside the Upload Settings dialog, what type of compatibility is it showing for your "Test" Time/Date Action?

Note that your log showing this:

Code: Select all

 Sent (offline) "TV Cabinet Lights" on to 50
is just showing that Indigo would have turned the light on to 50% at that time if it were connected. Since it is not actively connected ("offline"), there is no communication between the PowerLinc and Indigo. Point being, that line isn't originated from the PowerLinc at all. You would see the same thing even if the USB cable were unplugged.

When I did my testing, the PowerLinc would turn the device on within a few seconds of when Indigo did in most cases. I imagine it could vary by a minute or so though. Are you using the "Randomize by N minutes" field at all, or do you have a 0 in that edit field?

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Post by sommerlund »

One thing which I forgot to mention which may or may not be important is that I have downloaded the trial for 2.0 and then upgraded to the 3.0 beta 1.

I have an Insteon LampLinc V2.

The compatibility in the Upload Settings dialog is "good".

From the log, I figured that the "(offline)" meant that it was just the Insteon Server trying to do its normal sending but it couldn't because it was offline. I just wanted to show that at least the server thought it should have turned on.

The randomize by N minutes field is set to 0. I basically configured a simple time trigger for a specific date (today) and a specific time (in a few mins from "now").

I also tried deleting the device and re-adding the device and action. I also tried to re-sync all my links.

Is there anyway to know the internal clock time of the PowerLinc? Is there a way to monitor the status from the PowerLinc when in standalone mode? Are there any other diagnostic tools/settings I can try?
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Post by matt (support) »

Looks like there might be a problem in the build. Uploaded Trigger Actions are working well for me, but Time/Date Actions are not consistently working. I'm going to look at it some more first thing in the morning...

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Post by gmusser »

I'm having the same problem. As a test, I created a Time/Date action to turn off a lamp just a couple of minutes later. The time came and went and the lamp was still on.

Also, can you enable sorting by "Name/Description" and other fields in the "Upload Settings" dialog? I have a whole lot of trigger actions and it's hard to keep track of them without a sort function.

Anyway, THANK YOU for working on upload! This is the functionality I most need (since I run Indigo on a laptop that I often take with me out of the house).

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Post by madscientist »

The following error message appears in the log when I upload to my PowerLinc V2 (2414U):

Code: Select all

Error              ProcessPowerLincV2IO() caught exception: IllegalParameterError -- bad end of salad code address
I tried re-downloading the internal application and resetting, but this did not change anything.
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Post by matt (support) »

What firmware version is your PowerLinc (can be found in the Event Log when Indigo first connects)? And were there any errors reported when Indigo downloaded the PowerLinc internal application?

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Post by madscientist »

My PowerLinc firmware version is 2.13, and no, there were no errors reported when the internal application was updated.
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Post by sommerlund »

As you can see in the log from my first post the version was 2.13. Is that the number you are looking for or is there another number? Is there a newer version available that I need to get?

I don't remember any errors. When it first downloaded I stepped away from the computer and when I came back it looked like it was done. No errors in the log file or anything. When I re-downloaded it, I watched it and after the "downloading box" went away I didn't see any errors.

I rechecked the logs and there are a few status request failed errors because I was probably messing with different things. Once it said reset failed, but i just uploaded again. When I started, I hadn't used my PLC in a while, it was blinking so I had to do a factory reset and re-download the firmware.
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Post by madscientist »

I restarted Indigo, once again downloaded the internal application, and again uploaded the settings to the interface. This time there was no error. Weird. Well, in any event it seems to be working but I am not sure what I did differently this time around.
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Post by sommerlund »

Reading the posts again. When I started I too had the error about ProcessPowerLincV2IO. But I thought it was because I hadn't used it in a while. After I did a factory reset and re-downloaded the firmware I didn't get that error anymore. I just chalked it up to old firmware or something and figured I just needed the latest. But the timers still don't work.
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Post by matt (support) »

Give beta 2 a try (just posted for download). As luck would have it, the problem had to do with uploading logic on the day of the week: Sunday. The PowerLinc's real time clock wanted a 7 but I gave it a 0. That explains why it worked fine for me all day Saturday and why I couldn't reproduce the problem when I looked into it this morning. :-) Let me know how beta 2 works for you.

I don't yet know why you got the ProcessPowerLincV2IO() error. I haven't been able to reproduce it. I do know that when Indigo reports that error, it likely means the PowerLinc application upload didn't succeed or was corrupt. I would expect an error in that case though during the app upload though. Let me know if you see it again, although I suspect you won't. At least not until I change the PowerLinc application again.

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Post by sommerlund »

Thanks Matt!

Beta 2 seems to do the trick!. Actually at first it didn't work. I tried re-downloading the Indigo App and different ways to set the time. Eventually I changed PM to AM just for kicks and it obviously didn't work. But when I changed it back to PM it started working. I'm not sure what changed. But now when I create a new Time Action that works the first time I configure it. I also tried the Trigger Action and it works. Thanks for the quick fix!
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Post by matt (support) »

Great -- glad we have a confirmed report that it is working better now!
sommerlund wrote:...Actually at first it didn't work. I tried re-downloading the Indigo App and different ways to set the time.
Did you force an upload of your Trigger and Time/Date Actions (via the Interface->Upload Settings menu item) as well? Let me know if you see the problem again.

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Post by sommerlund »

Yes I tried forcing it while online, letting it auto update, and forcing it while offline (it connects and uploads and disconnects). It didn't seem to make a difference. The only thing I can think of that it still had the wrong number for Sunday stored somewhere in that time action.
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