PowerLinc V2 (2414U) Upload Support

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PowerLinc V2 (2414U) Upload Support

Post by matt (support) »

A beta of Indigo 3.0 has been posted (download here) that supports uploading to the PowerLinc V2. There is still some work to be done on this feature, but I wanted to release a beta now so folks can start trying it out. Even after the upload feature is complete, Indigo 3.0 will continue to be in beta as other new features are added. It is really more like an alpha release since all of the functionality isn't in there yet, but the stability should be beta quality so I opted to call it a beta. I don't want to scare off anyone from trying it out. :-)

Upload Functionality Changes

First, the internal application run by the PowerLinc has been modified. When you first run the Indigo Server after installing the beta, it will automatically upload the new PowerLinc application (this is different than uploading Trigger Actions and Time/Date Actions to the PowerLinc). This takes a couple of minutes, but only has to happen once (or until I modify the internal application again).

Indigo now takes the PowerLinc (1132CU or 2414U) in and out of standalone operation mode automatically. If you launch Indigo (or choose the Interface->Connect menu if it isn't currently connected), then Indigo will take over control of logic processing (Trigger and Time/Date Actions). When you stop the Indigo Server, put your Mac to sleep, or choose the Interface->Disconnect menu item, Indigo will automatically put the PowerLinc back into standalone operation mode.

There is a new PowerLinc upload preference, "Automatically upload logic on startup / sleep / disconnect", inside the preferences dialog (press the Interface Options... button to see it). By default, Indigo will automatically upload new Trigger Actions and Time/Date Actions to the PowerLinc when your database changes (ex: you create a new Time/Date Action or add a Device). If you leave your Mac on 24/7, then you might want to uncheck this to avoid the uploading process since it can take a few minutes.

Additionally, note you can manually force an upload by choosing the Interface->Upload Settings... menu item. If you make a change you want to upload, then I recommend you force the upload versus waiting for Indigo to automatically upload it. It is possible that it won't get uploaded automatically right away (ex: if you put your Mac to sleep it won't be uploaded in time).

Upload Limitations in Trial Mode

Users using the 30 day free trial version are limited to uploading 4 Trigger Actions and Time/Date Actions total (2 + 2, 3 + 1, 4 + 0, etc.). Note previous versions of Indigo did not allow uploading in trial mode at all.

Upload Trigger Action and Time/Date Action Compatibility

Not all of the logic definable within Indigo can run standalone in the PowerLinc. Aside from the obvious, like AppleScript or scanning email, there are other limitations to what is uploaded to the PowerLinc. To see what is and is not compatible in the Trigger Action and Time/Date Actions you have created, choose the Interface->Upload Settings... menu item. Within this dialog you can also specify exactly which Trigger and Time/Date Actions are uploaded. Note that the compatibility varies based on the interface type connected to your Mac. For example, Insteon actions and triggers can not be uploaded to the X10-only PowerLinc 112CU.

Works in current beta of 3.0
The following logic should upload correctly and run without your Mac being on:
  • All _INSTEON Command Received_ trigger types, including double taps and button/group numbers (excluding status changed broadcasts messages).
  • All _X10 Command Received_ trigger types, except for the _any command_ and _any device_ options.
  • Time/Date Actions at sunset/sunrise with up to a 3 hour offset.
  • Time/Date Actions at a specific time (ex: 8:35PM).
  • Time/Date Actions on a specific month/day.
  • Time/Date Actions on a specific day-of-week list (ex: -M-W-F-).
  • Time/Date Actions on a specific day-of-month list (ex: 1st, 15th, 28th)
  • Time/Date Actions randomized +/- 15 minutes.
  • Sending INSTEON _on_ and _off_ messages.
  • Sending INSTEON _set brightness_ messages (_dim by_ and _brighten by_ might work but are slow, I recommend using _set brightness_)
  • Sending X10 _on_ and _off_ messages.
  • Sending X10 _set brightness_ messages to devices that support preset dim commands.
  • Sending X10 _all lights on_, _all lights off_, _all off_ to a specific house code.
  • Up to 255 commands per each Trigger Action or Time/Date Action.
Might eventually be added
The following logic and options will not make it into 2.5, but we are evaluating their support in a future version:
  • The action option _Auto off after N minutes_.
  • The action option _Auto on after N minutes_.
  • The action option _Delay by N minutes_.
  • The action option _Delay by N minutes_.
  • The action type _Control Sprinkler_, including the Run Schedule action.
  • The action type _Control Input/Output Device_.
  • The conditions _if dark_ and _if daylight_.
  • Logic based on Variables (Triggers, Conditions, and Actions).
  • Additional Time/Date options, such as actions repeating _every N days_.
Comments? Questions? Bugs?

Last edited by matt (support) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gregjsmith »

THe compatibility report dialog is a nice touch. Every one of mine is listed as poor due to applescript usage so I can't try it out.
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Looks like we have a bug

Post by matt (support) »

Looks like uploaded Time/Date Actions are not consistently working. I'll look into it first thing in the morning:

http://www.perceptiveautomation.com/php ... 2583#12583

Update: I believe this problem is now fixed in beta 2.

Last edited by matt (support) on Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bschollnick2 »

Absolutely Fantastic!

While I'm still waiting for Linking Management, this is certainly a step in the right direction!

I'm in the same boat as alot of people (re: Applescript use), but this gives me much faith in the upcoming betas!

- Benjamin
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Post by Cosmuk »

I am having some issues with the 3.0 b3 update.
The 2414 will not stop flashing its blue LED and very little works.
these are some error messages I am getting.

Error ProcessPowerLincV2IO() caught exception: IllegalParameterError -- bad end of salad code address

Aug 1, 2007 9:14:38 PM
Trigger Action BUTTON 3 water the house
Action Group Water the house
Sprinkler Scheduled "EZ Rain" zone durations: 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 1 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone1" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_1_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 2 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone2" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_2_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 3 on for 0.10 minutes
Time/Date Action _zone_off_3_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 4 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone3" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action new time/date trigger NOAA
Time/Date Action Accu Weather
Time/Date Action _zone_off_4_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 5 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone4" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_5_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 6 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone5" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_6_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 7 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone6" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_7_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Turning "EZ Rain" zone 8 on for 0.10 minutes
Error "EZ Rain - zone7" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _zone_off_8_EZ Rain
Sprinkler Stopping "EZ Rain" scheduled zone durations
Error "EZ Rain - zone8" on; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone8" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone1" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone2" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone3" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone4" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone5" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone6" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "EZ Rain - zone7" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)

Aug 1, 2007 9:16:34 PM
Trigger Action Dimmer 3 volume +
Trigger Action Dimmer 3 volume +

Aug 1, 2007 9:16:53 PM
Trigger Action Mail box Lights on test
Time/Date Action _auto_off_Dim 2
Error "Dim 2" on to 100; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Time/Date Action _auto_off_Dim 3
Error "Dim 3" on to 100; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "Dim 2" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "Dim 3" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)

Aug 1, 2007 9:17:43 PM
PowerLinc Skipping batch sync for "Office Lights" (device insteon type ID unknown)
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Dim 3"
PowerLinc Linking - batch sync started
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Dim 2"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Hall Light"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Keypad"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Dim one"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "EZ Rain"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "EZIO8T"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "EZ 2x4"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "EZSnsRF"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "EZIO8SA"
PowerLinc Batch syncing links for "Spare Bedroom"
PowerLinc Read links database
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 01.82.06, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.28.A9, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.30.27, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.37.A5, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.3D.2E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.3E.36, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 05.94.AA, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 06.6D.C9, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 07.FB.84, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.00.00, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9A.E6, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.1D, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.6E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.8E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9C.59, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 03.3E.36 (firmware version 2.7)

Aug 1, 2007 9:18:03 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 03.3D.2E (firmware version 2.7)

Aug 1, 2007 9:18:21 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
Error "Dim 3" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "Dim 3" on to 100; send failed (no acknowledgment)
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 03.28.A9 (firmware version 2.7)
Error "Dim 3" on to 46; send failed (no acknowledgment)

Aug 1, 2007 9:18:52 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 06.6D.C9 (firmware version 2.9)

Aug 1, 2007 9:19:10 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 03.30.27 (firmware version 2.7)

Aug 1, 2007 9:19:31 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 05.94.AA (firmware version 0.10)

Aug 1, 2007 9:19:49 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 08.9A.E6 (firmware version 1.4)

Aug 1, 2007 9:20:13 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 08.9C.59 (firmware version 1.4)

Aug 1, 2007 9:20:31 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 08.9B.1D (firmware version 15.15)

Aug 1, 2007 9:20:49 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 08.9B.6E (firmware version 1.7)

Aug 1, 2007 9:21:06 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking
PowerLinc Linking - initializing remote device 03.37.A5 (firmware version 2.7)

Aug 1, 2007 9:21:24 PM
PowerLinc Linking - initializing failed
PowerLinc Linking - batch sync complete
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matt (support)
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Post by matt (support) »

Cosmuk wrote:I am having some issues with the 2.5 b3 update.
The 2414 will not stop flashing its blue LED and very little works.
these are some error messages I am getting.
See my first post (the 2nd post on the page) of this thread. The internal application in your PowerLinc didn't get updated correctly, which is causing the problems. Once you get it re-uploaded correctly it should work.

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Post by Cosmuk »

Matt in case you don't know this by now.
You ARE the man
We are up & running
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Post by matt (support) »

Great! Glad that got you running.

Can you open your Event Log file from the other day and search for "error"? I'm curious as to if you got any errors during the original PowerLinc application upload process. These would be errors that occured before the first "ProcessPowerLincV2IO() caught exception" error. Thanks!

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Post by Cosmuk »

I believe it started here

2007-08-01 20:31:40 Application Connected to SmartHome PowerLinc USB E
2007-08-01 20:31:40 Application PowerLinc address 07.FB.84, firmware version 2.13
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc Read links database
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 01.82.06, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.28.A9, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.30.27, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.37.A5, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.3D.2E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 03.3E.36, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 05.94.AA, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 06.6D.C9, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 07.FB.84, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.00.00, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9A.E6, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.1D, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.6E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9B.8E, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:43 PowerLinc INSTEON plc link to controller 08.9C.59, flags 03, group 01, data 00 00 FF
2007-08-01 20:31:50 Received INSTEON "Dim 3" off
2007-08-01 20:31:50 Trigger Action Dimmer 3 volume -
2007-08-01 20:31:53 Received INSTEON "Dim 3" on
2007-08-01 20:31:53 Trigger Action Dimmer 3 volume +
2007-08-01 20:32:48 Received INSTEON "Keypad" off (button 6)
2007-08-01 20:32:48 Trigger Action Button 6 Vol+ Z1
2007-08-01 20:33:16 Application Closing interface connections
2007-08-01 20:33:20 Application Client disconnected
2007-08-01 20:34:18 Application Quiting Indigo Server - received fast quit signal
2007-08-01 20:34:18 Application Quiting Indigo Server - saving database
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Quiting Indigo Server - saving preferences
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Quiting Indigo Server - disconnecting clients
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Client disconnected
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Quiting Indigo Server - unloading launchd plist
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Stopped child process 322
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Stopped child process 323
2007-08-01 20:34:20 Application Quiting Indigo Server - complete
2007-08-01 20:34:25 Application Starting Indigo Server version 2.5.0 b3
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Post by Parp »

Hi Matt,

Keep up the great work!

Just wondering if you might eventually support these:

-All Insteon On
-All Insteon Off
-All Insteon Lights On
-All Insteon Lights Off
-Toggle On/Off

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Post by matt (support) »

The All Insteon commands should (but not positive) be a sub-feature of the Insteon Link Management I'm working on.

Toggle On/Off is difficult as it requires the PowerLinc to maintain the On/Off state of all the devices (there is no such thing as a Toggle insteon command, only On or Off). That is much more tricky than one would expect. It is something Indigo can do since it monitors all of the Insteon traffic and knows the links in all of your individual Insteon modules, but it is not something I think will ever be programmed into the PowerLinc.

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Post by GeneArch »

Having installed the latest beta... my insteon is working but logging errors and not updating the "state" in indigo.

Any quick instructions on reverting to the last release? (I backed up my data file before the beta) FWIW: Everything worked great before. :cry:

Basically no logging all day until 6:25 this evening. Not stuff like this:

Time/Date Action _auto_enable_Motion Front Exterior Daytime

Aug 7, 2007 7:19:02 PM
Error "Family Room" off; send failed (no acknowledgment)
Error "Family Room" on to 45; send failed (no acknowledgment)
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Post by matt (support) »

Hi Gene,

What is the LED on the PowerLinc doing when it is idle -- glowing steady or blinking slowly? If it is blinking slowly, then you need to force Indigo to re-upload the PowerLinc's internal application. See my first post (the 2nd post on the page) of this thread for how to do this.

If the PowerLinc LED is glowing steady, then that may not help but I would still try it first.

You can try reverting back to Indigo 2.0.9 if that doesn't help. Before you run the 2.0.9 installer delete these files:

/Applications/Indigo 2
/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2/IndigoServer

Then the 2.0.9 installer will correctly install the older Indigo client and server applications. Please let me know how it goes...

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Post by GeneArch »

Thanks Matt! I think it's fixed. My apologies for not finding that thread earlier.
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Post by matt (support) »

Yeah, I'm looking into the bug that causes the PowerLinc application upload to fail. It looks like the server is quitting when the upload isn't complete, which leaves the PowerLinc in a bad state. The force app upload trick always seems to get it working correctly though.

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